Pages 57-70
Pumping Multiple Lines
Static pressure and Residual pressure can be used to estimate the available water supply. Remember that there is no residual pressure when pumping from the \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ or \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Residual pressure is only displayed on the \_\_\_\_\_\_ gauge when the supply side of the pump is under pressure (from a \_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_, or \_\_\_\_\_).
Booster tank or drafting
(Hydrant, relay engine, or tanker)
Pumping Multiple Lines
To estimate the remaining supply, take note of the static pressure prior to charging the first line. After charging the line and water is flowing, note the residual pressure. The drop in pressure from static pressure to residual pressure helps determine if more lines can be supplied. Subsequent drops in residual pressure can be used to make further supply estimates.
If the drop is less than __% > you can add __ more lines of equal GPM
If the drop is from __% to __% > you can add __ more lines of equal GPM
If the drop is from __% to __% > you can add 1 more line of equal GPM
If the drop exceeds __% > you may be able to ____ ____ ____ only
3 more lines
10% to 20%
2 more lines
20% to 25%
1 more line
Smaller lines only
Pumping Multiple Lines
• After stopping the valve at the desired pressure, turn the discharge handle ___ degrees to lock in position
45 degrees
Ladder Pipes
Ladder trucks have a nozzle affixed to the ladder tip which may be an ___ PSI automatic fog nozzle or smooth bore stacked tips. Automatic Fog nozzles are rated up to ______ GPM however the waterway is limited to ______ GPM. Smooth bore tips range up to 2”.
80 PSI
2000 GPM
1000 GPM
Ladder Pipes
When supplying a ladder pipe within ____’ the recommended initial PDP is ____ PSI (any nozzle). The ladder company engineer has a digital flow meter (right) on the turntable pedestal. Proper flow adjustments can be made by communicating with the ladder company engineer.
150 PSI
Master Streams
Each engine carries a master stream appliance (deck gun) that is mounted to the top of the pump and can be removed and used as a large ground monitor. Both smooth bore tips and a fog nozzle are provided.
- When used from the engine, the device must be ______
- When mounted on the ground monitor base, do ____ ______
Not elevate
Master Stream
Fog – nozzle pressure is ____ PSI. Flow is adjustable in increments of ____, ____, _____, and _____ GPM.
100 PSI
500, 750, 1000, and 1250 GPM
Smooth Bore – nozzle pressure is ___ PSI.
1 3/8” - _____ GPM
1 1/2” - _____ GPM
1 3/4” - _____ GPM
2” - _____ GPM
(Some engines may have a _____” tip that flows 400 GPM).
500 GPM
600 GPM
800 GPM
1000 GPM
Master Streams
Use the following pressures for the Large Ground Monitor in addition to NP:
• Add ___-___ PSI for friction loss (FL) in the appliance.
(For higher GPM expect friction loss to be closer to ___ PSI)
• Add ___ PSI FL for each ____’ of ____” siamesed hose for friction loss.
10-25 PSI
25 PSI
25 PSI
100’ of 2-1/2”
Master Streams
Engines carry a mini-monitor with a single _____” inlet. It flows up to ____ GPM at ____ PSI. A hose stretch in excess of 200’ will require the use of a Siamese and dual 2 1⁄2” hose lines. Another option is to select a ____ GPM setting on the nozzle.
500 GPM
100 PSI
Hydrant Connections
The engineer has the following options when connecting to the hydrant. Select the method that is most practical and provides the necessary flow
- Single 5” hose
- 6” hard suction hook-up
- Full hydrant connection
- Single 6” soft-sleeve hose
Hard Suction Hook-up
If the hydrant is already in use, make preparations and initial approach prior to shutting down the hydrant and disconnecting 5” hose. The goal is to shut down the hydrant for as short a period as possible, preferably less than ___ ______. Prior to shutting down the hydrant establish communications with the engineer on scene.
One minute
6” Soft-intake Hose
This hose is preferable where maximum volume is needed but hard suction hose is impractical. Hard suction hose and 6” soft-sleeve hose connected to a high flow hydrant will permit flows up to ______ GPM.
The additional flow of this hose is negated when used with the PIV, so use of this hose requires removal of the PIV and alternate methods to bleed air. The BIV has no flow restriction and does not have to be removed.
2000 GPM
Full Hydrant Connection
The full hydrant connection uses the ______ and one _____” discharge on the hydrant to increase water flow to the engine. Connecting the second ___” hose to the 2 1⁄2” hydrant connection requires the storz to ____” adapter and an additional section of 5” hose. In most cases this will provide a ____% increase in water supply and can be accomplished by one crew member.
