Public Health JR Flashcards
What are the GMC Duties of a Doctor?
Protect and promote health of patients and public
Provide good standard of practice and care
Recognise and work within limits of competence
Work with colleagues in way that best serves patient’s interests
Treat patients as individuals and respect dignity
What are the 3 domains of Public health?
Health Improvement
Health Protection
Improving Services
Annotate the social health determinants diagram
Age, sex and hereditary factors Individual lifestyle factors social and community influences living and working conditions general socioeconomic, cultural and environmental conditions
What are the theories of behavioral change and what model does it use?
Health Belief Model (Becker 1974)
Individuals must believe they are susceptible to the condition
Must believe in serious consequences
must believe taking action reduces risk
must believe benefits of actions outweigh costs
What is the transtheoretical change model of behavioral change?
Precontemplation contemplation preparation action maintenance
What are the structural determinants of illness?
Social Class Material deprivation and poverty unemployment discrimination and racism gender and health
What is the biological Model?
Mind and body are treated separately
The body is like a machine that can be repaired
This privileges the use of technological interventions
It neglects the social and psychological dimensions of disease
Define Morality
Concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong
Define ethics
A system of moral principles and a branch of philosophy which defines what is good for individuals and society
What is utalitarianism/consequentialism?
An act is evaluated solely in terms of its consequences
maximises good and minimises harm
What is Kantianism/Deontology?
Features of the act determine the worthiness of the act
Following natural laws and rights
What is virtue ethics?
Focus is on the individual doing the action.
An action is only virtuous if the person is genuinely intending to do the right thing
What are the 5 focal virtues?
Compassion Discernment Trustworthiness Integrity Conscientiousness
What are the 4 principles of ethics?
Autonomy - The right to make your own informed decisions.
Beneficence - Always do good
Non-maleficence - Do no harm
Justice - Concerns fair distribution of services
What are used to assess the functional limitations in the elderly population?
Katz ADL (Activities of Daily Living)
Barthel’s ADL
What do the Katz and Barthel’s ADL indexes assess?
An individuals ability to carry out activities of daily living such as:
Going to the toilet - and urinary and bowl continence
Getting in and out of bed
What does the IADL Index assess?
Instrumental activities of daily living: Use a telephone do laundry go shopping handle finances
What does the MMSE assess?
Immediate and orientation memory
Short term memory
What are some key challenges that are faced with an ageing population?
Strains on pension and social security - pensions will have a higher payout
Increased demand for health care
Increased demand for longer-term healthcare
Bigger need for trained health workforce
Ageing workforce
Perversive ageism
What is an acute illness?
A disease of short duration that starts quickly
and has severe symptoms (often can be cured)
What is a Chronic Illness?
A persistent or recurring condition, which
may or may not be severe, often starting gradually with slow
changes (can’t be cured but can be treated)
What is Polypharmacy?
The use of multiple medications or
administration of more medications than are clinically indicated
What is the chain of infection?
A susceptible host causative infectious organism Reservoir (somewhere to spread to) Portal of exit Mode of transmission Portal of entry New susceptible host
What are some protective infection control precautions?
Gloves and aprons and hand hygeine
Correct sharps manipulation
Correct clinical waste and linen handling
What are the different types of transmission?
Direct - Contact such as with STIs
- Faecal oral route - viral gastroenteritis
Indirect - Vector borne - malaria dengue
- Vehicle Borne - hep B
Airborne - Respiratory route - TB/legionella
What is stress?
Stress occurs when the demands made upon an individual are greater than their ability to cope
What is good stress?
Eustress - motivational and helpful
What is bad stress?
Distress - Damaging or harmful
What is the bodies stress response?
● Lungs – increased resp rate
● Blood flow – BP increases, HR increases
● Skeletal muscle – tenses
● Spleen – more RBCs discharged
● Skin – blood flow redirected to muscles and heart
● Mouth – mucous and saliva production decreases, dries
● Immune System – redistribution of WBCs
What is the stress illness model?
