Histology- SUGER Flashcards
How many nephrons are there in the kidney?
1million per nephron
What are the areas of the kidney?
The cortex medulla and pelvis
What does the cortex look like under the microscome?
Glomeruli and DCT and PCT
What are medullary ray?
Loops of henle that are alligned in the cortex
What does the renal medulla look like /
There are lots of loops of henle they are radially orientated so can be cut in odd ways, thre are also blood vessels
What does the glomerulus look like?
a bulb of small cells with a space around it
What are mesangial cells?
Suport cells of the glomerulus
What type of capillaries are in the glomerulus?
convoluted fenestrated capillaries
how can the basement membrane be seen easily?
PAS shows it
What is the basement membrane like in the glomerulus?
Basement membrane of the capillary which is fused with the endothelial and podocytes
What are the areas of basement mebrane?
Lamina lucida and lamina densa
What are macula densa?
Cells of the DCT the measure
What is macula densa used for?
Glomerulotubular feedback based on sodiu reabsorpion which changes the flow through the blood vessels
What does PCT look like?
Simple cuboidal epithelium central round nucleu brush border of microvilli, dark pink cytoplasm from mitochondria.
What does the loop of henle look like?
Thin areas are simple squamous and thick low cuboidal suplied by vasa recta
What does the DCT look like?
Low cuboidal scanty microvilli mitochondria
What does the collecting duct look like?
Cuboidal epithelium, Plumper epithelium large round nuclei
What are the two types of cells on the collecting duct?
The principal cells and intercallated alpha and beta
What is aquaporin 2
protein used in loosing
What is the blood supplu to kidney?
Renal arteryL1 segmental artereis, interlobar then arcuate arteries interlobular arteries then afferent arteriole
What happens to blood vessles after the glomerulus
efferent arterioles peritubular capillaries and into medula casa recta into renal veins and then IVC
What is urothelium?
It is in renal pelvis ureter urethra and bladder
What does urothelium look like?
Complex it is sttratified. has a single layer of umbrella cells with tight junctions to be waterproof. uner this there is a pseudostratifed layer basal layr of cuboidal cells
What structure are the ueters?
They are muscular with urothelium
What is the arrangement of muscle of ureter?
Inner layer is longditudinal and outer circular
What are the layers of the bladder?
urothelium lamina propria, muscuaris mucosa submucosa muscularis propria subserosa and serosa
How any layers are in bladder muscle?
How long is the femal urethra?
4-5cm long
what is the epithelium of the urethra like
Proximaly urothelium distally squamous
How long is the male urethra?
Wat are the three sections of the male urethra?
prostatic membranous and penile
What is the prostatic urethra like?
What is the membranous urethra like?
What is the penile urethra like?
pseudostratifies proxiamlly, stratifies quamous distally
What is the average weight of he testis?
What are the three layers of covering of the testis?
Tunica vaginalis mesothelial cells
tunica albuginea, collagen fibres with some fibroblasts, myocytes and nerve firbes
tunica vasuclosa that contains blood vessels and lymphatics
What is the passage of sperm?
Seminiferous tubules straight tubest rete testis to efferent tucts and eppiddimis then into the vas defferens past ejaculatory duct then into urethra into prostate
How many lobules are thre in the testis?
What cells are in the seminiferous tubule?
Sertoli cells, germ cells
What are sertoli cells?
Columnar cells in BM they support the sperm development they have distinct nucleolus
What is an axoneme?
helps spermmotility it is like a tail
Where are leydig cells?
Around the intersitium of the seminiferous tubules
What is epithelium of rete testis?
Simple squamous or low columnar epithelium
How many efferent ducts can there be?
How long is the epididius?
5m but around 4-5cm
What is the epithelium of the epididymis?
Thick BM tall columnar long atypical cilia
What is the structure of the vas defferens?
30-4-cm long distal is enlarged to form the ampulla lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium comprising of columnar and basal cells 3 layered muscle wall
What is the weight of the prostate?
What does the prostate surround?
The bladder neck and prostatic urethra
What are the lobes of the prostate?
Anterior middle posterior and lateral x2
What are the zones of the prostate?
Peripheral and central zone
What is the composition of prostatic tissue?
Large primary small secondary ducts and acini with convoluted edges
What are the seminal vesicles?
Paired coiled glands, it empties into ejaculatory duct, it has tall non-cilliated columnar epithelium vacuoles and lipofucin
What is the most exterior layer of the ovary?
