Pure Land buddhism Flashcards
What are the main teachings or sutras called in the Pure Land and when were they written?
Larger and Smaller Land of Bliss sutras. Late second century!
What was the main intent or purpose of the larger land of bliss sutra?
Tell the story about Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of Immersurable light.
What did Bodhisattva Dharmakara learn about the power a Buddha can have?
Requires faith in Amitabha Buddha and a sincere desire to be born in the Buddha realm. Buddha had the power to create Pure Lands.
What did the Buddha promise or resolve to do as a Bodhisattva?
Promised that he would not become a Buddha until he gained the powers needed to produce such a pure Buddha realm. The 18th vow guarantees that those who have sincere faith and devotion.
Who did the Bodhisattva Dharmakara become and where does he now reside?
Now Amitabha Buddha living in the Buddha realm called the “Land of Bliss” (sukhavati).
Why is this story important for Pure Land Buddhists?
Important part for the Buddhist devotional practice and to be in the Land of Bliss calling out ‘Nembutsu’ (I call out to Amida to save me).
How can a Pure Land Buddhist be reborn in the Pure Land or Land of Bliss?
Sincere desire to be born in the Buddha realm. Generate the thought of becoming a Buddha; virtuous qualities.
What did the East Asian Schools of Pure Land Buddhism emphasise when it comes to being born in the Pure Land?
The saving grace of Amitabha for birth in the Pure Land of Bliss. Seek refuge and trust in Amida’s Primal or Original vow to save you.
Once there in the Pure Land, what is the goal or rebirth in the Pure Land?
Once enlightened & develops the Bodhisattva aspiration- one “returns” (genzo) to sangha.
If Pure Land Buddhists devote themselves to Amida Buddha, what do they believe will happen to them when the hour of death approaches?
Amida Buddha will stand before them, surrounded by a host of monks and Bodhisattva ready to take them to the Pure Land.
According to Alfred Bloom, what does Amida Buddha symbolises?
Spiritual richness and meaning of his Name for countless believers in East Asia. He is the symbol of indefinable and in-conceivable reality, which embraces all life.
Why do Pure Land intone or invoke the name of Amida Buddha when they chant “Namu Amida Butsu”?
Namu (I take refuge in) refers to our foolish ordinary or “foolish” being and Amida Butsu, the infinite. By chanting nembutsu they receive strength for living & courage.
Who was Amida Buddha and why is he important to Pure Land Buddhists?
Amida was born as a king and became a monk with the name of Dharmakara. He set 48 vows before entering nirvana. Believed that Amida has the power to save human beings.
How did Pure Land Buddhism start?
Started in lay movement in Ghandara. Now Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Why is Amida Buddha’s 18th vow important?
because not to attain the supreme enlightenment. His intention to create a Pure Land where beings can reborn if they say his name.
In Amida’s 18th vow it states “saying my name even 10 times”. What does “Name” refer to?
Nembutsu homage to Amida Buddha and to contemplate Amida but took time to understand him.
What is invocation of the name mean?
The action of invoking something someone or something. Calling upon someone. Pure Land Buddhists- falling up the help of Amida to save them.
What could be said about the origins of Buddhism in Japan?
Heian Period (794-1185). According to Nihongi, the ancient chronicles of Japan from 720 AD, a Buddha statue and some sutras were sent to the Japanese emperor from a Korean King ( Kamukara Period 1185- 1333)
What are the two main sects of Amida Buddhism in Japan and in what period of Japanese history did they emerge and flourish?
Jodo she and Jodo Shin Shu. During the Kamakura period (1185-1333).
What does Jodo mean and who founded it and was one of his important disciples?
Jodo is the Japanese for ‘the Pure Land’ and Shu means sect. Founded by Honen. Most important one of them was Shinran.
Why was early Amida Buddhism “ Jodo Shu” subject to Nembutsu ban?
Because the new popular forms of Buddhism preachers the recitation of the prayer Namu Amida Butsu. Some of Honen’s followers behaves in an unruly matter.
How does saying Nembutsu in Shin Buddhism differ from early Amida Buddhism (Jodo Shu)?
Jodo Shu attracts great importance to the repetition of Nembutsu, whereas Shin Buddhism gives faith the pride of place; and Jodo Shu does not reject good acts as a means of salvation.
In what way did the Japanese teacher Genshin and the Chinese Pure Land Patriach Shan-Tao influence Honen Pure Land school?
Genshin taught that chanting Nembutsu was sufficient for rebirth in the Pure Land. Shan-Tao greater emphasised on the Other Power of Amida and less meditation.
What did Honen believe were the two main reasons for chanting Nembutsu?
1) Purify past sins in this life as well.
2) Nembutsu strengthens the 3 states of mind: sincerity, faith and aspiration.
Why did Honen’s “single practice” school meet opposition from Tendai Buddhism?
Tendai leaders felt that Nembutsu should only be used in conjunction with other Buddhists practices.
What is the distinction between the Holy Path and the Pure Land
The gate of the Holy Path is divided into 2 parts: the Mahayana and the Theravada. Even though persons may have studied the Holy Path, should leave and take refuge in the Pure Land.
Honen’s advice concerning Nembutsu practice
Honen emphasised the three states of mind discussed by Shan Tao. Honen interpreted these to mean that one must recite Nembutsu with 1)sincere and devoted mind 2) a mind of deep faith and 3) strong aspiration to be reborn.
