Public health deck 6 Flashcards
What is the purpose of the NICE traffic light system in paediatrics?
Clinical risk score designed to assist with the assessment and management of febrile children
What will be assessed in the paediatric NICE traffic light system?
Circulation and hydration
Temp, rigor, swell, rash, neck stiffness, seizure
Green light child on NICE traffic light score? Manage how:
Home and safety net
Amber light child on NICE traffic light score? Manage how:
Refer to paeds or specialist for further investigation or manage at home and safety net
Red light child on NICE traffic light score? Manage how:
Urgent referral to see specialist
What is safety netting?
Verbal or written advice warning about S&S. Arranged follow-up. Liaise with other HC professionals to ensure direct access should child require it.
What are x3 notifiable diseases in paeds?
Meningococcal septicaemia.
Scarlet fever.
Whooping cough
Who x3 may be less likely to receive vaccines?
- Homeless
- Refugees/asylum seekers
- Children in care
- Gypsy
What may contribute to excessive energy intake being promoted?
- Genetics
- Employment
- Advertisements
- Characteristics of food
- Reduced physical activity
- Sleep
- Psychological factors
Define malnutrition:
Deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients
Which medical conditions may require nutritional support?
Cancer, CF, coeliac disease, IBD, T1DM, T2DM
Why is breastfeeding beneficial?
More likely to accept novel food post weening
Less fussy eaters in childhood
More likely to have diet rich in fruit and veg
If associations are not causal what might they be due to?
- Confounding factors
- Chance
- Bias
- Reverse causation
Vaginal grey/white discharge offensive odour, which organism?
Bacterial Vaginosis (Gardnerella Vaginalis)
Yellow/green frothy discharge with an offensive odour and pruritus and/or dysuria may be a sign of infection with which organism?
Fraser guidelines?
Criteria to judge whether a young person has the competence to make a decision about contraception without parental consent