There is a layer of peritoneum
What is the moust outer layer of the ovary itelf?
The turnica albuginea
What is the ovarian cortex?
The spindle stroma cells in whorls pattern which have follicles and leutinised cells
What is the ovarian medulla like?
It has loose fibroelastic tissue with blood vessels lymphatics and nerves and the rete ovarii at the hilum
What is a primordial follicle?
At periphery if cortex, resting oocyte and surrounding squamous granulosa cells
What is a primary follicle?
primordial cells that have become FSH stimuated. THe granulosa becomes columnar/ cuboidal and the oocyte enlarges and stromal cells become a connective tissue sheath and the zona pellucida forms directly around the oocyte
What is a secondary follicle?
Forationof antrum which are full of fluid, the stroma develops theca interna and theca externa internal sectrete oestrogen around the granulosa layer
What is a Graafian folicle?
A mature folicle has a thick zona pellucida, granulosa around the oocyte the corona radiata witha basal lamina and theca interna and externa there is now a small stalk on the inside of the antrum which has the egg
What is the cumulus ouufus?
the stem of granulosa cells that supports the ovum in the antrum
What is the corpus luteum?
Follicle converts into corpus luteum leutinisation(enlarge lipid cytoplasm) of the granlosa and theca cels occurs the secrete progesterone and oestroge.
What happens t corpus of leutium if pregnancy doesnt ocur?
Becomes corpus albicans cells regress and forms fibrous tissue
What is the structure of the fallopian tubes?
They have branching folds, 2 cell types secretory and cilliated epitelial, there is an inner circular muscle and outer longditudinal layer. then serosa
What are the parts of the fallopian tube?
Intramural inise uterine walls, isthmus thick walled ampulla that is expanded and infundibulum that opens into peritoneum and has fimbrae
What are the two layers of the uterus?
The endometrium has stratum basalsi which is notaffected by hormones or lost
The stratum spongiousum that is menstruated
What are the phases of the menstrual cycle in the endometrium?
Proliferative phases from oestrogen stimulation
secretory phase under progesterone ation early mid and late
What are the signs of endometrium in proliferative phase?
Straight proliferating glands with mitotic activity no luminal secretions ans stromal cells are spindled and compact
What is early secretory phase like?
sub-nuclear glycogen vacuoles
What is mid secretory phase like?
vacuoles above and below nucleus intraluminal secretions appear the glands becoe more rounded and oedema
What is late secretory phase like?
elongated saw toothed glands more secretions spiral arterioles and decidual change
What is menstrual secretory phaase like?
withdrawn progesterone get stromal haemorrhage and granulocytes glandular fragmentation
what is the structure of the myometrium/
3 ill defined layer
What are the areas of the cervix/
The endocervix ectocervix junction is simplecolumnar to stratified can be at os
What is the vagina like?
The mucosa nonkeratinising stratifed squamouswith elastic fibres and rich cascular network, muscualar wall and adventitia
What are bartholin’s glands?
Tubulalveolar glands with mucous secreting alveoli
What are minor vestibular glands?
Simple tubuar glands lined by mucus- secreting epithelium
What are the functions of the skin?
Barrier to infection, waterproofing, thermoregulation, protect from trauma, protect against UV- light, vitamin D synthesis sensation
What is the epitdermis?
it is an epithelial layer, it has stratum basale single layer of cells
What is the stratum basal of the epidermis?
The single layer of cells that lies on the basement membrane of the epidermmis it has stem cells, pigment making melanocytes, basal epithelial cells that are the stem cells
What are melanocytes?
There are quite a lot they synthesis melanin to increase provide keratinocytes with the pigment using melanosomes in respones to MSH and ACTH
What determines colour of skin?
The type and amount of melanin produced by the cells
What is the stratum spinosum?
Main layer of epidermis that has intercellular adhesions and langahans cells wich are antigen recognition and merkel cells that are sensory
What is the stratum spinosum?
Main layer of epidermis that has intercellular adhesions and langahans cells wich are antigen recognition and merkel cells that are sensory prickly from desmosomes
What is the stratum granulosum?
Flatterned squames eosinophillic cytoplasm and has granules of keratochyline. where they begin to keratinise
What is the stratum corneum?
Acellular layer with plates of keratin and have dead cells it is thick at sites of abrasion
What are epidermal adnexae?
Downgrowths of epidermis into dermis such as hair follicles sebaceous glands eccrine sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands
What is the purpose of sebaceous glands?
produces sebeceaous secretions which lubricate and waterproof hairs by holocrie secretion
Where are apocrine glands fond?
