Public health Flashcards
What are causes of causes of obesity?
isolation lack o social support, poor social networks, poor self-esteem, low perceived power
What are the main policies for alcohol prevention of harm?
MMake alcohol less affordable, reduce availability, marketing limiting exposure especially to younger people
licensing events, resources for age checks, screening in young groups, brief interventions traiining, screening adults extended brief interventions motivational interviewing
What is primary prevention in the UK?
know your limits binge drinking campaign, awareness of risks drinkaware labelling, changes to advertising
What is minimum unit pricing?
Making it a specific cost for each unit to limit affordability. Supposed to help target the most heavy drinkers
What secondary prevention is recomended?
Ask about it routinely, especially in routine examinations, in ED in prescribing medications heavy drinking backgroun when they are having potentially alcohol induced health problems
What is at risk drinking?
Hazardous drinking cn be bringing physical or psychological harm
What is alcohol abuse drinking?
Likely to case physical or psychological harm
What is alcohol dependence?
when experience side effects it gets in the way of doing your daily activities.
What is FAST screening?
Heavy drinking days adverse consequences from drinking. unable to remember wat hapenned, others talked about cutting down
What are alcohol dependence treatments?
CBT, social support groups, drugs that make you feel hungover as soon as you drink
Why are linear regressions useful?
Model for risk prediction of a clinical outcome, estimate the risk of future outcomes, in individuals based on diferent combinations of clinical and non-clinical characteristics. classify indiciduals as likely to experience an outcome or not and develop prediction rules to direct further diagnostic evaluations
Why are regresssions performed?
To isolate a clinical outcome from other confounding factors
Why might linear regression not be suitable?
some outcoms are binary
What is used in logistic regression?
Odds ratios but have to Ln them to get a linear scale
How are Odds ratio coefficients calculated?
not in a linear fashion like risk ratio
What shows that it is significant in logistic regression?
If it doesn’t include 1
When is survival analysis used?
The time it takes for death and when not all individuals in the study die
What is censoring in survival analysis?
It happens when the data doesnt continue for that person
Why might a person be censored in a study?
They might not die before the end of the study, they might leave the area and lost to follow up, die from other cause, or reuse to be observed or even die before study starts
What is a Kaplan-Meier graphs?
Shows comparable survival ratio over time
What is on a Kaplan-Meier graph?
Time on X survival probablility Y axis, survival curves for two or more groups, start at 1, vertical lines when censoring happens Numbers underneath showing who is left in the study and median survival line shades area showing CI of that point of data
What is the p value for in Kaplan-Meier graph?
testing the difference between the two survival curves, it is a log-rank test
What is Cox regression?
It is regression for survival analysis, it handles the confounders in the study better than log-Rank test
What are other regression for survival analysis?
Weibull and Exponential they make assumptions about pattern of risk
What is Hazard?
Similar to risk
What is the the assumption made in Cox regression?
that the Hazard risk is the same throughout the study
What is relationship between hazard ratio and factors?
What are ANCA?
Anti neutrophilic cytoplasm antibodies IgG. They are against the monocytes and neutrophils.
What are ANCA associated?
small vessel Vasculidities IBD Goodpastures syndrome
What is the pathophysiology of ANCA?
When monocytes and neutrophils are activated they allow the ANCA antibodies which activate the neutrophils releasing reactive oxygen species so they cause vessel damage
What is c-ANCA vs p-ANCA?
c-ANCA detects granulomatosis with polyangiitis others are for different ones
What is rheumatoid factor?
It is an antibody in the serum that is against an antibody. Auto-antibody usually IgM against Fc portion of IgG forming a complex causing inflammation
How sensitive and specific is RF?
80% sensitive vs 75% specific so it is good for ruling out RA
What oher diseases can RF beraised?
SLE, SJorgren, Interstitial pulomary fibrosis, Hep B, Infectious mononucleosis, TB Haematological malliganancies. Infective endocarditis