pulm(chapter 3-flashcard machine)
reason for hospitalization of pneumonia
neutropenia, more than one lobe affected, poor host, Over 50 with co-morbidities
pneumocystis manisfestations
immunosuppression, slow onset, hypoxemic, interstitial infiltrates, increased lactate dehydronase
noscomial pneumonia tx
cefepime, ticarcillin/clavulanic, pipercillan/tazobactum, meropenem.
lung cancer labs
cytologic exam of sputum and PET
infectious granulomas from old/active TB(or fungal inf, FB inf)
solitary pulmonary nodule. 40% malignant
SPHERE(lung cancer complications)
SVC syndrome, pancoasts tumor, horners syndrome, endocrine, recurrent laryngeal nn, effusions
SVC syndrome
plethora(excess blood), HA, mental status change
Pancoasts tumor
Lung apex tumor, causes horners syndrome, shoulder pain,
horners syndrome
unilateral facial anhidrosis(lack of sweating), ptosis(droopy eyelid), miosis(constriction of pupil)
carcinoid syndrome
flushing, diarrhea, telangiectasias(small blood vessels), wheezing, hypoTN
carcinoid tumors common sx
usually asymptomatic;can have hemoptysis, cough, focal wheezing, recurrent pneumonia, obstruction
bronchoscopy reveals pink or purple central lesion that is well vascularized. may be pedunculated or sessile
carcinoid tumor, do a CT and octreotide scintigraphy to localize. no radiation or chemo, do surgical excision
stongest predisposing factor to asthma
atopy(triad is wheeze, excema, seasonal rhinitis)
Pa02 <60mmHg and PaCO2 >40mmHg.
methocholine challenge
bronchial provocation test, FEV1 decrease >20% is diagnostic(do when PFT nml and asthma is expected)
What is bronchiectasis?
abnormal permanent dilatation from bronchi causing destruction of bronchial walls. usually congenital(CF), recurrent infections, obstruction(tumor), or injury
bronchiectasis sx, PE, labs, tx
sx: chr purulent sputum(yellow/green/fowl smell), hemoptysis, chr cough, recur.pneumona;
PE: rales, wheeze, localized crackles and clubbing;
DX: **high resolution CT(definitive test: shows dilated tortuous airways), abn CXR(tram lines, honeycombing, atelectasis, crowded bronchial markings, & basal cystic spaces)
bronchoscopy for eval of hemoptysis, remove secretions, rule out obstructing lesions;
tx is antibx, bronchodilators(acute exacerbations), chest physiotherapy, surgery/transplant if necessary
CXR shows crowded bronchial markings and basal cystic spaces, tram track lung markings, honeycombing, atelectasis
bronchiectasis antibx tx
10-14 days. amox, augmentin, bactrim, Cipro
pink puffers clinical findings
emphysema; exertional dyspnea, thin, no peripheral edema, *barrel chested, hyperventilation, wasted appearance with pursed lips, minimal cough
pink puffer CXR
parenchymal bullae and subpleural blebs!! decreased lung markings, hyperinflation, decreased lung markings at apices, small thin heart, flattened diaphrams
blue bloaters clinical findings
bronchits; overweight, chr prod cough, peripheral edema, *pursed lip breathing, noisy lungs
blue bloaters CXR
increased interstitial markings at bases, diaphrams not flattened
What is emphysema?
enlarged air spaces due to destruction of alveolar septae; may be secondary to smoking; pink puffer
parenchymal bullae and blebs
emphysema; pink puffer
What is chr bronchits/COPD?
chr cough prod of phlem for most of 3 months for 2 years; blue bloater
Rhonchi on exam; breathing raspy and loud; rhonchi definition
chr bronchitis; rhonchi(secretions in airways)
CBC shows polycythemia(caused by chr hypoxemia); FEV1/FVC is decreased
sweat chloride test(>60) on 2 days
clubbing, chronic cough, increased AP diameter, apical crackles, nasal polyposis, hemoptysis
hypoxemia and advanced d/s has chronic compensated resp acidosis
pneumothorax sx
increased unilateral chest expansion, decreased tactile fremitus, hyperresonance, diminished breath sounds
pneumothorax labs/xray
CXR shows presence of pleural air, visceral pleural line is evidence. ABG analysis shows hypoxemia.
