Public Health Sciences Flashcards
Observational studies
- cross sectional: what is it, question asked, measures
- case control: what is it, question, example
- cohort: what is it, goal, question for prospective vs retrospective
- crossover: what is it, conditions, measures
- twin- what is it, measures
- adoption- what is it, measures
- frequency of dx and risks are assessed in present, “what is happening?”; dxx prevelance, can show risk factors but not cause
- compares group w/ dx to group w/o, looks to see if odds of prior exposure or risk factor differ by disease state; “what hapened”, pts with COPD had higher odds of smoking history than those w/o COPD
- compares group with given exposure or risk to group w/o, looks to see if that group later develops a dx, prospective “ who will develop dx” or retrospective “who developed the dx”
- compares the effect of a series of 2 or more tx on a participant, order in which pts receive tx is randomized w/ washout period between each tx; allows participants to serve as their own controls
- compares frequency with which monoxygotic vs dizygotic twins develop a dx; measures hereitability and influence of env factors
- compares siblings raised by biological vs adoptive parents; measures hereitability and influence of env factors
Clinical trials
- what is it
- improved w/
- phases
- study involving humans comparing the benefits of 2 or more tx or of tx and placebo
- study that is randomized, controlled, and double blinded
- Is it safe (safety, tox, pharmacokinetics), does it work ( tx efficacy, dosing, adverse effects), is it as good or better ( compares new tx to old txs), can it stay (long term effects)
Eval of diagnostic tests
- sensitivity
- specificity
- positive predictive value
- negative predictive value
- probability that when the dx is present the test is positive; closer to 100 will indicate low false negative rate; TP/ TP+FN
- probability that when the dx is absent the test is negative, closer to 100 = low false positive rate; TN/ TN+FP
- probability that person who has positive test results actually has dx; TP/ TP+FP
- probability that person w/ negative test actually does not have dx; TN/ TN+FN
Likelihood ratio
- what is it
- useful test/ equations
- likelihood that given test result would be expected in a pt w/ target disorder compared to likelihood that same result would be expected in a pt w/o targeted disorder
- LR+ (TP/FP) > 10 or LR - (FN/ TN) <0.1 indicates useful diagnostic test
Quantifying risk
- odds ratio
- relative risk
- relative risk reduction
- attributable risk
- absolute risk reduction
- number needed to treat
- number needed to harm
- case fatality rate
- odds of certain outcome given exposure vs odds w/o exposure; case-control studies
- risk of developing disease in exposed group divided by risk in unexposed group; cohort studies; =1: no association btwn exposure and dx, >1 exposure associated w/ increased disease, <1 exposure associated w/ decrease disease
- proportion of risk reduction attributable to intervention as compared w/ control
- the difference in risk between exposed and unexposed groups
- difference in risk attributable to intervention as compared to control
- number of pts who need to be treated for 1 pt to benefit
- number of pts who need to be exposed to risk factor for 1 pt to be harmed
- percentage of deaths that occur over dx course; if 4 pts die after 10 cases of meningitis then it is 40 %
Incidence vs prevalence
- what is incidence
- what is prevalence
- increase in survival time
- increase mortality
- therapy initiation
- faster recovery time
- extensive vaccine admin
- decrease in risk factors
- # new cases/ # ppl at risk
- # existing cases/ total # people in population
- increases prevalence
- decrease prevalence
- decreases prevalence
- decrease prevalence
- decrease prevalence
- decrease prevalence
Precision vs Accuracy
- what is precision; what effects it; increases cause
- what is accuracy
- consistency and reproducibility of a test; random error will decrease it ; decrease in standard deviation and increase in statistical power
- trueness of test measurements
Bias: what is it, example
- selection
- recall
- measurement
- procedure
- observer-expectancy
- confounding
- lead time
- length time
- non random sampling or treatment allocation so that study population is not representative of target population; berkson - cases and controls selected from hospitals are less healthy than gen pop, attritionparticipants lost to follow up have different prognosis than those that complete the study
- awareness of disorder alters recall by subjectives; pts w/ recall disease recall exposure after learning about similar cases
- information gathered in systematically distorted manner; participants change behavior once aware they are bein watched or using faulty equipment to gather information
- subjects in diff groups not treated same; pts in tx group spend more time in highly specialized hospital units
- researcher belief in efficacy of tx changes the outcome of the ts; observer expecting tx group show signs of recovery more likely to develop positive outcome
- factor related to both exposure and outcome distort effect of exposure on outcome; uncontrolled study shows association between drinking coffee and lung CA but coffee drinkers smoke more accounting for association
- early detection confused w/ increased survival
- screening test detects dx w/ long latency period while those with short latency period become symptomatic earlier; slow progressing CA easier to detect w/ screen test rather than rapidly progressive
Statistical distribution
- measures of central tendency: includes
- measure of dispersion: standard deviation vs standard error
- normal distribution: shape
- mean= avg, median, mode
- standard deviation: how much variability exists in set of values around the mean of these values; standar error: estimate of how much variability exists in setof sample means around true population mean
- bell shaped (gaussian)
Non-normal distribution
- bimodal: suggests
- positive skew: mean, median, mode; looks like
- negative skew: mean, median, mode; looks like
- suggests 2 diff population
- mean> median> mode, asymmetry w/ longer tail on right
- mean < median < mode, asymmetry w/ longer tail on left
Stat hypotheses
- null
- alternative
- hypothesis of no difference or relationship -> no association between dx and risk factors
- hypothesis of some diff or relationship; some association between dx and risk factors
