Anatomy GU S24-27 Flashcards
What forms the superficcisal inguinal ring?
The apponeurosis of external obique which attaches to pipbic tubercle and opposite pubic bone that forms an openning
What do the fibres of the internal oblique attach to inferiorly?
They attach to the pubic tubercle start on the inguinal ligament and can contract to cover the inguinal canal
Which muscle helps prevent a hernia?
The internal oblique
What forms the deep ingnal ring?
The transverse abdominus
What is medial to the inferior inguinal ring?
The inferior epigastric artery
How many layers are there of spermatic fascia?
What is the internal most layer of the spermatic fascia/
Transversailis fascia
What forms the muscular layer of the spermatic fascia?
The interal oblique layer forming the cremesteric fascia
What forms the outer most fascia of the spermatic cord?
The external oblique layer
What is the pampiniform plexus of vein’s function?
To cool arterial blood as it enters the testicle to allow for the optimum temperature for sperm production
What is the function of the vas defferens?
To carry sperm from the testis into the urethra
What is the tunica vaginalis?
It is a sac of peritoneum that runs into the scrotum
What can happen if the turnica vaginalis doesnt obliterate?
When a bay cries it can push bowl into it which is a congenital indirect inguinal hernia
What are the three covering of the spermatic cord?
The internal spermatic fascia, the cremesteric fascia and the external spermatic fascia
What are the three arteries of the spermatic cord?
The testicular artery(from near kidneys), artery of the vas defferens from near the bladder) and the artery to the cremesteric muscle from the abdominal wall
What are the three veins of the spermatic cord?
The testicular vein, the vein from the vas deferens and the vein from the cremesteric layer
What are the three nerves of the spermatic cord?
The cremesteric nerve (fromgenital branch of genitofemoral, nerve to anterior 1/3 of the scrotum (from inguinal branch of the illeo inguinal) and sympathetic nerves to the vas and the testis
What are the 3 other structures to the testis?
The vas deferens, the lymphatics and the processus vaginalis
What is the name of he white covering of the testis/
The tunica albuginea
What is the name of the thick fascia around the penis?
Bucks fascia
How many erectile compartments are there in the penis?
there are 3
How many copra cavernosis are there?
Which erectile tissue encircles the urethra/
The corpra spongiousis
What do each of the erectile tissues do?
The corpra spongioussis provides the lengeth and the cavernousis makes it hard
What lies outside of the subcutaneous layers of the penis?
The dorsal arteries of the penis
Where do the corpora cavernosis arise from?
The groove between the pubic bones and the perenial membrane
What muscle aids with the erectile tissues?
What is the name for the base of the erectile tissue?
What is the arrangement of tissue in the female?
It has two smaller parts either side of the vagina where the corpora spongiousis is involved
What is the hair bearing folds of the skin?
The labia majora
What is the none hair bearing folds of skin?
labia minora
How is the penis made?
The labia minora fuse to form the penis and the urethra is taken to the tip of the penis
How is the scrotum formed?
the labia majorum fuse
what supplies the spuerior area of the pubic region?
The illeo-inguinal nerve L1
What supplies the inferior area of the pubic region?
S2 sacral nerve s3 small ring round anus s5 has the anus
Which nerve supplies the perianum?
The pudendal nerve s234.
What is the path of the pudendal nerve?
Passes the greater siatic foramina with siatic nerve, round the back through lesser siatic foramina
Which veins form the left renal vein?
The left renal vein the left adrenal vein and the testicular vein
Why is the left testicle vein important?
tumours can press on it
What veins drain from around the kidney?
The right adrenal right renal ad right testicular all drain directly into the IVC
Does the adrenal gland have a capsule?
Why is the right kidny closer to the back?
The liver squashes it.
What surrounds the kidny?
A large layer of fat and a fibrous capsule
What exits the kidney at the hilum?
The renal vein artery and ureter also some lymphatics and sympathetic nerves
Does the ureter pass superiorly or inferiorly to the gonadal vessles?
The ureter is inferior
What is the clinicalrelevance of the kidney capsule?
The infections of kidney rarely spread to other areas,
Where does the gonadal artery come from?
Direct branch of the aorta
What can be seen in the medulla?
Stipes as all the vessles lie in paralles
Which ribs undetlie the left kidney?
th 10th 11 and 12
Which muscle has a L234 plexus in it?
Psoas to make the femoral nerve
Where does the femoral nerve supply?
Anterior thigh
What nerve runs on anterior surface of psoas?
The genitofemoral nerve which comes from the L1 L2 part for the plexus
which muscle is in the retro peritoneum in lower abdomen?
Which muscle runs from T12 to upper pelvis?
Quadratus lumborum
Which nerve passes from uder psoas?
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
Which nerve exits the medial surface of the psoas muscle?
obturator nerve
What does the umbilicus indicate?
The bifurcation of the aorta
After the aorta bifurcates what happens?
I does iteral and external iliac artery and external illiac artery
Where does the external illiac artery run?
Itruns under the inguinal ligament and gives inferior epigastric artery and supplies most of the leg
What does the internal iliac artery supply?
It diveds into an anterior (bladder uterus placenta) and posterior branch forming superior and inferior glutea arteries.
What svessel supplies blood to the rectum?
