Q Set C Flashcards
Echinococcus granulosus
- dog tapeworm (goats intermed hosts)
- CYSTS in liver or lungs
- rupture cyst d/t trauma –> anaphylaxis
- raw or undercooked fish
- F, abd pain, V, diarrhea
- larvae burrow into gastric or SI mucosa (can be removed during endoscopy)
- can get allergic rxn to worm
- freezing prevents inf but not allergy
Onchocerca volvulus
- filarial nematode- “River Blindness”
- itching, subcutaneous nodules (shin, forehead), blindness
- W & centrla AFrica
-pneumonia, rapid onset, pleural involvement, temp-pulse disparity, neg stains, normal WBC
-inhalation of infected rodents - wild game, handlers, muskrats, beavers, rabbits, squirrels
(less sick than plague pna)
BK virus nephropathy dx
-renal biopsy: basophilic inclusions
Erythema nodosum leprosum
- complication during 1st yr of tx
- tx: thalidomide
Gastroenteritis outbreaks at recreational water parks
resistant to chlorine
Brucella suis
- wild swine hunting
- fever, myalgias
- incubation = weeks
Cirrhosis & UGIB
- need ppx abx before endoscopy
- 7 days IV ctx, ideally before endoscopy
- given PEP regardless of length of delay
- IG (at bite site as much as possible) + vaccine
Mesenteric adenitis
- looks like appendicitis clinically, but appendix is normal
- Yersinia
Strep gallolyticus
-assoc w underlying bowel disease (colon cancer, strongy) so consider colonoscopy
Diphylidium caninum
- dog tapeworm
- fleas
Early lyme disease tx
-10-14 days doxy; no need to extend even if still symptomatic at the end
Gastric syphilis
- can be part of secondary syphilis
- large ulcers, multiple; epigastric pain, treponemes on silver stain biopsy
- HHV-6; Sixth disease
- infants: high fever then rash or febrile seizures without rash
- never too late to give PEP
- vaccine + RIG (bc takes wks for vaccine to kick in)
Helminths causing BILIARY disease
- Ascaris
- liver flukes: Fasciola, Clonorchis, Opisthorchis
CSF shunt infection
remove shunt, external drainage, re-shunt when cultures are negative
PJI tx
- 2 stage: remove device, debride, 2-6 wks of treatment, reimplant new device
- (but depends on age and stability of implants, duration of infection, surrounding soft tissue, organism)
TN / (TN+FP)
= proportion of UNinfected patients who did NOT have a positive result
Severe HF in endocarditis
-immediate surgery even if still bacteremic
Splenic abscess in endocarditis
-indication for immediate splenectomy (unless too unstable –> drainage)
- epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (pain, inflam, F, LAD)
- outbreaks at camps
Lofgren’s syndrome
- form of sarcoidosis: triad:
- hilar lymphadenopathy
- skin nodules (EN)
- +/- migratory arthritis
Herpes gladiatorum
- vesicular herpes lesions seen in wrestlers & rugby players
- traumatic skin to skin contact
- head, neck, arms
chocolate agar
N gonorrhoeae
H influenzae
F tularensis
requires cysteine
Francisella tularensis
L pneumophila
BCYE agar (buffered charcoal yeast extract)
Francisella tularensis
Legionalla pneumophila
Regan Lowe & Bordet-Gengou media
Bordetella pertussis
Campy agar
Fletcher’s medium