Pulmonary Flashcards
Upper Airway Obs. (UAO) Causes
Foreign body
Swelling (angioedema, trauma)
Stridor indicated an _____ obstruction
Retropharyngeal abscess
Serious and can spread to mediastinum
Retropharyngeal abscess etiology
Children: lymph node
Adults: penetrating trauma, oral infxn, lymph nodes
X-ray of retropharyngeal abscess will show?
Expansion of the prevertebral tissues
Best imaging for retropharyngeal abscess
CT scan
S/S of retropharyngeal abscess
Fever, dysphagia, neck pain
Limited cervical ROM, lymphadenopathy
ST, muffled voice
Stridor in children
Retropharyngeal abscess tx
Immediate ENT consult Surgical I&D IV hydration and abx Clindamycin (600 - 900mg) or Unasyn (1500 - 3,000)
Subdermal or submucosal swelling
Diffuse and nonpitting
Can occur w/ or w/o urticaria
Mast cell mediated angioedema
Responds to epi, glucocorticoids and antihistamines
Bradykinin mediated angioedema
Secondary to ACE or
Tx of mast cell mediated angioedema
Intubate if in resp distress
Epi .3 mg IM
Methylpred 60 - 80mg IV
Diphenhydramine 25 - 50mg IV
Hereditary angioedema tx
Intubate if in resp distress
C1 inhibitor concentrate (Berinert)
2nd line tx for hereditary engioedema
Anaphylaxis presentation
SUdden onset: Urticaria Angioedema Flushing Pruritis Hypotension
Anaphylaxis tx
Adults: .3 - .5 mg IM
Children: .1 (max dose of .5)
Give q5-15 up to 3 doses
Other meds for anaphylaxis
H1 or H2 blocker
Glucocorticoid (solumedrol 125 mg IV)
Albuterol neb 2.5mg
Vasopressors prn for shock
Gurgling =
Pooling of liquids in the oral cavity or hypopharynx
Snoring =
Partial airway obs at the pharyngeal level form the tongue
Inspiratory Stridor
Obstruction at level of larynx
Expiratory stridor
Obstruction at level of trachea
Narrowing of lower airways
Lack of critical cognitive fxn and low level of conciousness to only painful stimuli
A state of unconciousless lasting for longer than 6 hours.
Person cannot be awakened, fails to respond to painful stimuli
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Pneumo that occurs w/o precipitating event or lung dz
Spontaneous pneumo risks
Thin, smoking men 20-40.
Marfans, family hx
Spontaneous pneumo s/s
Sudden onset dyspnea and pleuritic CP Often occurs at rest Decreased BS Hyperresonance Hypoxemia Tracheal deviation JVD
Where is decompression done?
2nd or 3rd ICS midclavicular
5th ICS @ anterior axillary line
Acute pulmonary edema S/S
Pink frothy sputum Dyspnea, edema, ascites Rales, wheezing HTN Hypoxemia, restlessness, tachy
Acute pulmonary edema patho
Sudden increase in L sided intracardiac filling pressures
Increased alveolar permeability
Cardiogenic pulm edema causes
Ischemia Acute severe mitral regurg Acute aortic regurg Hypertensive crisis Stress induced cardiomyopathy
Noncadriogenic pulm edema causes
ARDS is major cause Altitude Neurogenic Narcotic OD PE Eclampsia Transfusion related injury Salicylate OD
Diuretic for pulm edema
Furosemide (Lasix) 40-80 mg IV
Massive aspiration =
Suction lower airway
Inflammation of the airways w/ abnormal accumulation of inflammatory cells.
Severe asthma peak flow
Less than 40% of expected
Asthma medical therapy
Ipatropium bromide (atrovent)
Methylpred 60-125 mg IV
Meds for severe asthma
Mag sulfate (after 1 hr of failed therapy)
Epi (for anaphylaxis)
Terbutaline (for unresponsive asthma)
COPD exacerbation
Usually precipitated by an infxn
Dyspnea, cough, sputum
Therapy for COPD exacerbation
Solumedrol 60mg IV
ABX (levaquin)
Pulmonary Embolism
Obs of pulm artery by clot, tumor, fat, air
Common and fatal
Acute or chronic
S/S or PE
DYspnea, tachycardia, cough
Hemoptysis, syncope, edema
Cyanosis, diaphoresis, Hypotension
2 most common S/S of PE
Dyspnea and tachycardia
followed by
Pleuritic CP and Rales
PE diagnostics
CT angio w/ PE protocol
Hamptons hump
Found in PE
Consolidation at bottom of lung
EKG changes in PE
S1 QT3
S waves in lead I
Q waves in lead III
Inverted T waves in lead III
O2 Fluid bolus if hypotensive Vasopressin LMWH UFH if unstable
Abx for noncomplicated pneumonia
Levoquin or Ceftriaxone or Zithromax
Complicated pneumonia abx
Ceftriaxone and Zithromax
Ceftriaxone and levofloxacin
Gram+ diplococci
Gram - rods