cardiac 2024 pt 2 Flashcards
CAD usually due to what?
describe pathophysiology
ages gender
inadequate tissue perfusion due to imbalance between increased demand and decreased coronary artery blood suppy.
DM is worse then smoking.
men >45 or women>55 with FH of CAD= male before 55 or female before 65.
virchow’s triad
think DVT risk factors:
intimal damage, stasis, hypercoagulability(protein S or C def, factor V leiden mutation, antithrombin III def, oral contraceptive, malignancy, PG, smoking
1. most specific sign
2. first line imaging
3. gold standard
- edema LE >3cm
- venous doppler ultrasound
- contrast venography, invasive
IVC filter for DVT when?
recurrent DVT/PE despite adequate anticoagulation OR stable pts in whom anticoagulation is contraindicated OR right ventricular dysfunction w/ an enlarged RV on echo
DVT tx in …
1. PG
2. malignancy
- LMWH as initial and long term therapy.
- same plus Warfarin or direct oral anticoagulants are alternatives to LMWH in these pts.
Common causes of right and left heart failure
left: CAD and HTN. Others include valvular disease and cardiomyopathyies.
right: left sided heart failure. Pulm disease(COPD and pulm HTN), mitral stenosis.
Rt sided heart failure pneumonic
swelling in legs, feet, abdomen
wt gain (early sign, retaining fluid)
large neck veins
lethargic (low cardiac output)
irregular heart beat (careful to get afib)
girth of abdomen increased(hepatomegaly)
systolic heart failure.
describe EF,
___ ventricular systolic dysfunction,
___ ventricle cannot eject blood properly
reduced EF.
left, left
diastolic heart failure.
describe EF,
___ ventricular systolic dysfunction,
ventricle issue
preserved EF
left, ventricle too stiff to allow for filling of blood
left sided heart failure 5 S/S
SOB, crackles, orthopnea, difficulty breathing at night, pulm edema
gallop and LV chamber in systolic and diastolic heart failure
Systolic: S3, LV small with thick walls
Diastolic: S4, LV dilated with thin walls
left sided heart failure pneumonic for s/s
difficulty breathing
nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea
increased hrt rate(fluid overload)
nagging cough(watch for frothy foam)
gaining wt
pathophysiology of heart failure: afterload, preload, contractility
initial insult leads to increased afterload, increased preload, and decreased contractility.
cheyne stokes breathing
deeper, faster breathing with gradual decrease and periods of apnea and cyanosis. think left sided heart failure.
3 ways to manage diastolic heart failure
- heart rate control
- BP control
- Relief of ischemia(BB, ACE, CCB, diuretics for volume overload).
No CCB in systolic heart failure.
4 ACE inh precautions
avoid in PG
Elevated potassium (watch for hyperkalemia)
high potassium on ecg
ST elevation (high pumps)
peaked T waves and ST elevations
No CCB in what d/s
SYSTOLIC heart failure
BB and CCB 3__ tropics
neg chronotropic(lower rate)
neg inotropic(less force)
neg dromotropic(less beats)
BB decreases what 3 things(not including HR and BP)
resistance, workload, cardiac output
avoid BB in what 2 conditions
COPD and asthma
avoid BB in 4 kinds of treatments (pneumonic)
. bradycardia
2. breathing problems (wheezing, …)
3. bad for heart failure pts
4. blood sugar masking (70 or less)
Before giving CCB, count what
count HR and BP.
avoid in systolic below 100 and HR below 60
what is digoxin toxicity
Over 2.0
vision changes, anorexia, nausea, dizzy
creatinine levels
nml 0.6-1.2;
over 1.3 “no pee pee”
check what pulse and what lab in digoxin toxicity
apical pulse under 60
potassium below 3.5
digoxin, careful with what 2 pts
on diuretics or has renal problems
vasodilators do what 3 things.
what about preload and afterload
D- decrease BP
D- dilates vessels
D-decrease vascular resistance
decrease preload and afterload
top 5 vasodilators
nitro, nitroprusside, hydralazine, isosorbide, minoxidil
when to stop a vasodilator
on viagra, systolic below 100 or drops by 30 mmhg, lack of coordination, irritability, sweating, pallor
3 normal SE of vasodilator
HA, hypoTN, hot flushing(facial redness)
2 K++ wasting diuretics
caution in who
furosemide and HCTZ.
isosorbide not one.
caution in hypokalemia 3.5 or less
top 3 loops to give for worsening heart failure
furosemide, torsemide, bumnetanide
loops MOA
blocks reabsorption of Na into kidneys
what 3 drugs spare K++
lisinopril, losartan, spirolactone
what 3 things to check before giving a diuretic. pneumonic
BP, hold for systolic under 100
BUN & Cr
K++ imbalances
what is dilated CM
common cause
most common CM.
systolic dysfunction, leading to dilated, weak heart
idiopathic cause or viral(enterovirus, coxsackievirus B, echovirus)
usually left ventricle.
S3 gallop(due to filling of a dilated ventricle); displaced apical impulse
postviral myocarditis, HIV, lyme, parovirus B19, chagas d/s
poss etio for dilated CM
ETOH abuse, radiation, PG, autoimmune, thyroid d/o, vit B1 def(thiamine)
poss etio for dilated CM
Dilated CM demographics
2:1 male to female
african amer more then whites
dilated CM, remodeling of what? affects what valves, EF
left ventricle, thin wall, reduced EF, increased end systolic and diastolic volume leads to dilation. mitral insuff, tricuspid insuff
how to calculate cardiac output
HR x stroke volume
what is preload
end diastolic volume
describe frank starling law in dilated CM
increased stretch=increased contractility
relationship breaks down causing stroke volume to decrease and so does cardiac output
dilated CM tx
systolic heart failure: ACE, BB.
symptom control with diuretics
3 etio of hypercholesterolemia
hypothyroidism, PG, kidney failure
4 etio of hypertriglyceridemia,
may cause what organ issue
DM, ETOH, obesity, steroids, estrogen
goals of lipid lowering agents
plaque stabilization
reversal of endothelial dysfunction
thrombogenicity reduction
atherosclerosis regression
FH guidelines to screen for hyperlipidemia
first degree male relative with CHD before age 55,
first degree female relative with CHD before age 65