Lower RTI in adults + children 2 Flashcards
Common infective agents in children
-S.pneumonae, H.influenzae, moraxella catarrhalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae
-RSV, parainfluenza 3, Influenza A/B, Adenovirus, human metapneumovirus
- Immunisation history
- secondary bacterial infection
Laryngotracheobronchitis ( croup) symptoms and cause
- viral infection
- large airways(narrowing)
- inspiratory stridor, hoarseness, RD
- rhinorrhoaea, fever
What age are you more likely to get Croup?
-6m-6yrs ( peak 2 yrs)
Rating of Croup
see slide 9
Management of Croup
- supportive, reassurance, worsening advice
- oral once off dose dexamethasone(0.15ml/kg) steroid
Admission of croup + treatment
- Moderate/sever
- Oxygenation
- Nebulised adrenaline
- Supportive
Epiglottitis symptoms + cause
- fever, difficulty swallowing/breathing
- drooling, sore throat
- H.influenzar vauses this
Bacterial tracheitis symptoms
- ’’ croup that doesn’t get better’’
- differential diagnosis of croup
Treatment of epiglottitits
Treatment of bacterial tracheitis + Cause
-straphylococcus/streptococcus invasive infection
What is Bronchiolitis + the type of infection
- Inflammation of bronchioles + mucous acc in small airways
- type of RSV infection(respiratory syncytial virus)
When is bronchiolitis common?
-winter peak period
Symptoms of bronchiolitis
- cold symptoms( fever, congestion ) THEN cough.
- tachypnoea
- crackles +/-wheeze
How is bronchiolitis spread? How long does it last
- droplet ( air borne)
- days-weeks
Bronchiolitis management
- observe oxygenation, NPA?
- NO CXR, Bloods/cultures