The inferior mesenteric artery
does the ureter pass over or under the common ilia?
It goes over it
What does the obturator nerve do?
It supplies the inner surface of the thigh, and motor to medial compartment of the thigh
Where are the seminal vesicle?
Thesuperior and posterior edge of the prostate leadng into th prostate
What is the function of the seminal vesicle?
It stores the seminal fluid.
What can causeurinary retention?
Prostate cancer
What veins supply the prostate and what is important about them?
They dont have valves in the prostatic plexus, it leads to lumbar spine and can cause metastasises
Where does prostate cancer usually happen?
In the peripheral area
What are the variations in position of the uterus?
The angle between the vagina and cervix which is anteverted or retroverted. also the uterus can be bent forwards antelexed or bent backwards that is retroflexed.
What is the internal os?
The the deeper opening between the cervix and the uterus
What is the external os?
The opening of the cervix into the vagina
What is the pouch of douglas?
The area posterior to the vagina and anterior to the rectum surrounded by peritoneaum
What is the broad ligament of the uterus/
The peritoneum flap around the uterus and the fallopian tubes
What attaches the ovary to he uterus?
the round ligament of the ovary
What is the round ligament of the uterus?
A tissue that runs from the uterus through to the labia majorum
What can irritate the obturator nerve?
Inflammation of the ovary
What does the uterine artery anastamose with?
The ovarian arteries this is important for pregnancy
Where do he ovarian arteries originate from?
The abdominal aorta
Where do he ovarian arteries originate from?
from the internal illiac artery
Which ligaments support the cervix?
The cardinal ligaments
How can the female uterus be felt?
Via the rectum to feel the vagina and cervix
How can the bladder be palpated in the female?
What are the nerves of the lumbar plexus?
I (twice) got laid on friday: Iliohypogastric Ilioinguinal Genitofemoral Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Obturator nerve Femoral nerve
What does the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve innervate?
Supply anterior abdominal wall muscles
The skin of the external genitalia
What does the genitofemoral nerve innervate?
Supplies the skin of the external genitalia
What does the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve innervate?
Skin of the lateral thigh
What does the femoral nerve innervate
The muscles and skin of the anterior thigh and is often a target for nerve blocks
What does the obturator nerve innervate?
The muscles and the skin of the medial thigh
What are the key branches of the internal iliac artery?
Vesical arteries uterine and vaginal arteries middle rectal artery internal pudendal artery superior and inferior gluteal; arteries
What do the vesical arteries supply?
The bladder, the prostate, seminal vesicles
what does the middle rectal artery supply
The rectum
What does the internal pudendal artery supply
Leaves the pelvis to supply the perineum
What do the superior and inferior gluteal arteries supply
the gluteal region.
What are the main nerves of the pelvis?
Sciatic nerve (L4-S3)
Pudendal Nerve (S2-S4)
Superior and inferior Gluteal nerves
Pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4)
What does the sciatic nerve innervate?
supplies the lower limb
What does the pudendal nerve innervate?
major nerve of the perineum
What do the pelvic splanchnic nerves innervate?
Parasympathetic fibres from S2-S4 spinal cord segments to the pelvic viscera.
Where are the sympathetic nerves that innervate the pelvic viscera derived from?
The lumbar splanchnic nerves
What are the muscles of the pelvic floor?
Levator ani
What is the levator ani muscle made up of?
What is the function of puborectalis?
Maintains tone until defaecation
What is the innervation of the levator ani muscles?
branch from S4 pudendal nerve called “nerve to levator ani”
What is the nerve and arterial supply to the perineum?
Internal pudendal artery (branch of internal iliac) Pudendal nerve (S2-4) innervates the muscles of the perineum and the skin of the external genitals
What are the 2 triangles of the perineum?
Anterior urogenital triangle
Posterior anal triangle
What are the layers of the urogenital triangle?
Skin Perineal fascia Superficial perineal pouch Perineal membrane Deep perineal pouch
What acts as the attachment for almost all the pelvic floor muscles?
The perineal body that sits between the 2 perineal triangles at the centre.
What is the somatic innervation to the urinary bladder and urethral sphincters?
Branches of the pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
What is the sympathetic innervation to the urinary bladder and urethral sphincters?
Branches of the hypogastric nerve (T12-L2)
Causes relaxation of the bladder detrusor muscles and contraction of the internal urethral sphincter
What is the parasympathetic innervation to the urinary bladder and urethral sphincters?
Via the pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4)
Cause contraction of the bladder detrusor muscle and relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter
What would happen if there was injury of the spinal cord above the sacral level (eg. T10)
Ascending pathways conveying the sensation of the bladder filling to the brain are interrupted
Descending pathways that exert voluntary inhibitory control over the external urethral sphincter are interrupted so the external urethral sphincter is constantly relaxed.
What is the pectinate (dentate) line?
The line that divides the superior part of the anal canal from the inferior part
What si the importance of the pectinate line?
Anything above the line and therefore is the superior part of the anal canal would be supplied by:
Inferior mesenteric artery - superior rectal arteries
portal venous system to the liver
inferior hypogastric nerve plexus and pelvic splanchnic nerves
Anything below the line would be supplied by:
middle and inferior rectal arteries (branches of internal iliac)
venous drainage directly into the IVC
Pudendal nerve supply