Pulm Flashcards
normal FEV1
> 80%
normal FVC
> 80%
normal FEV1/FVC
> 70-75
obstructive disease levels
hi volume hi residual volume low vital capacity low FEV1 low FEV1/FVC
restrictive disease levels
low volume low residual vol low VC low FEV1 normal or hi FEV1/FVC
most accurate way to measure TLC
normal PO2
normal PCO2
normal HCO3
normal pH
upper limit compensation (pH)
0.25 x (PCO2actual - PCO2norm)
lower limit compensation (pH)
0.75 x (PCO2actual - PCO2norm)
diff alkalosis
resp: pH up cuz CO2 down (27)(hypovent)
diff acidosis
resp: pH down cuz CO2 up (>50)
met: pH down cuz HCO3 down (
mixed acidosis
pH down cuz PCO2 up and HCO3 down
alveolar disease (area affected)
peripheral only
alveolar disease CXR (characteristics)
homogenous opacity
obscured BVs
poor marginations
air bronchograms
pneumonia CXR sign
silhouette sign
CHF/pulm edema CXR sign
bat wing
pulm infacrtion sign
wedge shaped density
hampton’s hump
interstitial disease (area affected)
interstitial disease CXR (characteristics)
Kerley B lines reticular ground glass nodular reticulonodular
atelectasis CXR (characteristics)
tracheal, mediastinal, fissure deviation (twd side of atelectasis)
elevated hemidiaphragm
overinflation of other lung
linear atelectesis sign
plate like?
post abdominal surgery
flat line on CXR –>
air-fluid level
raltegravir (or dolutegravir)
+ emitricitabine/tenofovir
start w/in hours
treat 4 weeks
transudative vs exudative effusions
light’s criteria (any = exudative)
pleural prt/serum prt > 0.5
pl LDH/serum LDH > 0.6
pl LDH > 2/3 upper limit normal lab serum LDH
d/o w/ transudative effusions
CHF cirrhosis nephrotic syndrome PE peritoneal dialysis
d/o w/ exudative effusions
infections malignancy GI collagen vasc disease drugs hemo/chylothorax PE asbestos
PPD: 5 mm + population
HIV close contact TB CXR show old unTx TB organ trans immunocomp
PPD: 10mm+ pop
recent immigrants IVDU high risk med conditions high risk job myco lab ppl kids exposed to adult @ hi risk
PPD: 15mm+ pop
no known TB RFs
tx latent TB
INH 9 months (+kids)
RIF 4 months
latent TB vs disease
both + PPD, QFT
latent: normal CXR, smears, cultures, no Sx, not infectious
disease: abnormal CXR, +smears/cultures, cough, fever, weight loss, infectious
MC: sinus tachy
rare: S1Q3T3
BOOP path
fibroproliferative plug
lipid laden macs
minimal architectural distortion
histiocytosis aka
eosinophil granuloma
pulm langerhans cell granulomatosis
histiocytosis mech/progression
interstitial w/ obstructive granulomatous lesions
langerhans cell proliferation in small airways/parenchyma
later, more fibrosis
restrictive or obstructive
histiocytosis CXR
bilat, upper lobe
sarcoidosis stages
I: lymphocytic alveolitis
II: non-casseating granulomas
III: fibrosis