one of the special techniques in technical writing which require stating the meaning of a term.
Why is Definition an important skill for you to learn?
We will most likely be defining words in any technical or academic papers.
Knowing how to properly define words will help you _____
get your message across
What are the words that you need to define?
Simple words with special meaning in a certain field or profession
Technical terms
Difficult or high-sounding words
These are words you do not typically hear in everyday conversations because they are ornamental or highfalutin words.
Difficult or high-sounding words
These jargons convey special meanings in certain field or expertise.
These are words exclusively used in a particular profession.
Technical terms
These words may seem to be ordinary, conversational words; however, since these terms are also widely used in other fields, one must define them so that confusions or misunderstanding will be avoided.
Simple words with special meaning in a certain field or profession
They are used by individuals who wish to sound highly educated
Difficult or high-sounding words
Define formal definition
A one-sentence explanation of the meaning of a word.
This kind of definition is typically used in academic or technical papers, since they are formal papers which require standard language and format.
Formal definition
Name the three parts of formal definition
Term, genus, and differentia
It is the concept being defined
The family/classification to which the term belongs
The specific characteristics or traits distinguishing a species from other classifications of the same genus
What is the term, genus, and differentia in the given definition:
A mangrove is a tropical tree which grows in swaps or shallow salt water.
mangrove, tropical tree, which grows in swamps or shallow saltwater.
Three parts in the given definition:
An erratum is an error in printed work discovered after printing and shown with its correction.
Erratum, an error in printed work, discovered after printing and shows with its correction.
three parts:
A diary is a list of news events that journalists have advance knowledge of.
diary, list of news events, journalists have advance knowledge of. (?)
Three parts:
An overnight is a story usually written late at night for the afternoon newspapers of the next day
Overnight, a story, usually written late at night for the afternoon newspapers of the next day
A short explanation of the meaning of a word.
Informal definition
Consists of one or more synonymous expressions substituted for the unfamiliar term used.
Informal definition
Give the five guidelines in writing formal definitions
- Define a word in simpler and more familiar terms
- Practice grammatical parallelism
- Avoid circular definition which means the explanation of a term using the word itself or any of the derivatives
- Be specific about the genus or class
- Do not repeat the term in the class/genus
Identify if the following definition follows the guidelines. If not, explain.
Lamentation is a feeling of lamenting.
No. Circular definition.
Identify if the following definition follows the guidelines. If not, explain.
A Florence flask is a flask with a long neck.
No. Repeating terms.
Identify if the following definition follows the guidelines. If not, explain.
A chromosome is any of the rod-shaped or threadlike DNA-containing structures of cellular organisms that are located in the nucleus of eukaryotes.
No. Must be in simpler and more familiar terms.
Identify if the following definition follows the guidelines. If not, explain.
Hoarding is an act of collecting and to hide large number of valuables.
No. Grammatical parallelism.
Identify if the following definition follows the guidelines. If not, explain.
A rifle is a tool with spiral channel inside its barrel to impart rotary motion to its
No. Specific class/genus.