Pulmonary Flashcards
Pertussis treatment
Macrolide- azythromycin
Older adults with CAP, sicker- what pathogen? How would you treat?
Strep pneumo
B-lactam ie amoxicillin or doxycycline
Younger patients with community acquired pneumo- what pathogen and how to treat?
-Atypical pathogens ie. mycoplasma pneumo or chlamydiphilia pneumo
- macrolide ie. azythromycin or doxy
Patients with CAP and other comorbid conditions- what pathogen?
If pregnant or CI?
Drug resistant strep pneumo
Resp quinalone- ie. moxi/levofloxacin
Preg- macrolide + beta lactam ie. azythromycin + amoxicillin
Three meds used to treat CAP
Macrolide- azythromycin
Resp qinalones- moxi/levo
Beta lactams- amoxicillin +/- clav
Diagnostic criteria COPD spiro?
FEV1/FVC <0.7
Stages of COPD
4 stages
1- FEV1 > 80%
4- FEV1 < 30%
4 = worst
SABA onset and duration
Onset 10 mins- duration 4-6h
LABA onset and duration
10-20 mins
Last 12h
Steroid treatment of COPD exacerbation
Prednisone 40mg PO OD x 5 d
Side effects of anti cholinergics saying-
Oh this drug it makes me pink
Sometimes I can’t think, or even blink
I can’t see
I can’t pee
I can’t spit
I can’t shit
What COPD meds do you avoid in ppl with BPH
Antocholinergics ie SAMA/ LAMA
Long term side effects of inhaled steroids x2
Increased risk of cataracts - annual eye exams
Increased r/o Osteopenia
Normal upper and lower lobe breathe sounds
Upper- vesicular- soft and low
Lower- bronchial- louder
Name the condition-
Increased breathe sounds
Increased tactile Fremitus
Percussion- dull
Consolidation ie. lobar pneumonia
Name the condition-
Decreased/ absent breathe sounds
Decreased tactile fremitus
Percussion- dull
Pleural effusion
Mediastinal shift away from effusion (if large)
Name the condition-
Decreased or absent breathe sounds
Decreased tact frem.
Hyper resonance- percuss
Mediastinal shift aware from the tension pneumo
Name the condition-
Decreased or absent breathe sounds
Decreased tat frem.
Dullness on percuss
Atelectasis ie. mucus plugging
Mediastinal shift towards the atelctasis.
Who qualifies for lung cancer screening?
What is the screening test?
Low dose CT of chest.
Ppl aged 50-80
> / = 20 pack year history and current smoker/ quit within 15 yrs
Stop screening if have quit for >15 yrs
Chronic bronchitis definition
Coughing with excessive mucus for > 3 months for 2 consecutive yrs
Treatment step wise approach for COPD x 4
SABA +/- SAMA prn
Albuterol med class
Salmetrol med class
Formoterol Med Class