Pulmonary Pathologies Flashcards
Asthma Etiology
chronic inflammation/ hypersensitivity of airways due to respiratory infection, allergens (pollen, mold, animal dander, feathers, dust, food, cockroaches), cold/ sudden temp change, cigarette smoke, excitement/stress, exercise
Asthma Signs/Symptoms
severe-mild depending on level of airway constriction
mild: wheezing, chest tightness, slight shortness of breath
severe: dyspnea, flared nostrils, diminished wheezing, anxiety, cyanosis, inability to speak- can result in respiratory failure if untreated
Asthma Treatment
reduce exposure to known triggers
meds: anti-inflammatories, brochodilators
PT: caregiver ed, airway clearance, breathing exercises, relaxation, endurance/strength training
Bronchitis Etiology
acute: cold virus, exposure to smoke/pollutants
chronic: smoking, exposure to pollutants, dust, toxic gases (manifests as productive cough lasting 3 mos- 2+ years)
Bronchitis Signs/Symptoms
persistent cough w/ production of thick sputum, increased use of accessory muscles, wheezing, dyspnea, cyanosis, increased pulmonary artery pressure
Chronic: cough is worse in morning/damp weather, frequent respiratory infections
Bronchitis Treatment
relieve symptoms/ improve breathing
Acute: rest, fluids, breathing warm/moist air, cough suppressants, acetominophen/aspirin
Chronic: antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, bronchodilators, quit smoking, avoid irritants, use humidifier/ cold-air face-mask, pulmonary rehab (airway clearance, breathing ex, endurance/strength training)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Etiology
long-term smoking/ 2nd-hand smoke exposure, air pollution
Rare= genetic disorder causing low levels of alpha1-antitrypsin protein
COPD Signs/Symptoms
Excessive mucus production, chronic productive cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, fatigue, reduced exercise capaticy
COPD Treatment
Meds: bronchodilators, inhaled steroids, supplemental O2, antibiotics for bacterial infection
Surgery: lung volume reduction, bullectomy, lung transplant
Lifestyle change: quit smoking, flu shots, avoid irritants, good nutrition, pulmonary rehab (airway clearance, breathing ex, endurance/strength training)
Cystic Fibrosis Etiology
autosomal recessive genetic disease of exocrine glands affecting lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, sinuses and sex organs
mutation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator on chromosome 7 causes production of thick, sticky mucus that can cause life-threatening infection, obstructs pancreas, inhibits normal digestion/absorption of food
Cystic Fibrosis Signs/Symptoms
Vary with progression
salty-tasting skin, persistent productive cough, frequent lung infections, wheezing, shortness of breath, poor growth/weight gain in spite of healthy appetite, frequent greasy bulky stools
Cystic Fibrosis Treatment
Meds: antibiotics, nutritional supplements, pancreatic enzyme replacement, mucolytics, brochodilators
PT: airway clearance, breathing techniques, assisted cough, ventilatory muscle training
General exercise indicated to improve overall strength/endurance EXCEPT w/ severe lung disease
Emphysema Etiology
gradual destruction of alveolar walls caused primarily by smoking
other causes: 1% of pts have genetic disorder = low alpha1-antitrypsin protein levels (protects elastic lung structures)
Emphysema Signs/Symptoms
shortness of breath, wheezing, chronic cough, orthopnea, barrel chest, increased use of accessory muscles, increases respiration rate, fatigue, reduced exercise capacity
Emphysema Treatment
Meds: brochodilators, inhaled steroids, supplemental O2, antibiotics
Surgery: lung volume reduction, bullectomy, lung transplant
Lifestyle change: quit smoking, annual flu shot, avoid irritants, good nutrition, pulmonary rehab (airway clearance, breathing ex, endurance/strength training)
Pneumonia Etiology
inflammation of lungs usually caused by bacteria, virus, fungus, or parasitic infection
Pneumonia Signs/ Symptoms
Variable depending on TYPE of infection
fever, cough, shortness of breath, sweating, shaking chills, chest pain that fluctuates w/breathing, headache, muscle pain, fatigue
Pulmonary Edema Etiology
fluid collection in alveoli due to Left-sided heart failure- increased pressure in left atria pushes fluid through capillary walls into alveoli
may result from pneumonia, exposure to toxins/medications, smoke inhalation, respiratory distress syndrome, living @ high elevations
Acute is a medical emergency
Pulmonary Edema Signs/Symptoms
can develop suddenly/slowly depending on cause
sudden: extreme shortness of breath & difficulty breathing, feeling of suffocation/drowning, wheezing/gasping for breath, anxiety, restlessness, sense of apprehension, coughing, frothy blood-tinged sputum, chest pain (if cardiac etiology), rapid/irregular pulse
Pulmonary Edema Treatment
variable depending on underlying cause- often includes supplemental O2 & meds
Pulmonary Embolism Etiology
1+ arteries in lungs blocked due to blood clots from LE
Pulmonary Embolism Signs/Symptoms
vary depending on volume of lung is involved/ size of clot, overall health of pt
Common: sudden shortness of breath, chest pain that worsens w/ deep breathing/ coughing/ eat/ breathing, coughing up bloody/blood-streaked sputum
More: wheezing, LE swelling, excessive sweating, rapid/irregular pulse, lightheadedness/ fainting
Pulmonary Embolism Treatment
Can be life-threatening
prompt Tx w/ anticoagulants & thrombolytics greatly reduces risk of death
Surgery to remove clot/ insert filter into vena cava
Prevent: compression stockings, pneumatic compression, physical activity, drinking fluids
Restrictive Lung Dysfunction (RLD) Etiology
abnormal reduction in lung expansion & pulmonary ventilation caused by abnormal lung parenchyma (atelectasis, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary edema, acute respiratory distress), abnormal pleura, disorders affecting ventilatory pump function
Restrictive Lung Dysfunction Signs/Symptoms
dyspnea w/ exertion, persistent non-productive cough, increased respiratory rate, hypoxemia, decreased vital capacity, abnormal breath sounds, reduced exercise tolerance
Restrictive Lung Dysfunction Treatment
Varies depending on etiology (antibiotics- pneumonia, edema Tx, reversal of CNS depression)
Additional: mechanical ventilation, supplemental O2, nutritional support, pulmonary rehab