Further reasons for what Honen says are the benefits of chanting Nembutsu
1) One’s mind from worldly experiences to an undivided attention to Amida.
2) Nembutsu frees the minds from doubts, disturbing evil or idle thoughts.
How did Shinran view faith (shinjin) in Amida Buddha and why might it said to be going against the teachings of the historical Buddha?
Shinran understood that doing religious practice on the basis of one’s “self power” only strengthens one’s ego. Such practice and any results it may bring are poisoned with ego and selfish desire. True Pure Land must be based on the realisation that all attempts to progress in the spiritual life.
Why does Shinran’s concept of faith turn the tables on traditional Buddhism?
Attaining the goal is another matter. As one advances based on one’s choice and efforts, one realises that the ego is hiding behind all one’s spiritual endeavours. This insight leads to a sense of helplessness.
When in the experience of Amida’s grace, what Two Types of Deep faith does the True Pure Land devotee realise?
1) One understands the fact that one’s human limitations and spiritual defilements entail one’s own “calculated efforts” in the spiritual life are only hopeless attempts (self power)
2) One realises that the great action of Amida Buddha can save one from this condition, the greater one realises one’s sense of hopelessness the greater one’s assurance in Amida’s compassionate action.
Shinran expresses his ideas concerning “other power” with the terms ACTION, FAITH and WITNESS (gyo, shin-sho)
It is the the action (gyo) of Amida Buddha that precipitates the arising of faith (shin) in the devotees mind. Amida enables one to realise the Two types of faith; one’s pitiful condition and the availability of Other Power. Faith then transforms one’s life in a way that gives witness (sho) to the presence and action of Amida Buddha itself. It is the enlightened mind of Amida Buddha that encourages the qualities of enlightenment.
What does Shinran mean by “Nembutsu is NOT a practice”?
Since it is not something performed from one’s own calculations, it is not a good act. For the practitioner it is not a practice or a good act because it wholly arises from Other Power,free from any self power. It arises naturally spontaneously (Jinin).
In his book “Kyogyoshinsho”, explain what Shinran means when says “The universal vow, so difficult to understand, is a great ship that carries us across the ocean that is hard to cross”?
It is root of all life “mystery of life”. One experiences the fullness of oneness.
What is the doctrine of Shinran?
Influences by the doctrine of Mappo largely. Mahayana eschatology which claims to listen and practice Buddhist teachings deforested over time. Popular in Early Medieval Japan and China. Due to the awareness of human limitations, Shinran relies on the other power (tariki). So Buddhism can be seen “practiceless practice”.
Goal is the attainment of Shinjin. Shinjin is the “faith”. The receipt of Shinjin comes from renunciation of self effort. Shinjin develops over time through deep hearing (Monpo) of Amida’s call of the Nembutsu. According to Shinran to hear means that sentient beings having heard the vows the Buddhas vow arose.
Nembutsu for Shinran
Amida is the central focus of the Buddhist practice. However, Shin is seen a new way. Nembutsu is an affirmation of one’s gratitude. Nembutsu doesn’t consider as a practice or generate karmic merit.
What are Soga Ryonjin’s views?
Dharmakara Bodhisattva symbolises ‘alayavijnana’ proving that Pure Land is Mahayana.
Dharmakara Bodhisattva is not separate from physical body but is it itself which manifests in all phenomenal bodies.
Amida is both innate and transcendent to sentient beings. To be awakened of the Original vow needs to acquire wisdom of knowing what one essentially is.
D.T Suzuki’s Ideas
Shin means true and clearly ‘tariki’ other power.
2 differences between Shin and Jodo is 1) Jodo believes that Amida name should be read repeatedly; Shin focuses on FAITH. 2) Jodo encourages good works for a devotee. Shin believes that to be awakened must have faith in Amida.
Prof Alfred Bloom
Other power is not a power outside the self but becomes manifest within ourselves. Talking seriously the principle of shunyata.
Religious faith became an end in itself and not a tool or means to an end. For Shinran the religious faith is ‘altruism’ putting wisdom into action.
Amida could be a ‘deconstructed God’ Strictly humanistic. Symbol of the deepest sense of the term ‘symbol’.
Reciting Nembutsu focuses on the deeper self reflection of reality. Inspiring self transformation.
Similarities between Jodo Shu and Shin Buddhism?
- Chanting Nembutsu
- Pure Land is a provisional goal
- Both goals is to become a Bodhisattva to save others
- Both thought Honen and Shinran that dharma is difficult due to time (mappo). Single practice school to make it easier. Age of the generate Dharma.
- Difficult levels of truth. There is no difference because Shinran believed his practice was the truth but Honen had a different practice. Shinran believed his practice was representing the truest form.
Differences between Jodo Shu and Shin Buddhism?
- Nembutsu is a single invocation showing gratitude to Amida. To give thanks if what they have instead of what they want (SHIN).
- Nembutsu is a perpetual chanting (Jodo Shu).
- Shin rejects Jodo Shu Nembutsu because increases ego. Need to be faith based.
- Jodo Shu you can do good works for good merit. However, Jodo Shin Shu says this will increase ego because you doing for the same of it and not because you want to. Rejects good works.