cardio misc Flashcards
apical lift from LVH, systolic ejection murmur near apex and bisferens carotid pulse
apical lift from LVH, systolic ejection murmur near apex and bisferens carotid pulse
EF in cardiomyopathies
dec in dilated; increase or nml in hypertrophic; nml in restrictive
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia tx
adenosine or 2nd line BB or CCB; do valsalva, coughing, leaning, splash ice water
avoid what in aortic dissection
diazoxide and hydralazine
pale, hypoTN, angina, syncope
v tach; cardiovert if unstable; or do lido, amio, procainamide
syncope, no BP, no pulse
v fib; defib and ACLS
orthostatic hypoTN tx
hydralazine, nitrates, niacin, CCB
acute sys CHF tx
loop with ace. NO BB
chronic sys CHF tx
BB with other meds. NO CCB
non prod cough, JVD, PND, exertional dyspnea, S3 maybe S4
systolic CHF
diastolic CHF tx
diuretics first line then maintain BP. No digoxin
CP in the early morning and tx
think prinzmental angina. tx with CCB or nitrates
STEMI and NSTEMI muscle
STEMI is transmural and NSTEMI is subendocardial
initial elevation at 1-4 h, peaks at 6-7h, and returns to normal with 24 hr
troponin 1
initial elevation at 3-12 h, peaks at 24h, and returns to normal with 5-10 days
troponin T
initial elevation at 4-8 h, peaks at 12-48h, and returns to normal with 5-14 days
initial elevation at 3-12h, peaks at 24h, and returns to normal with 48-72 hr
pulm atresia murmur
depends on present of tricuspid regurge; single S1 or single S2, hyperdynamic apical pulse
tetrology of fallot
cyanosis, clubbing, increased RV impulse at LLSB, loud S2
hypoplastic lt heart syndrome signs
shock, early heart failure, respiratory distress, single S2
transposition of great vessels PE and signs
systolic murmur(VSD) or systolic ejection(pulm stenosis) and *cyanosis in newborn; loud S2 if large VSD
ASD murmur; affects what compartment
systolic ejection murmur second LICS; wide fixed split S2
PDA definition, PE, and tx
affects what compartment
failure to close or delay in closing channel bypassing the lungs(allowing now placental gas exchange during the fetal state),
PE: machine like murmur, thrill, wide pulse pressure.
tx: NSAID for prostaglandins
LV failure, may have pulm HTN
COA involves what.
narrowing the the proximal thoracic aorta
PE: delayed or weak femoral pulse, harsh systolic murmur
CXR: 3 sign or rib notching
TX: under 50 then surgery; over 50 then stent
medication for aortic/mitral valve d/o
(pulm HTN and dysrhythmias)
diuretics and vasodilators for pulm congestion; digoxin and beta blockers for dysrhythmias
torsades medication tx
beta blockers, magnesium, temporary atrial or ventricular pacing.
pulsus paroxus
decreased systolic BP > than 10 mm hg inspiration
Pulsus parvus et tardus
weak, delayed carotid up stroke, split S2, aortic stenosis
Osler nodes and janeway nodes
Osler nodes
occur on finger tips. endocarditits
janeway nodes
palms and soles. think endocarditis
lower HDL and TG; inc LFT, myositis, warfarin potentiation
fibrates (lipoprotein lipase stimulators) effect and SE
dec Tg and inc HDL; cholelithiasis, myositis, inc LFT, GI upset
cholesterol absorption inhibitors(Ezetimibe) effect and SE
dec LDL; diarrhea, abd pain, maybe angiodema
niacin effect and SE
inc HDL, dec LDL; flushing that be prevented with aspirin, paraesthesias, pruritis, inc LFT, GI pain
bile acid resins(cholestyramine, colestipol, colesevelam) effect and SE
dec LDL; myalgias, constipation, LFT abn, GI upset; can dec absorption of other drugs in small intestine
renal artery stenosis; age/etio
dx how
*dx, HTN tx
under 25 y.o(fibromuscular dyplasia); over 50 y.o(atherosclersis); dx with renal artery doppler u/s; tx with ace only in unilateral disease!
pheochromocytoma; definition, symptoms, dx, and HTN tx
adrenal gland tumor that secretes epi and norepi; episodic HA, sweating, tachycardia; dx with catecholamine levels, urinary metanephrines; tx with both alpha blockers and BB
Conn Syndrome; definition, how to dx, tx
hyperaldosteronism; adenoma; causes: triad of HTN, unexplained hypokalemnia, metabolic alkalosis; check plasma aldosterone and renin; removal of tumor
mnemonic for pericarditis
CARDIAC RIND: collagen vascular disorder, aortic dissection, radiation, drugs, infections, acute renal failure, cardiac(MI), rheumatic fever, injury, neoplasm, dressler
STEMI Tx if in heart failure or shock
ACE. no BB!
wide split S2 can be what 2 things
harsh systolic murmur can be what 2 things
AS(heard best at LSB) or COA
S2 S3 S4 with
AS and AR S4
PS S3 and S4
MR S2 and S3
V1 has deep S wave and no R wave;
1, V5, V6 has tall R wave
V1 has wide RSR wave;
1, V5, V6 has wide S wave
what is preload
Volume in ventrical at the end of diastolic