Public Relations as Stakeholder Relationship Management Flashcards
What is Modernism (Positivism)?
- Faith is knowledge and science
- Believes in history and progress. All development is good and uncritical praise towards technological advances.
- Human is rational and can reason objectively
- The Individual
- A total belief in its own truths
What is Postmodernism (Relativism)?
- Critically questions all knowledge and science
- Suspicious towards all grand narratives about progress. Things change, but no development takes place
- Human is emotional and will always reason subjectively
- Relationships create the individual
- The urge to explain why others are wrong
What is Metamodernism (Common Sensism)?
- Faith in knowledge and science, but not without questioning absolute truths and narratives
- Learn from history and create better processes in the interest of progress. Development enriches a one-dimensional view of change.
- Emotions influence human’s ability to reason objectively, but being aware of this assists in somewhat objective reasoning
- Inner dimensions of life could play a more central role in society
- What one believes to be true, is of importance, accepting the possibility of being wrong in certain believes
What is at the Core of the Metamodern Stakeholder Relationship Management Model?
Move away from the organisation as the focal hub to the stakeholder as centric to organisational success.
What is Stage 1 of the Metamodern Stakeholder Relationship Management Model?
Empower management to understand, accept and apply the concepts of stakeholder relationship management.
What is Stage 2 of the Metamodern Stakeholder Relationship Management Model?
Reach internal consensus about current strategic organisational issues.
What is Stage 3 of the Metamodern Stakeholder Relationship Management Model?
Map stakeholders and identify strategic stakeholders.
What is Stage 4 of the Metamodern Stakeholder Relationship Management Model?
Design a focused communication strategy aligned with the stakeholder relationship management strategy.
Why is the Metamodern Stakeholder Relationship Management Model Continuous?
The process is continuous and cyclical with no specific ending to building relationships over time.
What is the first building block of the Global PR and Communication Model?
Definition and activation of purpose:
- Leading the process and the selection of metrology for defining the purpose and activating supportive behaviours such as recommending, working, purchasing or investing amongst others.
Curator of corporate purpose:
- Ensuring that the organisation’s communications and the attitudes and behaviours of the employees are coherent, consistent and aligned with its corporate purpose.
What is the second building block of the Global PR and Communication Model?
Comprehensive Management of Corporate Brand:
- Comprehensive and strategic management of the corporate brand as a platform for relations with all stakeholders, design and implementation of relevant, consistent and coherent experiences at each touchpoint.
Internal Alignment:
- Participation in the formulation of corporate values, beliefs and principles that build your corporate culture and active behaviours and attitudes that are aligned for all employees.
What is the third building block of the Global PR and Communication Model?
Managing and Measuring Reputation:
- Standardising systems for managing and measuring reputation for all stakeholders to design reputational plans for continuous improvement, incorporating global reputation indicators. In the Balanced scorecard of the company, demonstrating their impact on the creation of business value and aligning it with incentives and rewards procedures for executives and employees.
Managing Reputational Risk:
- Integrating reputational risk in the enterprise risk system, establishing plans for tracking and monitoring to mitigate any potential risks and identifying opportunities for strengthening reputation and the business.
What is the fourth building block of the Global PR and Communication Model?
Corporate Narrative Strategy:
- Ensures a unified story that allows for evaluating whether the campaigns and projects that drive the organisation:
1. Strengthens its brand differentiation and identify
2. Respond to the business model and strategy
3. Built trust legitimacy and a strong reputation
4. Relevant, shared and create cohesion with its various stakeholders.
Content Generation:
The department is transformed into a media platform generating unique content based on the organisation’s purpose, principles and value and tailored to narrative territories that are relevant to key stakeholders and to which the organisation can make a distinctive contribution
Comprehensive management of all channels and platforms:
- Developmet of a corporate communications framework to be implemented throughout all channels and communication platforms of the organisation with its stakeholders (PESO).