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Class “A” Foam
This is used primarily for wildland fires and is not compatible with Class B foams. Class A foam is actually a wetting agent and can break down the surface tension of water permitting greater penetration of water into class A fuels. It is educted at ___% to ___%
Do not use class B foams on class A fires.
1/4 % to 1 %
Class “B” Foam
Alcohol resistant versions of aqueous film forming foam (AR-AFFF) have proven to be effective on all types of class B fires. ______ __-______ AR-AFFF and ________ AR-AFFF are the class B foams utilized by JFRD.
They are equally effective on hydrocarbon fuels (______, ______, ______) as well as polar solvents (______ and ______ ______, ______ and ______). These foams are educted at ___ and are compatible with each other. Every engine and tanker (except those listed below) carry this foam.
Ansulite Lo-viscosity and Thunderstorm
(Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuels)
(Ethanol and ethanol blends, methanol, and ketones).
Class B Foam
All gasoline now contains at least ____ ethanol. AR-AFFF and the Akron foam tube are required to achieve proper aeration to extinguish these fires.
The following apparatus carry ___ Mil-Spec AFFF in their foam tanks:
Engines __ and __ – These engines have built-in foam proportioners and tanks. Mil-Spec foam is more compatible with these systems.
Stations __ and __ – Aviation fuel is a non-polar hydrocarbon fuel very similar to kerosene. Mil-Spec AFFF will be most effective on these fires and spills.
Foam __ and __ – Although these tankers respond citywide their main purpose is to protect the Navy Fuel Depot which primarily stores aviation fuel. Each tanker carries _____ gallons of foam concentrate.
CAUTION: Mil-Spec 3% AFFF IS NOT compatible with AR-AFFF and should never be mixed. Never add AR-AFFF to any apparatus foam tank.
Engines 7 and 21
Stations 16 and 56
Foam 37 and 371
1800 gallons
Each engine:
Shall carry enough foam concentrate to convert the booster tank water into finished foam. This calls for a minimum of __-__ gallons of concentrate or _____- _____ pails ( 3 gallons per ____ gallons of tank capacity).
Each tanker:
Shall carry enough foam concentrate to convert the _____ gallon tank into finished foam. This calls for a minimum of _____ gallons of concentrate or ____ pails ( 3 gallons per 100 gallons of tank capacity).
-15-18 gallons
-Three-four Pails
100 gallons
- 2500 gallons
- 75 gallons
- 15 pails
Tanker and engine:
(3 gallons per 100 gallons of tank capacity)
Standard Foam Delivery Equipment
In addition to foam concentrate each engine and tanker shall carry basic foam nozzles and proportioning equipment. This equipment must be properly maintained, with thorough flushing after use to maintain proper performance.
- A foam eductor rated at ____ GPM. This device is adjustable from ___% to ___% It is used with the standard 1-3/4” handline.
- Akron Turbojet fog nozzle set to ___ GPM (75 or 100 PSI variant). The 100 PSI nozzle is more compatible with __-__ and __-__foam proportioners and capable of greater stream reach.
- Akron Foam Tube, which provides aggressive aeration at the nozzle instead of having to create a foam blanket by indirect methods. The Foam Tube attaches to the _____” Akron Turbojet nozzle only.
- 125 GPM
- 1/4% to 6%
- 125 GPM
- E-7 and E-21
Guidelines for Foam Use
- The foam eductor shall be set to match the foam concentrate. Example: 3% concentrate educts at the 3% setting.
- The maximum distance between eductor and nozzle is stated below. If more distance is required between the apparatus and the eductor use ____” hose and a _____ ___
- When using a 75 PSI nozzle the maximum distance is ____’
- When using a 100 PSI nozzle the maximum distance is ____’
- The nozzle setting shall match the rated flow of the eductor (____). The nozzle bale must be _______ ______ at all times.
- The foam eductor requires an inlet pressure of ____ PSI. This will provide the proper nozzle pressure and sufficient GPM. Nozzle Pressure will not be excessive due to the friction loss that occurs within the foam eductor.
Foam concentrate will educt at lower PDP. For this reason it is possible to produce finished foam at lower PDP. However, this creates two problems.
- The GPM at this lower PDP may be far less than the 125 GPM selected.
- At less than 200 PSI the eductor will draw _____ foam than the educator setting resulting in a richer foam solution. You will use more foam and run out quicker. The proper water: foam ratio cannot be achieved unless the inlet pressure is 200 PSI.
Gate wye
125 gpm
Fully opened
200 PSI
Special Appliances
The Hazmat Teams and Station ___ carry several large caliber master stream appliances for foam and dry chemicals.
Engines __, __, and ___ also carry the Akron ____ GPM eductor and foam tube. Used with ____” hose and the ____” Akron Turbojet nozzle, this setup allows up to ____’ between the eductor and nozzle, the educator requires ____ PSI inlet pressure.
7, 21, 31
250 GPM
2-1/2, 2-1/2
200 PSI
Storage and Reserve Stocks
AFFF Concentrate will store many years without issue. The plastic containers however, are subject to damage from rough handling and will deteriorate when exposed to ______ for extended periods. Do not allow foam to _____.
JFRD maintains emergency stockpiles of foam at ___ and Station ___. The total JFRD foam capacity is approximately ______ gallons.
The shelf life of class ___ foam is indefinite. It is provided in square pails to avoid confusion with class __ foams.
Class __ foam concentrate is supplied in five gallon round pails. It is considered a hazardous material to the environment and requires care when handling.
- Sunlight
- Freeze
- Station 37
- 20,000 gallons
- A
- B