Pulmonary System Flashcards
Functions of respiratory system
Gas exchange between air and circulating blood
Moving air from the exchange surface of the lungs
Protection of respiratory surfaces
Production of sound
Provision for olfactory sensations
Thoracic cage
Formed by = 12 pairs of ribs, sternum, coastal cartilage, 12 thoracic vertebrae
Surrounds thoracic cavity and supports pectoral girdle
Provides protection for thoracic and abdominal contents
Organization of respiratory system
Upper = nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx Lower = larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
Supplies air to larynx and trachea
Part of digestive and respiratory systems
Posterior to nasal and oral cavities
Distal border is cricoid cartilage
Pharynx divisions
Nasopharynx = respiratory function, posterior extension of nasal cavities, extends to soft palate Oropharynx = digestive and respiratory functions, soft palate to epiglottis Laryngopharynx = digestive and respiratory functions, lies posterior to larynx, epiglottis to cricoid cartilage
Complex organ of voice production Level of C3-C6 Connects pharynx with trachea Composed of 9 cartilages Changes in size/length of cartilages affect vocalization
3 cartilages of the larynx
Thyroid cartilage = the largest (Adams apple)
Cricoid cartilage = thickest and strongest, only complete ring of cartilage
Arytenoid cartilage = superior to cricoid, forms cricoarytenoid joint for attachment of vocal ligament
Glottis is vocal apparatus of larynx
Rima glottis is aperture between vocal folds (ligament)
Shape of rima varies according to vocalization desired
Vocal folds
True vocal cords = vocal fold, controls sound production, consists of vocal ligament and vocalis muscle
False vocal cords = vestibular fold, extend between thyroid and arytenoid cartilages, protective function
Space between true and false vocal cords
Ventricle of larynx
Fibrocartilagenous tube from larynx to T4/T5
Supported by incomplete cartilagenous tracheal rings
Posterior gap in rings is spammed by smooth muscle
Common carotid arteries and thyroid gland lie laterally
Approximately 2.5cm in diameter in adults
Incision between tracheal rings with tube inserted to maintain airy way
Infrahyoid muscles retracted laterally and isthmus either divided or retracted superiorly
Opening ,ace between rings 1-2 or 2-4
Muscular tube continuous with larogopharynx
Consists of voluntary (upper 1/3) and smooth muscle (lower 1/3) and a mixture in middle 1/3
Travels posterior to trachea and pierces diaphragm to enter stomach
Trachea and bronchi
Trachea bifurcates into 2 primary bronchi
Each primary bronchi supported by hyaline cartilage
Each primary bronchi branch to form bronchial tree
Primary bronchi divide into secondary (lobar) bronchi that go to each lobe (2 on left and 3 on right)
Lobar bronchi divide into terminal bronchioles which divides into respiratory bronchioles (cannot see these)
Thoracic viscera
2 lateral compartments (pulmonary cavities)(lungs and pleurae)
1 central compartment (mediastinum)(heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, thymus)
Pleurae or lungs
Each lung is invested and enclosed within a serous pleural sac
Has 2 continuous membranes = visceral pleura (invests the lungs and cannot be separated from lungs) parietal pleura (lines pulmonary cavities)
Organs of respiration
Separated from each other by heart, viscera, and great vessels
Attach to heart and trachea by structures that comprise root of lung
Root of lung comprised of all structures that lie within the hilum (space)
3 surfaces of the lungs
Forms base of lung
3 borders of the lungs
Anterior = where costal and mediastinal surfaces meet anteriorly Posterior = where costal and mediastinal surfaces meet posteriorly Inferior = circumscribes diaphragmatic surface
Right lung
Larger and heavier but shorter and wider than left lung
3 lobes = superior, middle, inferior
Superior and inferior lobes separated by oblique fissure
Superior and middle lobes separated by horizontal fissure
Left lung
Has deep cardiac notch that indents anterior border of superior lobe
2 lobes = superior, inferior
Lobes separated by oblique fissure
Thoracic diaphragm
Main muscle of inspiration
3 apertures through which important structures pass = caval foramen, aortic hiatus, esophageal hiatus
When it contracts, the dome moves inferiorly (inhalation) (Boyle’s law, pushes abdominal viscera inferiorly, increases intra-abdominal pressure, decreases intra-thoracic pressure, increases thoracic cavity volume)
Mechanisms of breathing
Inhalation = diaphragm and external intercostal muscles Forced inhalation (accessor muscles) = sternocleidomastoid, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor, scalene, abdominal muscles Forced exhalation = abdominal muscles, internal intercostals
Final gaseous exchange takes place in alveolar sacs (small hollow spaces ~300 million)
Intimately located next to bronchial capillaries which bring deoxygenated blood from heart via pulmonary arteries
Gas exchange across respiratory membrane is efficient due to
Differences in partial pressure Small diffusion distance Lipid-soluble gases Large surface area of all alveoli Coordination of blood flow and airflow