Pulmonary Pharmacology Flashcards
Antihistamine Agent: Action & Side Effects
A: block effects of histamine- results in decreased nasal congestion, mucosal irritation, symptoms of common cold/ sinusitis/ conjunctivitis/ allergies
S/E: arrhythmias, postural hypotension, gastrointestinal distress, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, blurred vision, fatigue, nausea, thickening of bronchial secretions
Antihistamine Agent: Indications
respiratory seasonal allergies, rhinitis & sneezing from common cold, allergic conjunctivitis, motion sickness, Parkinson’s disease
Antihistamine Agent: PT Implications
increase guarding when rising from sit/ lying due to risk of orthostatic hypotension
closely monitor pt during exercise
Antihistamine Agent: Examples
Benadryl, allegra, claritin
Anti-Inflammatory Agents: Action
prevent inflammatory-mediated broncho-constriction by inhibiting production of inflammatory cells, suppressing release of inflammatory mediators & reversing capillary permeability- this reduces airway edema
Anti-Inflammatory Agents: Side Effects
inhaled corticosteroids = damage of supporting tissues, skin breakdown, osteoporosis/ decreased bone density, glaucoma, delayed growth
local effects: nasal irritation, dryness, sneezing, bloody mucus
Leukotriene modifiers: liver dysfunction
Mast cell stabilizers: bronchospasm, throat/ nasal irritation, cough, gastrointestinal distress
Anti-Inflammatory Agents: Indications
bronchospasm, asthma
Anti-Inflammatory Agents: PT Implications
instruct pt in correct use of inhaler & to rinse mouth w/water after use to avoid mucosal irritation
advise: these are NOT bronchodilators and should not be used to treat acute episodes of asthma
pt should contact physician if experiencing S/S of liver dysfunction
Anti-Inflammatory Agents: Examples
Pulmicort, AeroBid, Cromolyn Sodium
Bronchodilator Agents: Action & Side Effects
A: relieve bronchospasm by stimulating muscle receptors that cause smooth muscle relaxation/ blocking receptors that trigger constriction
S/E: bronchospasm, dry mouth, gastrointestinal distress, chest pain, palpations, tremor, nervousness
Bronchodilator Agents: Indications
bronchospasm, wheezing, shortness of breath in asthma or COPD
Bronchodilator Agents: PT implications
advise pts to take meds before therapy & to bring short-acting rescue meds (sympathomimedics)
Cardiac/vision abnormalities may indicate toxicity & physician should be notified immediately
Bronchodilator Agents: Examples
Atrovent, Albuterol, Severent
Expectorant Agents: Action & Side Effects
A: increase respiratory secretion which helps loosen mucus by reducing viscosity of secretions
S/E: gastrointestinal distress, drownsiness
Expectorant Agents: Indications
cough associated with respiratory tract infections & related conditions (sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, asthma) when complicated by tenacious mucus/ mucus pugs & congestion
Expectorant Agents: PT implications
therapists can exploit of expectorant agents by perform airway clearance interventions within 1 hour of drug administration
therapists should encourage pt to take meds w/ water
Expectorant Agents: Examples
Mucinex, Guaifenesin, Terpin Hydrate
Mucolytic Agents: Action & Side Effects
A: decrease viscosity of mucus secretions making them easier to expectorate by altering composition/ consistency
administered via nebulizer
S/E: pharyngitis, oral mucosa inflammation, rhinitis, chest pain
Mucolytic Agents: Indications
viscous mucus secretions due to pnuemonia, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis
Mucolytic Agents: PT Implications
therapists cane exploit effects of meds by performing airway clearance interventions w/in 1 hr of administration
pts should be instructed in proper use/ maintenance of nebulizer & compressor system used in med delivery
Mucolytic Agents: Examples
Pulmozyme, Mucomyst