An individuals susceptibility to disease or illness is increased when an individual is exposed to stressors which cause strain upon the individual leading to psychological and physiological changes
What is Screening?
A process which sorts out apparently well people who probably have a disease from those who probably do not
What is the main purpose of screening?
Prevention of disease
What are the Wilson Jungner Criteria?
● it should be a serious health problem
● the aetiology should be well understood
● should be a detectable early stage
● should be an accepted treatment for the disease
● facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available
● there can’t be an unmanageable extra clinical workload
● a suitable test should be devised for the early stage
● the test should be acceptable for the patients
● intervals for repeating the test should be determined
● there should be an agreed policy on whom to treat
● the cost should be balanced against the benefits
What is Primary Prevention?
Prevention of the disease occurring
What is Secondary Prevention
Early detection of disease in order to alter the course of the disease and maximise the chances of a complete recovery
What is Tertiary Prevention?
Ways of slowing down the progression of the disease
Give some examples of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention for Type 2 Diabetes
Primary - reduce risk factors by losing weight, having a balanced diet, increasing physical exercise
Secondary - Population screening - diabetic eye screening
Tertiary - Medications such as metformin, bariatric surgery to treat the condition and prevent progression
What is an error?
Any preventable event that may cause or lead to patient harm
What are the possible outcomes of errors?
An Adverse Event
A Near Miss
What are the different types of error?
Errors of Omission
Errors of Commission
Errors of Negligence
What are errors of Omission
When the required action is delayed or not taken
What are errors of Commission?
When the wrong action is taken
What are errors of Negligence?
When the actions or omissions do not meet the standard of an ordinary skilled person professing
How can errors be managed?
At an individual level or organisational level
What is individual error management?
Errors are the products of wayward mental processes of individual people in the system
What is organisational error management?
Adverse events are the product of many causal factors (swiss cheese model) and so the whole system is to blame.
Define Prevalence?
The proportion of a population that are found to have the disease
Define Incidence?
The number of new cases of a a disease arising within a specified time period
When can you breach confidentiality?
When required by law
When the patient provides consent
When it is in the public interest
What are the criteria for disclosure when breaching confidentiality?
Anonymous Patients consent Kept to a necessary minimum Meets current law After death confidentiality continues
How would you approach a patient about quitting smoking?
3 As
Give 4 examples of UK screening programmes
Breast cancer
Bowel Cacner
Diabetic Retinopathy
Fetal Abnormalities
What is Sensitivity?
The proportion of people with the disease who are correctly identified by the screening test
(TP / TP + FN)
What is Specificity?
The proportion of people without the disease who are correctly excluded by the screening test.
(TN / FP +TN)
What is the Positive Predictive Value?
The proportion of people correctly identified as having the disease
(TP / TP + FP)
What is the Negative Predictive Value?
The proportion of people correctly identified as not having the disease
(TN / FN + TN)
What is the role of the doctor in combating health inequalities?
Changing systems Changing perspectives changing education working hollistically advocating on the social determinants of health
What are the social determinants of health?
Societal factors which influence an individuals health
What are the social determinants of health based on?
Fair society and healthy lives - the marmot report (2010)
Give some examples of social determinants of health
Education housing income access to care occupation
Why are social determinants of health important?
Health problems are worse in more unequal societies
Above a certain level, health ceases to improve in proportional and income disparities within a country affect health
Despite equal access to healthcare in the UK, health outcomes are not equal within society.
What is the Black Report?
From 1980
Stated that health inequalities are affected by:
Material - environmental causes
Artifact - there are not inequalities, it is how it is measured
Cultural/behavioral - poorer people behave in unhealthy ways
Selection - sick people sink socioeconomically
What is the Marmot Report?
From 2010
Health inequalities are a matter of faireness and social justice
There is a social gradient in health - the lower a persons social position the worse their health
Action should focus on reducing the gradiant in health.