Pulmonary vascular disease Flashcards
Explain what happens in a pulmonary embolism
-Thrombus formation from venous system ( normally from deep veins in legs) and embolises to the pulmonary arteries
Treatment of minor PE
Risk factors of thromboembolism
- trauma
- recent surgery
- cancer
- cardiopulmonary disease ( MI)
- pregnancy
- inherited thrombophilia ( Factor V Leiden)
Symptoms of PE
- pleuritic chest pain, cough + haemoptysis
- isolated acute dyspnoea
- syncope/cardiac arrest ( major PE)
Clinical signs of PE
- pyrexia(high temp)
- pleural rub( rubbing of pleural membranes, grating low pitched sound)
- dull percussion at base ( pleural effusion)
- tachycardia, tachypnoea, hypoxia, hypotension (major)
What is well’s/ Modified geneva test?
-test to assess risk of PE
Wells score= symptoms, signs of VTE(venous thromboembolism), previous VTE + risk factors
Revised Geneva score= based on risk factors, symptoms + signs(HR)
4 points/< = unlikely
>4 points= PE likely
(see slide 12)
PE investigations
- FBC, biochemsitry, TnI?, Blood gases
- D-dimer ( a fibrin degradation product (small protein fragment) present in the blood after a blood clot is degraded by fibrinolysis.
- CT pulmonary angiogram
- V/Q scan
- Echocardiography
Consider: CT abdomen/mammography, /thombophillia testing
What is the PESI score
- determines mortality of patients who have been diagnised with PE.
- dependernt on age, sex, comorbidity and physiological parameters
Treatment for PE
- Oxygen
- lower molecular weigh heparin ( dalteparin, warfarin)
- Direct oral anticoagulants ( rivaroxaban, apixaban)
- thrombolysis ( Alteplase ( rt-PA)
- Pulmonary embolectomy
What is pulmonary hypotension?
- high BP in the pulmonary arterial tree
- can be primary/secondary to other conditions
- defined as mean pulmonary artery pressure of >25mmHg
Explain features of primary and secondary PH
Primary= rare, if left untreated can lead to premature death
Secondary - most common, occurs in older age groups
Causes of PH
- idiopathic ( group 1 )
- Secondary to left heart disease ( 2)
- Secondary to chronic respiratroy disease ( 3)
- Chronic thomboembolic PH ( 4)
- Miscellaneous
- collagen vascular disease (1)
- portal hypertension (1)
- congenital heart disease ( L to R shunt) (1)
- HIV infection (1)
- sarcoidosis ( group 5 )
Symptoms of PH
- dyspnoea
- chest tightness
- presyncope/syncope
Clinical signs of PH
- high JVP(jugular venous pressure)
- right ventricular heave
- loud pulmonary second heart sound
- hepatomegaly
- ankle oedema
Investigation of PH
- Lung function tests
- echocardiography
- V/Q scan
- CTPA (ct pulmonary angiogram)
- Right heart catherisation;
- allows direct measure of pulmonary artery pressure
- measurement of wedge pressure
- measurement of CO
General treatment of PH
- treat udnerlying condition
- Oxygen
- anticoagulation
- diauretics
Specific treatment of Ph
- Calcium channel antagonist ) amlodipine)
- prostacyclin
- endothelin receptor antagonist ( bosentan, ambrisentan)
- Ricociguat
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors(Sildenafil, tadalafil)
Other treatments of PH
- thromboendarterectomy (CTEPH)
- heart/lung transplant