Relay Pumping
The recommended initial PDP is ___ PSI plus ___ PSI per ___’ of hose. This will compensate for friction loss and provide ample residual pressure for the next engine. After setting the initial pressure communicate with the engineer on scene (or next in the relay) to ensure proper pressure.
50 PSI
10 PSI
Relay Pumping
The goal is to have ___ PSI residual pressure at each pump (with the exception of the supply engine). This residual pressure provides a volume margin in the event increased flow is needed. There are only two limitations for source and relay engines – ____ PSI maximum PDP and ___ PSI minimum residual pressure. If these limits are reached and more volume is needed at the scene locate an additional water source.
50 PSI
200 PSI
10 PSI
Relay Pumping
The practical volume limit of 5” hose is _____ GPM ( _____ times the capacity of 2 1⁄2” hose). Attempts to pump more volume will result in additional friction loss. It may be possible for one engine to pump a pair of 5” supply lines, provided the hydrant is capable of supplying the volume.
1600 GPM
Relay Pumping
Each engine shall pump 5” hose through the LDH discharge. In the event one engine is able to pump two 5” lines, the 2 1⁄2” located on the officer’s side is preferred (it has __” piping with ____ “ threads).
Tandem Pumping
The standard method to supply another engine on scene is by _____ water. This pressure must be supplied at PDP, which could be well over ____ PSI if the discharging engine were also operating handlines.
100 PSI
Tandem Pumping
In alternative method is to supply the second attack engine “____ to ____”. The initial attack engine is simply allowing the second engine to have the _____ water. By providing this water supply from the intake you avoid the high pump discharge pressure yet still provide the same volume. This is called ____ ____. 
“Intake to intake”
residual water
Tandem pumping
Tandem Pumping
The second attack engine cannot steal water from the initial attack engine. However, either engine can draw both pumps below ____ PSI ____ and caused both pumps to cavitate. Both engines must maintain a residual of ____ PSI.
10 PSI residual
10 PSI
Sprinklers and Standpipe Operations
Try to place the engine within ____’ of the FDC
Sprinkler System
PDP is ____ PSI. The engineer has to watch the discharge gauges closely. If a drop in pressure is noted, increase the pressure back to ____ PSI. A drop in Pressure and the kids in a crease in flow a sign that more sprinkler heads have opened. 
150 PSI
150 PSI
Standpipe Systems
Initial pump discharge pressure PDP Shall be ____ PSI.
100 PSI
Operational concerns with FDCs
- if the FTC has a frozen swivel, install a ____ ____ ____ and a ____ ____.
- if the FTC is blocked or inoperable, use a 2-1/2 ____ ____ and a _____ to pump into the first floor standpipe outlet.
2-1/2 double male
double female
2-1/2 double female and a Siamese
Operational concerns with FDCs
Older buildings may have a pressure limitation on their standpipe system of ____ PSI. Read more pg 67.
200 PSI
High Pressure Private Systems
You may encounter private water supply systems with pressures up to ____ PSI.
175 PSI
For drafting, the transfer valve if equipped must be placed in ____ and the governor in the ____ mode. Once a draft has been established switched the governor to ____ if supplying handlines. The governor will not allow you to draft in ____ mode.
RPM mode
PSI mode
The maximum height for drafting is 25 feet, measured from the ____ ____ to the ____ ____. 
If the surface of the water is more than ____’ ____ the ____ do not expect to reach full pump capacity.
Water surface to the steamer connection
10’ below the steamer
The static water source must be deep enough to allow ____ ____ of strainer clearance from the bottom and ____” ____ the ____ ____. Shallow placement of the strainer will create a ____, drawing air into the strainer and causing loss of prime. A ____ ____ may be used to break the ____. Use a ____ ____ or Secure the strainer with rope to keep hard suction off the bottom.
one foot 18” below the water surface vortex booster stream vortex ground ladder
Pumps rated at ____ or ____ GPM must use both steamer connections to reach full pump capacity. 
1750 or 2000 GPM
Before activating the primer increase throttle speed to ____ - ____ RPM
For a 1500 GPM pumps limit the primer use to ____ ____. For a _____ or _____ GPM pump you can extend this time to ____ ____.
1000-1200 RPM
45 seconds
1750-2000 GPM
90 seconds
While activating the primer closely watch the master intake gauge. I need a wall immediately move toward The _____ side (if not, suspect an air leak). Within the designated time limits pressure will build on the discharge side as indicated on the master discharge gauge. Allow pressure to build steady above ____ psi before disengaging the primer.
50 PSI