virchows triad
hypercoagulable state, venous stasis, vascular intimal inflammation/injury
3rd leading cause of deaths in hospitalized pts
PE pt sx
pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, apprehension, cough, hemoptysis, diaphoresis
PE exam findings
accentuation of pulmonary component of 2nd heart sound, tachypnea, tachycardia, crackles,low fever
ABG finding in PE
acute respiratory alkalosis secondary to hyperventilation
PE test to order
*pulmonary angiography(invasive); do spiral CT first
EKG shows S1Q3T3
cor pulmonale seen in 20% of pt with symptomatic PE
PFT shows FEV1/FVC ratio nml and decreased lung volume
restrictive. idiopathic pulm fibrosis
4 appropriate meds for CAP
doxy, emycin, macrolide, FQ
interstitial infiltrates
legionella comes from what
exposure to contaminated water droplets from cooling and ventilation systems
segmental unilateral lower lung zone infiltrates or diffuse infiltrates
atypical CAP
what is a neuramididase inhibitor
antiviral for atypical CAP; inhaled zanamivir or oral oseltamivir
diffuse or perihilar infiltrates on CXR
HIV pneumo
pneumocystis sx
fever, non prod cough, tachypnea, dyspnea
post tussive rales
hilar/paratracheal lymph node enlargement, segmental atelectasis
primary TB
fibrocavitary apical disease(upper lung lobes)
reactivation TB
ghon complexes
calcified primary focus(TB)
ranke complexes
calcified primary focus and calcified hilar lymph nodes (TB)
definitive diagnosis for TB
from cultures, DNA or RNA amplification techniques. bx shows noncaseating granulomas
bx shows noncaseating granulomas
TB histologic hallmark
bacille calmette-guerin
vaccine for TB neg people with high risk.
expiratory rhonchi or wheeze; neg CXR
acute bronchitis
tx for acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
1st line: second gen ceph; 2nd line is macrolide or bactrim
sx of resp distress in brochiolitis
nasal flaring, tachypnea, retractrions
CXR in bronchiolitits
nml but can show air trapping and peribronchial thickening
what has reduced epiglotitits
H influenza vaccacine(HIB)
high fever, severe dysphagia, drooling
viral laryngotracheobronchitis is also called what
what can help aid in dx bronchogenic carcinoma
positron emission tomography
solitary pulmonary lesion with low probability of malignancy tx
CT every 3 months for a year, if stable then every 6 months for 2 yrs
solitary pulmonary lesion with high probability of malignancy tx
resection ASAP!
solitary pulmonary lesion with intermediate probability of malignancy tx
transthoracic needle bx or bronchoscopy if perpheral. **high resolution CT or PET can help.
malignancy of solitary pulmonary nodule
40% malignant and represent carcinoma, hamartoma, mets(multiple) as well as bronchial adenoma(95% carcinoid tumors); malignancy rare under 30 y/o and high risk in smokers
benign/malignancy criteria of solitary pulmonary nodule
benign if it hasn’t enlarged in 2 years; malignant are symptomatic, age over 45, over 2cm, indistinct margins, rapid progression
carcinoid tumors common where
GI tract
asthma definition and 3 components
def: chr inflammation leading to airway narrowing and inc mucus production
1) obs of airflow
2) bronchial hyperactivity
3) inflammation of airway
asthma sx(5) and when are the sx worse
dry cough, episodic wheeze, chest tightness, wheezing(only 1/3 of pts), prolonged EXPIRATION with wheeze, sx worse at night
exacerbation factors of asthma (7)
NSAIDs, aspirin, post-nasal drip, GERD, ACE, cold air, stress
atopy triad
atopy(triad is wheeze, excema, seasonal rhinitis)
dry cough, episodic wheeze, chest tightness, wheezing(only 1/3 of pts), prolonged EXPIRATION, sx worse at night or early morning
asthma sx
test for asthma
PFT: gold standard in making the diagnosis. reversible obstruction (decreased FEV1, decreased FEV1/FVC ratio, increased RV, TLC, and RV/TLC)
when to do an ABG in asthma
if pt is ill; severe asthma will show hypoxemia, hypercapnia, Pa02 <60; PaCO2 >40; acute respiratory alkalosis.