Around anus, genitals and armpits and ear wax
What are appocrine glands?
The acompay hair follicles, and are simle coiled tubular glands may produce pheromones apocrine secretion
What are eccrine glands?
Thin watery secretion they are eveywhere they are coiled tubes that are 2 cells thick with an inner secretory and outer myoepithelial cells
What shape is the dermo-epidermal junctions?
Wobbly with rete pegs to allow for good connection
What are the areas of he dermis?
The papillary dermis around rete pegs and the reticular dermis
What is the dermis made of?
Fibrous connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels, fibroblasts collagen sensory cells sensory cells
What are meisner’s corpuscles?
Unmyelenated nerve endidngs do fine touch often in hairless areas.
What are pacinian corpusces?
They are large encapsulated sensory receptors, vibration and tickle dep dermis centrel non myelinated nerve and lamellae
Where is the subcutis?
Below the dermis
What is the subcutis?
Insulation shock absorber and store of energy adipose and fibrovascular septa
When does breast tissue change?
At puberty and menopause
What are the difference in males breast tissue?
they oly have ducts
What is breast tissue like?
myoepithelial ducts and lobules set in fibroadipoe connective tissue ductes all empty at the nipple
What is the arrangement of ducts and lobules of the breast?
Lobules arranged around the terminal duct in a loose fibrous connective tissue
What lines the ducts and lobules?
Outer layer is myoepithelila layer inner is columnar that produces it
What signifies that breast tissue is lactating?
The presence of many vacuoles
What are the common features of endocrine organs/
all have glandular epithelium and all richly vascularised secrete a variety of hormones and are controlled by positive and negative feedback
What is the posterior pituitary like?
Neural tissue with axons and glial cells it stores and secretes Oxytocin and ADH/Vasopressin
What is the anterior pituitary like?
Nested epithelial pituicytes, richly vascular fibrous stroma several different types of piuicyte but cannot distinguish them on H&E
What are the most common cell in the anterior pituitary?
Somatotorphs that produce growth hormone
What types of cells are there in the anterior pituitary?
Somatotrophs, lactotrophs, corticotrophs, gonadotrops and thyrotrophs
What is the second most common cell in the anterior pituitary?
What is the least common cell in the anterior pituitary?
Thyrotrophs then gonadotrphs
Where are most somatotrphs?
In the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary
What do lactotrophs look like?
Polygonal wrap processes around the cells around them
What do thyrotrophs look like?
Angular chromophobes elongated cytoplasmic processes
What shape are gonadotrophs?
Round or oval shaped
What are corticotrophs like?
Round basophilic cells median of gland
What is the name of the pituitary benign tuour?
Pituitary adenoma
What is the pineal gland?
They produce malatonin when stimulated by autonomic nervous system, it gives brain sand they have eosinophillic and form rosettes
What does the thyroid look like?
it has pools of colloid and the follicular epithelial cells with a BM
What doe thyroid cells look like?
They have central round large nuclei
Where are C cells?
They are betwen the follicles that secret calcionin
What are the parathyroid glands?
On posterior surface of the thyroid
What are the cells of the parathyroid?
There are chief cells oxyphils and adipocytes
What are the chief cells of the parathyroid like?
Polygonal small cytoplasm secrete PTH. how can parathyroid be distinguished from thryroid calcium oxalate are present in thyoid
What are parathyrod oxyphil cells?
They are large polygonal cells that increase with ageunknown function
What are the structures in the endocrine pancreas?
Islets of langerhans they are balls of cells and have a fibrous capsule
What cells are in the pancreas?
Beta cells, Alpha cells, delta cells and PPcells
What does the endocrine pancreas secrete?
Beta do insuling, alpha glucagon, delta do somato statin and PPcells pancreatic polypeptide
What are the layers of the adrenal cortex?
Zona Glomerulosa, Zona Fasciculata, Zona reticularis
What does the Zona glomerulosa look like and do?
It secretes Aldosterone a mineralocorticoid. It has a thin layer of small cells and vculated cytoplasm
What does Zona fasiculata do?
it produces cortisol and it is the most prominent layer. it is almost clear cytoplsm and is the most prominent layer Glucocortioids
What does the Zona reticularis secrete?
Inner most columns of polyconal cells secretes androgenic hormones
What is the adrenal medulla like?
it has large polyhedral cells and produces adrenalin and noradrenalin