Public health deck 3 Flashcards
What are the 3 domains of public health?
- Health promotion
- Health protection
- Health improvement
Give an example of health promotion?
Looks at interventions e.g. immunizations, smoking cessation, screening
Give an example of health protection:
Putting measures in place to control infectious diseases e.g. barrier nursing on covid wards
What are the aims of health service improvements?
Ensure that there is delivery of organized, safe and high quality services
What is health psychology?
Role of psychological factors in cause progression and consequence of health and illness - promote healthy behaviour and prevent illness
What are 3 types of health behaviour?
- Health behaviour
- Illness behaviour
- Sick role behaviour
Define health behaviour:
Aimed at preventing disease e.g. eating healthily
Define illness behaviour:
Aimed at seeking remedy e.g. going to doctor
Define sick role behaviour:
Behaviour actively aimed at getting oneself better i.e. taking medication
What is a health damaging behaviour?
Behaviour that will damage health:
e.g. smoking, alcohol consumption, high risk sexual behaviour
What are health promoting behaviours?
Behaviour that will seek and maintain health: e.g. exercise, eating healthily, having vaccines
What is compliance?
Extent to which a patient’s behaviour coincides with medical advice - assumes doctor knows best
What are x3 factors that effect compliance?
- SE of medication
- Patients’ perception of risk
- Is patient asymptomatic?
- SE status
Give 3 examples of population level interventions:
- Public health campaigns e.g. Movember, Change4Life.
- Screening e.g. cervical smear
- Immunization e.g. MMR
What is unrealistic optimism?
Individual continues to practise health damaging behaviour due to an inaccurate perception of risk and susceptibility
What factors can influence someone’s perception of risk?
- Lack of personal experience with a problem
- Belief that it may be preventable by personal action
- Belief that it is unlikely to happen to an individual
- Belief problem is infrequent
- Other: SE factors, stress, age, cultural variability
Why is it important to understand a patient’s perception of risk?
It can impact on medication adherence and keeping appointments
NICE guidance on behaviour change: briefly describe:
- Plan intervention
- Assess social context
- Educate and train
- Look at individual level and community level interventions
- Evaluate effectiveness and assess cost effectiveness
Single greatest cause of illness and premature death in the UK?
What diseases (x3) is smoking related to?
Cancers, COPD, CHD
When does smoking prevalence peak?
Mid 20s
What is the role of the NCSCT?
Support delivery of effective evidence-based tobacco control programmes and smoking cessation interventions provided by local services
What is a health needs assessment?
Systematic method for reviewing health issues facing a population - leading to agreed priorities and resource allocation improving health and reducing inequalities
What is the need in a Health Needs Assessment?
Ability to benefit from an intervention
Briefly describe the planning cycle in the Health Needs Assessment:
Needs assessment -> planning -> implementation -> evaluation -> needs assessment etc.
What is felt need?
An individuals perception of their personal variation from normal health
What is expressed need?
Individual seeks help to overcome variation in normal health
What is normative need?
Profession defines interventions that are appropriate for expressed need
What is comparative need?
Comparison between severity, range of intervention, cost
Define demand in the context of a health needs assessment:
What people ask for
Define supply in the context of a health needs assessment:
What is provided
What is the difference between health need and health care need?
Health need: need for health
Healthcare need: more specific, need for healthcare and looks at a person’s ability to benefit from health care.
3 different types of health needs assessment?
- Epidemiological
- Comparative
- Corporate
What 3 things may hinder a epidemiological health needs assessment?
- Required data unavailable
- Variable data quality
- Ignores felt needs
Comparative health needs assessment?
Compares services received by one population with other populations
3 negative points for comparative health needs assessment
- Required data unavailable
- Variable data quality
- Hard to find comparable populations
Who’s involved in a corporate health needs assessment?
- Politicians
- Press
- Providers
- Professionals
- Patients
What are 3 negatives of corporate needs assessment?
- Difficult to distinguish need from demand
- Group may have vested interest
- Political agendas
Give a health related example of something that is considered in demand, but not needed nor supplied by the NHS?
Cosmetic surgery
Give x3 symptoms of withdrawal (smoking cessation):
- Difficulty concentrating
- Increased appetite
- Irritability