asthma tx pneumonic
albuterol, steroids, theophylline(rare), humidified O2, Mg, anticholinergics
obstructive FEV1–FVC ratio
restrictive FEV1–FVC ratio
TLC in obstructive vs restrictive
obs: nml to elevated; res: decreased
FEF 25%-75% in obstructive vs restrictive
obs: <80% and res: nml to elevated
FEV1/FVC in obstructive vs restrictive
obs: <80% and res: nml to elevated
ASTHMA SYMPTOM OCCURANCE DAY/NIGHT intermittent mild persistant moderate persistant severe persistant
- intermittent: 1-2 days/wk; 1-2 nights/month; nml activities fine
- mild persistant: over 2 days/wk(not daily); 3-4 nights/month; minor limitation
- moderate persistant: daily; over 1 night/wk; some limitation
- severe persistant: continual; often 7 nights a wk; extreme limitation
USE OF RESCUE ASTHMA MEDICATION intermittent mild persistant moderate persistant severe persistant
intermittent: under 2 days/wk
mild persistant: over 2 days/wk
moderate persistant: daily
severe persistant: several times a day
FEV1 in types of asthma intermittent mild persistant moderate persistant severe persistant
intermittent: under 80%
mild persistant: over 80%
moderate persistant: 60-80%
severe persistant: under 60%
FEV1/FVC ratio in asthma intermittent mild persistant moderate persistant severe persistant
intermittent: nml
mild persistant: nml
moderate persistant: reduced 5%
severe persistant: reduced over 5%
medications for asthma
mild persistant
-all short acting prn bronchodilator
intermittent: no daily med
mild persistant: daily low dose inh CCS
medications for asthma
moderate persistant
severe persistant
- all short acting prn bronchodilator
- moderate persistant: low to medium inh CCS plus long actiing inh B2 agonists
- severe persistant: high dose inh CCS plus long acting inh B2 agonists; poss po CCS
B2 agonists
- albuterol: short acting; relaxes bronchial smooth mm
- salmeterol: long acting for prophylaxis
muscarinic antagonists
ipratropium: competively blocks muscarinic receptors therefore preventing bronchoconstriction.
