A report is read out by the head engineer during the company’s
annual general meeting.
Manuscript Speaking
No matter what you choose to do; no matter what direction
you go; whether you are going to be a doctor who will treat
refugees or financier making money off of foreclosures, you
will face a moment in your career where you have absolutely
no idea what to do, young graduates.
Commencement Speech
Usually given to a person after his death at a funeral service.
Benefits of public speaking.
- speeches are not only meant for academic tasks and activities, but they perform a vital role in building and maintaining personal relationships and boosting one’s confidence
- Seventy percent of jobs today are deemed to involve some forms of public speaking
-Having good communication skills is believed to significantly contribute to one’s professional
success and growth—this is primarily the reason why communicative competence, one of the
21st century skills you should master, is promoted and highly encouraged in schools.
Etymological meaning of Glossophobia
Glossa- tounge
Phobos- fear or dread
A type of keynote speech to markthe occasion of a school’s graduation ceremony during which diplomats are awarded to graduating students
Commencement speech
The facilitator of a seminar for teenagers used cards which
contain the big ideas and key concepts of his speech. He glanced
at them regularly for him to stay on track.
Extemporaneous Speech
Made with very little preparation thus the speaker only relied on previous knowledge and skill
Impromptu Speech
The presentation of an award is usually followed by this type of speech, which the recipient delivers upon immediate receipt of the award.
Acceptance Speech
Its goals are to console the audience and to praise the deceased.
Speech is written out, then memorized.
Memorized Speech
What to do when you are asked to present an impromptu speech?
Think of major points and how to support them
can contain tributes, admiration, comedic insults, and outlandish stories that are true or untrue.
Celebratory in nature in that it marks an important milestone in the graduates’ lives.
Commencement Speech
Can be a call to action for its audience
Commencement Speech
Requires a lot of practice before the actual delivery to avoid problems like reciting hurriedly and stuttering/
Memorized Speech
What mode of speech is a self-introduction
Impromptu speech
What mode of speech is presented when an actor
practices his line?
Extemporaneous Speech
It expresses the experiences, kindness, support, and warmth the individual extended
Speaker presents a person with an award or prize.
Speech to Present an Award
The good things about this mode are that since notes or manuscripts are not necessary, you are free to use your hands for effective gestures and movements.
Memorized Speech
The disadvantage of a memorized speech?
Once your mind goes completely blank, and you forget the next sentence, it will be difficult for you to get back on track.
The primary purpose of this speech is to give recognition to the recipient and his or her accomplishments pertaining to that specific award.
Speech to Present an Award
Requires the speaker to organize and build his composition prior to presentation
Extemporaneous Speech
Word-for-word iteration of a written message.
Manuscript Speaking
Speech that represents the essential or common theme of a convention conference, or other large gatherings.
Keynote Address
Allows the speaker to acknowledge accomplishments and express best wishes for the future.
It is addressed to the person who was an instrument in the construction and fundraising of any establishment.
Most conferences, expositions, or conventions are usually organized around a central idea, and this is what summarizes the central message revolving around the general theme
Keynote Address
Requires the speaker to effectively deliver a speech, typically a long one, guided by a prepared manuscript, the printed copy of a speech or a document
Manuscript Speaking
There is usually a roast master—someone who serves as amster of ceremonies—and other take part in the roasting.
This speech gives the recipient an opportunity to shows appreciation for the award as well as humility and grace
Acceptance Speech
Disadvantages of Manuscript Speaking
- The speech can be dull and boring since the speaker will just read it
- There is less interaction with the audience since eye contact is comporomised
Given by both the retiree and by those who remain behind.
A brief tribute to a person or event
It is often the case that those involved in the roasting might expect to bear the brunt of a few jokes.
What is the usual duration of a tribute speech? When is the perfect timing?
30-60 seconds.
When everyone is present, seated for a dinner, or has a drink in hand
In this speech, the reader maintains his or her attention on the printed page except when using visual aids.
Manuscript Speaking
Introduces the main speaker at an event and inspires the audience to listen to that speaker
Speech of Introduction
First of all, I would like to congratulate you all, most
especially to the benefactor, Mr. William Tantoco, on this fine
new building that has been added to our community. Such
congratulations are necessary not only because another useful
public edifice adorns this lovely place, but also because better
business services will be offered by the post office.
In a school debate contest, a topic was given to the two groups
on the spot.
Impromptu Speech