Outcome of statistical hypothesis testing
- correct
- type I error, alpha
- type II error, beta
- stating there is difference when one occurs or stating there is no difference when there is not one
- stating there is an effect when none exists
- stating that there is not an effect when one exists
Confidence interval
- what is it
- often used
- range of values within which true mean of population is expected to fall w/ specified probability
- 95% w/ alpha = 0.05
meta analysis
- what is it
- estimates
- improves
- method of statistical analysis that pools summary data from mult studies for more precise estimate of the size of an effect
- estimates heterogenocity of effect sizes between studies
- improves strength of evidence and generalizability if study findings
common stats tests
- t-test
- chi-square
- checks diff between means of 2 groups
- checks diff between means of 3 or more groups
- checks diff between 2 or more percentages or proportions of categorical outcomes not mean
pearson correlation coefficient
- what is it
- positive
- negative
- coeff of determination
r is always betweej -1 and +1, the closer r is to 1 the stronger the linear correlation between the 2 variables
- positive r -> positive correlation
- negative r -> negative correlation
- coefficient of determination = r^2; amount of variance in one variable can be explained by variance in another variable
Core ethical principles
- autonomy
- beneficence
- nonmaleficence
- justice
- obligation to respect pts as individuals to createconditions for autonomous choice and honor their preference in accepting or not accepting medical care
- physicians have ethical duty to act in pts best interest. Can conflict w/ autonomy or what is best for society
- “Do no harm”; must be balanced w/ beneficence
- to treat persons fairly and equitably; not always equally (triage)
Informed Consent
- disclosure
- understanding
- capacity
- voluntariness
- must have
- exceptions
- discussion of pertinent info
- ability to comprehend
- ability to reason and make ones own decisions
- freedom from coercion and manipulation
- intelligent understanding of dx and risks and benefits of tx and alternative options, including no tx
- waiver (pt waives right of informed consent), legally incompetent (lacks decision making capacity), therapeutic privilege (withholding info when disclosure would harm pt or undermine informed decision making capacity, emergency (implied consent applies)
Consent for Minors
- vary by
- parental consent not required
- exceptions
- state
- sex (STI, contraception, pregnancy), drugs (substance abuse), rock and roll (emergencies/ trauma)
- emergency or emancipated
Advanced directive
- what is it
- oral: what is it, how is it valid
- written
- medical power of attorney
- instructions given by parent in anticipation of need for medical decisions
- pts prior oral statements used as guide; pt needed to have been informed, directive specific, pt made choice, and decision repeated over time to mult people
- specifies specific healthcare interventions that pt anticipates he or she would accept or reject during tx for critical or life threatening illness
- pt designates an agent to make medical decisions in event that they lose decision making capacity; can be revoked by pt if decision making capacity is intact
- prohibits CPR and other resuscitative measures
Surrogate decision maker
- what is it
- priority of surrogates
- if pt loses decision making capacity and has not prepared advance directive, individuals who know the pt have to determine what pt would have done
- spouse -> adult children -> parents -> siblings
- exceptions
- suicidal/homicidal pts, abuse, duty to protect, epileptic pts, reportable dx (STI, hepatitis, food poisoning)
changes in elderly
- sex changes
- sleep
- suicide rate
- vision and hearing
- immune response
- renal, pulmonary, GI function
- muscle mass
- fat
- harder to get erection, and vagina dryer and thinner
- decreased REM, increase sleep onset latency, increase early awakening
- increased
- decrease
- decreased
- decrease
- decrease
- increase
Disease prevention
- primary
- secondary
- tertiary
- quaternary
- prevent befor occurs (HPV vaccine)
- screen early and manage existing but asymptomatic dx (Pap)
- reduce complications for dx (chemo)
- identifying pts at risk of unnecessary tx, protect from harm of new interventions
Major medical insurance plans: provider, payment, specialist
- exclusive provider organization
- health maintenance org
- point of service
- preferred provider org
- accountable care org
- restricted to limited panel, no referral needed
- restricted to limited panel, denied for service that does not meet established evidence-based guidelines, requires referral
- pt can see provider outside network, higher copay and deductible for out of network, requires referral
- pts can see providers outside network, higher copay and deductible for all services, no referral required
- providers voluntarily enroll, medicare
Healthcare payment models
- bundled
- capitation
- discounted fee for service
- fee for service
- global payment
- healthcare org receives set amount per service, regardless of ultimate cost
- physician receives set amount per pt assigned to them per period of time, regardless of how much pt uses healthcare sxs (HMO)
- pt pays for each individual service at discounted price (PPO)
- pt pays for each individual service
- pt pays for all expenses associated with single incident of care w/ single payment -> elective surgeries
Medicare and medicaid
- what are they
- originated from
- medicare available to
- what is medicaid for
- parts
- federal social healthycare program that originated from amendments to the social security act
- available to patients older than 65 or those with certain disabilities such as ESRD
- federal and state assistance for people w/ limited income and resources
- A: hospital, B: basic medical bills, C: A+B (by approved provate companies), D: prescription drugs
- what is it
- available to
- goal
- medical care focued on prividing comfort and palliation instead of definitive care
- available to those who have less than 6 months to live
- facilitating comfort is prioritized over potential side effects
common causes of death
- < 1 yr
- 1-14
- 15-34
- 35-44
- 45-64
- 65+
- congenital malformations, preterm birth, SIDS
- unintentional injury, CA, congenital malformations
- unintentional injury, suicide, homicide
- unintentional injuries, CA, HD
- CA, heart dx, unintentional injury
- heart dx, CA, chronic resp dx