Puthoff 4 Flashcards
The diagnosis of AML is based on what?
Presence of at least 20% myeloid blasts in the BM
What is the difference between Myelodysplasic syndromes and myeloproliferative disorders?
In the dysplasias, there is ineffective hematopoises that leads to cytopenias
In the proliferative disorders, increased production of the mature cell
What are the 4 classes of AML determined by the WHO and which one has the best and worst prognosis generally?
AML with genetic mutations - best
AML with MDS like features
AML with therapy relation, so after getting chemo - worst
What is the class name and genetic aberration for M2, M3, M4 of the revised FAB classification of AML?
AML with myelocytic maturation 8:21
acute promyelocytic leukemia 15:17
AML with myelomonocytic maturation inversion of 16
Cd 34 and CD33 are markers for what cells?
Precursor immature myeloid progenitor
CD 64 is a marker for what cell?
Mature myeloid
6 Myelodysplastic syndromes he wants us to know?
What is the mutation in CML and what is the specific nick name of the mutation?
BCR-ABL fusion gene
Philadelphia chromosome
Big time clinical sign and lab sign of CML?
Massive spleen and leukocytosis
What must we rule out when a patient presents with Essential thrombocytosis? Also, what are the two mutations for ET?
A reactive reason why platelets are up like inflammation or iron deficiency
Jak 2 and MPL
What will we see on BM biopsy and a lab value for ET?
Large, atypical tons of Megas
Super high platelet counts, like million
What s the hallmark of primary myelofibrosis?
Obliterative bone marrow fibrosis by non neoplastic fibroblasts
What does the bone marrow fibrosis lead to?
Extramedullary HP in the spleen, so also big spleen
3 markers for langerhan cells?
S100+, cd1a+, and HLADR+
What are the 3 langerhan histiocytosis and their respective classification?
- Letterer siwe disease, multifocal
- Eosinophilic granuloma, mixed unifocal and multifocal
- Pulmonary langerhan, unisystem
What is the example of eosinophilic granuloma being multifocal?
Hand schuller christian triad: bone defects, diabetes insipidus, and exophthalmos
What is the mutation for pulmonary langerhans and what is its High Yield association?