* never use alone for asthma
corticosteroids for asthma
- inh CCS 1st line for long term control
- becomethasone, prednisone: inhibit synthese of cytokines
theophylline: bronchodilation. careful due to narrow therapeutic-toxic index. (cardio and neurotoxicity)
prevents release of vasoactive mediators from mast cells. good for exercise induced bronchospasm. *only for prophylaxis- not during an attack
montelukast and zafirlukast: blocks leukotrine receptors
tram lines
crowded bronchial markings with basal cystic spaces
CT shows dilated tortuous airways
chronic purulent sputum, recurrent pneumonia, chr cough, hemoptysis
CF sx
clubbing, chronic cough, increased AP diameter, apical crackles, nasal polyposis, hemoptysis, bronchiectasis
hyperresonance to percussion; nasal polyposis
def of CF
autosomal RECESSIVE d/p caused by mutation on chromosome 7 resulting in abn production of mucos by ALL exocrine glands, causing obs of those glands and ducts
most common severe genetic disease in US
CF frequently occurs in what race
CF has increased risks of what
malignancies in GI tract, osteopenia, arthropathies
CF usually seen when
newborn screening due to obs of distal ileum due to abnormally thick meconium
Why is there FTT in CF in babies
due to pancreatic insufficiency
pancreatic insufficiency sx(8)
greasy stools, flatulence, pancreatitis, rectal prolapse, HYPOproteinuria, biliary cirrhosis, jaundice, esophageal varieces
abnormal sx in CF (4)
type 2 DM, salty tasting skin, male infertility(ageosis of vas def), unexplained hyponatremia
malabsorption in CF
fat soluble vitamin deficiency: A, D, E, K; look for night blindness, rickets, neuropathy, coagulopathy
greasy stools, flatulence, pancreatitis, rectal prolapse, HYPOproteinuria, biliary cirrhosis, jaundice, esophageal varieces
pancreatic insufficiency sx
how to confirm CF besides sweat chloride test
genetic DNA testing
mixed obs/rest pattern
hyperinflation, peribronchial cuffing, mucous plugging, bronchietasis(thin cut CT shows too), inc intersitial markings, small round peripheral opacities, focal atelectasis, pneumothorax
hyperinflation, peribronchial cuffing, mucous plugging, bronchietasis, inc intersitial markings, small round peripheral opacities, focal atelectasis, pneumothorax
tx in CF
1) manage pulm manisfestations, chest PT, bronchodilators, CCS, antibx for pseudomonas, DNase
2) maybe give pancreatic enzymes or fat soluble vitamins
3) high calorie and high protein diet
4) ?transplant
parenchymal bullae and subpleural blebs!! decreased lung markings, hyperinflation, decreased lung markings at apices, small thin heart, flattened diaphrams
emphysema; pink puffer
*barrel chested, hyperventilation, wasted appearance with pursed lips
emphysema; pink puffer
emphysema and chr bronchitis: dyspnea cough lungs peripheral edema weight
emphysema and chr bronchitis: dyspnea: exertional/mild cough: rare/chr productive lungs: quiet/noisy with rhonchi and wheeze peripheral edema: none/yes weight: thin; overweight and cyanotic'
emphysema and chr bronchitis CXR
1) lung markings
2) diaphrams
1) emphysema has dec lung markings at apices and flattened diaphrams
2) chr bronchitis CXR has inc interstitial markings at bases and diagphrams not flattened
emphysema and chr bronchitis CXR:
acid-base status
1) emphysema has late hypercarbia/hypoxia- hence pink 2) chr bronchitis has early hypercarbia/hypoxia- hence blue
pollutants, recurrent URIs, eosinophilia, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
other causes of COPD
percussion, auscultation, and wheezing in COPD
- percussion yields resonance
- auscultation reveals dec breath sounds and early inspiratory crackles; long prolonged expiration
- wheezing not present at rest but can be provoked with forced expiration or exertion
anticholinergic inh(…tropiums) for bronchodilation, short acting BD for acute exacerbations, oral antibiotics, supplemental oxygen(pts with resting hypoxemia of PaO2 <55% or SaO2 <88%)
Pa02 < what; PaCO2 > what in asthma
Pa02 <60; PaCO2 >40
- PE of asthma
hyperresonance to percussion, decreased breath sounds, tachycardia, tachypnea, use of accessory muscles
- PE of severe asthma
inability to speak in full sentences, tripod position, silent chest(no air movement), altered mental status, pulsus paradoxus(inspiratory blood pressure > 10mmhg), PEFR<40% predicted.
- bronchoprovocation for asthma
methacholine challenge (>20% decreased in FEV1) followed by brochodilator challenge (increase of FEV1 >12% expected)
- how to do a dx of an acute asthma exacerbation
- peak expiratory flow rate, discharge criteria: PEFR>70% or PEFR>15% initial attempt, subjective improvement.
*pulse ox: Sa02 <90% indicative of resp distress
*ABG not usually ordered. Respiratory alkalosis expected(from tachypnea).
*CXR nml