Anatomy GU S24-27 Flashcards
What forms the superficcisal inguinal ring?
The apponeurosis of external obique which attaches to pipbic tubercle and opposite pubic bone that forms an openning
What do the fibres of the internal oblique attach to inferiorly?
They attach to the pubic tubercle start on the inguinal ligament and can contract to cover the inguinal canal
Which muscle helps prevent a hernia?
The internal oblique
What forms the deep ingnal ring?
The transverse abdominus
What is medial to the inferior inguinal ring?
The inferior epigastric artery
How many layers are there of spermatic fascia?
What is the internal most layer of the spermatic fascia/
Transversailis fascia
What forms the muscular layer of the spermatic fascia?
The interal oblique layer forming the cremesteric fascia
What forms the outer most fascia of the spermatic cord?
The external oblique layer
What is the pampiniform plexus of vein’s function?
To cool arterial blood as it enters the testicle to allow for the optimum temperature for sperm production
What is the function of the vas defferens?
To carry sperm from the testis into the urethra
What is the tunica vaginalis?
It is a sac of peritoneum that runs into the scrotum
What can happen if the turnica vaginalis doesnt obliterate?
When a bay cries it can push bowl into it which is a congenital indirect inguinal hernia
What are the three covering of the spermatic cord?
The internal spermatic fascia, the cremesteric fascia and the external spermatic fascia
What are the three arteries of the spermatic cord?
The testicular artery(from near kidneys), artery of the vas defferens from near the bladder) and the artery to the cremesteric muscle from the abdominal wall
What are the three veins of the spermatic cord?
The testicular vein, the vein from the vas deferens and the vein from the cremesteric layer
What are the three nerves of the spermatic cord?
The cremesteric nerve (fromgenital branch of genitofemoral, nerve to anterior 1/3 of the scrotum (from inguinal branch of the illeo inguinal) and sympathetic nerves to the vas and the testis
What are the 3 other structures to the testis?
The vas deferens, the lymphatics and the processus vaginalis
What is the name of he white covering of the testis/
The tunica albuginea
What is the name of the thick fascia around the penis?
Bucks fascia
How many erectile compartments are there in the penis?
there are 3
How many copra cavernosis are there?
Which erectile tissue encircles the urethra/
The corpra spongiousis
What do each of the erectile tissues do?
The corpra spongioussis provides the lengeth and the cavernousis makes it hard
What lies outside of the subcutaneous layers of the penis?
The dorsal arteries of the penis
Where do the corpora cavernosis arise from?
The groove between the pubic bones and the perenial membrane
What muscle aids with the erectile tissues?
What is the name for the base of the erectile tissue?
What is the arrangement of tissue in the female?
It has two smaller parts either side of the vagina where the corpora spongiousis is involved
What is the hair bearing folds of the skin?
The labia majora
What is the none hair bearing folds of skin?
labia minora
How is the penis made?
The labia minora fuse to form the penis and the urethra is taken to the tip of the penis
How is the scrotum formed?
the labia majorum fuse
what supplies the spuerior area of the pubic region?
The illeo-inguinal nerve L1
What supplies the inferior area of the pubic region?
S2 sacral nerve s3 small ring round anus s5 has the anus
Which nerve supplies the perianum?
The pudendal nerve s234.
What is the path of the pudendal nerve?
Passes the greater siatic foramina with siatic nerve, round the back through lesser siatic foramina
Which veins form the left renal vein?
The left renal vein the left adrenal vein and the testicular vein
Why is the left testicle vein important?
tumours can press on it
What veins drain from around the kidney?
The right adrenal right renal ad right testicular all drain directly into the IVC
Does the adrenal gland have a capsule?
Why is the right kidny closer to the back?
The liver squashes it.
What surrounds the kidny?
A large layer of fat and a fibrous capsule
What exits the kidney at the hilum?
The renal vein artery and ureter also some lymphatics and sympathetic nerves