Dermatology Flashcards
What is a macule?
Flat circumscribed area of skin discolouration
What is a papule?
circumscribed elevation of the skin less than 0.5 cm in diabeter
What is a nodule?
circumscribed visible or palpable lump greater than 0.5cm
What is a plaque?
circumscribed disc-shaped elevated skin can be small or large 2cm cut off
What is a vesicle?
small collection of fluid less than 0.5xm diameter
What is a bulla?
large collection of fluid more than than 0.5cm diameter
What is a pustule?
a visible accumulation of pus
what is an ulcer?
loss of epidermis often with some loss of dermis and subcutis as well
What is a weal?
circumscribed elevated of cutaneous oedema
What is scale?
visible and palpable flakes die to aggregation and or abnormalitise of shed epiderma cells
What is a crust?
Accumulated dried exudate serum
What is a horn?
An elevated projection of keratin
What is an excoriation?
A secondary superficial ulceration due to scratching
What is a maceration?
An appearance of surface softening due to constant wetting
What is lichenification?
A flat-topped thickening of the skin often secondary to scratching