Peds Flashcards
Virus causing- Roseola
Human Herpesvirus 6
Virus causing- Fifths disease
Parvovirus B19
Virus causing- Rubella
Rubella virus
Virus causing- Rubeola aka——-
Rubeola virus
Virus causing- Chicken pox aka——
Varicella zoster- herpes
Virus causing- Herpangina
Coxsackie A virus
Virus causing- Hand, foot and mouth?
Coxsackie virus A16
Maculopapular rash “ brick red” starts on the head and neck spreads to trunk and extremities
Measles aka rubeola
Slapped cheek rash; lacy; macular rash
Fifths disease aka erythema infectiosum
Maculopapular rash, looks like measles rash, remarkable lymphadenopathy, macules on soft palate (Forschheimer spots)
High fever, 2-4 days, abrupt end + maculopapular rash- not on face
Roseola/ exanthem subitum
Vesicular lesions on erythematous base appearing in crops
Exotoxin Rash secondary to group a strep infection, sandpaper like rash that desquamates
Scarlet fever
Exanthem subitum
Erythema infectiosum
Fifth disease
Forscheimer spots
Macules on soft palate- Rubella
Lacy macular rash
5ths disease
When can a child with a viral exanthem return to daycare/school
24 hours without fever
When can a child with chickenpox return to daycare/school
When all the vesicles have crusted over + 24h fever free
Group A Step can be followed by what viral Exanthem
Scarlet fever
What disease manifests as vesicles that rupture and produce painful ulcers on the soft palate in the mouth
What viral infection can cause pass on the tonsils
What is the usual age to see roseola
7-13 months
What age and time of year is hand foot and mouth disease most common?
How long does it take to resolve?
- < 5y/o
- Summer months
- 2-3 days
Three C’s of Measles/ Rubeola
Coryza (runny nose/ congestion)
1-3mm Whitish, blueish or gray elevations on the buccal mucosa, hard and soft palate
Kopliks spots —— Measles!!!
Bulging, cloudy tympanic membrane, decreased mobility, +/- redness
Common pathogen for CAP? Treatment?
S. pneumo
Croup treatment
Single oral dose / dexamethasone
Sickle cell disease goals of care?
Prophylaxis abx?
Keep them healthy!
Infections cause sickle cell crisis!
—-Penicillin prophylaxis
Lead toxicity masks as—
IDA- microcytic anemia
Screening test CF
Sweat test
Recurrent lower Resp infections in a kid, + greasy stools, + weight loss—- think?
When spacing immunizations, what is the maximum days a vaccine can be given early?
MMR & Varicella vaccine type?
When given/ spaced?
Live attenuated vaccines
Given together at 1 year
If NOT Given together, wait 4 weeks before giving the second
When are these lymphnodes classified as enlarged?
Epitrochlear- >5mm
Inguinal- >15mm
Cervical- >20mm
All others >10mm
When treating children with headaches- avoid daily analgesic use due to
Rebound headaches
Projectile, nonbilious vomitting-
Pyloric stenosis
Pyloric stenosis is most common at what ages
4-6 weeks
Pyloric stenosis is diagnosed via what imaging-
What clinical signs suggestive emergency referral?
Unable to keep fluids down
“Olive shaped mass” think——
Pyloric stenosis
Red flags with presentation of reflux
Choking/ coughing with eating
Refusal to feed
Forceful vomit
GI bleeding
Poor weight gain
Abdo pain
Bowel changes/ constipation or diarrhea -?bowel obstruction
GER is likely to resolve by what age
1 year
In children with GER- what non-pharm management tips? X5
Breast feeding!
Place supine to sleep
Small, frequent, thickened meals- rice cereal
Avoid tobacco smoke exposure
Trial other formulas ie. non cows milk, hypoallergenic formula- 1-2 week trials
Acid suppression therapy in children should be used for how long?
Trial 2 weeks, if no improvement- refer to GI
If improved- continue for 2-3 months then TAPER
Colicky abdo pain, red current jelly stool, ++ pain, child hunched over
What age range is most common for intussusception
3 months to 2 yrs
Treatment of constipstion in kids- pharmacological
PEG daily until normal stools- 1 soft BM/day
Then taper
-Can mothers breast feed baby with viral gastroenteritis?
-Are antidiarrheals recommended in children with gastroenteritis?
-Are anti-emetics recommended in children with gastroenteritis?
- No & No- get it out!
Except if unable to keep fluids down/ becoming dehydrated
Oral fluid replacement for mild & moderate dehydration?
Mild- 5 tsp/ lb in 4h
Mod- 10 tsp/ lb in 4h
Undescended teste- not in scrotum
Retractile testes
Move between scrotum and inguinal ring via cremasteric reflex
Ages 5-6 yrs
Can be concerning if doesn’t stay down
Refer child to Urology if testicles are not palpated in scrotum by ——-?
6 months
When should hydrocele resolve in an infant?
12 months
What is the most common cause of UTI in children (40%)
Vesicouretal Reflex
Refer to Urology
Gold standard diagnostic for UTI in kids?
Get specimens and culture
Best diagnostic test for vesicouretal reflex
Voiding cystourethrogram
UTI in child < 2yrs warrants what diagnostic test?
EmpIric Antibiotic treatment for UTI in peds- Afebrile vs febrile?
1st gen Cephalosporin- Cefixime
Afebrile- 3-7d
Febrile 10-14d
Kawasaki mnemonic-
CRASH & Burn
C- conjunctivitis- non purple t
R- rash, polymorphic, macular
A- adenopathy- cervical
S- strawberry tongue / swollen lips
H- Hands +/- feet swollen!!!!!
Burn- fever >5d
Work-up for suspected kawasakis?
Throat culture- r/o GAS
Kawasaki is a vasculitis of
Medium sized vessels
Treatment of Kawasakis dx
Strawberry tongue- 2 diff
Kawasaki disease
Nurse Maids Elbow
When annular ligament slips over radial head
Reducing nurse maids elbow
- Extend elbow
- supinate F/a
- Flex elbow
Acute lymphocytic leukaemia clinical findings
++ elevated WBC
> 50 000 cells/mm3
Affects immature white cells- lymphoblasts
Acute myelogenous leukemia
Fast growing cancer of the bone marrow
Affects WBCs, RBCs, Platelets, macrophage, monocutes
Hx of febrile viral illness + ASA/ salicylate intake- causes what serious illness
Reye’s syndrome
- Severe vomitting, lethargy, diarrhea, elevated AST/ALT
- Personality changes, aggressive behaviour, hyperactive reflexes
3/4/5- confusion, delirium, cerebral edema, coma, seizures, death
Reyes syndrome
Theoretical risk of Reye’s syndrome after what vaccine-
Recommend not using what medication before during or after
All kids with Down syndrome who want to participate in sport require what imagine
Due to atlantoaxial instability = increased distance between C1 and C2
Systolic murmur, musical/ vibratory quality, louder when supine, grade 1-2
Stills murmur
All children aged ——- should have received single dose quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine
At 11 & 12 yrs- what vaccines are needed (x3)