Puberty, Health and Biology Foundations Flashcards
Adaptive behaviour
s a modification of behaviour that promotes an organisms survival in the natural habitat.
An extended juvenile period evolved because humans require time to develop a large brain and learn the complexity of human social communities.
Many evolved psychological mechanisms are domain-specific.
Evolved mechanisms are not always adaptive in contemporary society.
Twin Study
The behavioural similarity of identical twins (monozygotic twins - same egg that splits into two different persons) is compare with the behavioural similarity of fraternal twins (dizygotic twins - different egg, different sperm, different genetic code, and can be either sex).
Are powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands and carried throughout the body by the bloodstream.

In the 4th century BC, Aristotle commented that the quality of life is determined by its activities. Today, as we know, exercise is one of the pivotal activities that improve the quality of life, both in adolescence and adulthood.
The Endocrine System
The onset of puberty is brought about by the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.
The hypothalamus is a structure in the higher portion of the brain which monitors eating, drinking, and sex.
The pituitary gland is the endocrine gland that controls growth and regulates other glands.
The gonads are the sex glands - the testes in males and the ovaries in females.
Evocative genotype-environment correlations
Occur because an adolescents genetically shaped characteristics elicit certain types of physical and social environments. Smiling elects an environmentally positive response etc.
Are the units of hereditary information, are short segments composed of DNA. They direct cells to reproduce themselves and to assemble proteins.
The boys first ejaculation of semen, occurs in early to mid-gonadarche.
Involves hormonal changes in the adrenal glands, located just above the kidneys.
These changes occur early, from about 6 to 9 years for girls and one year later for boys, before what is generally considered puberty.
During this period, and continuing through puberty, the adrenal glands secrete androgens such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
Is a complex molecule that contains genetic information. It has a double helix shape, like a spiral staircase.
Behaviour Genetics
Is the field that seeks to discover the influence of heredity and environment on individual differences in human traits and development.
The first menstrual period, occurs i mid to late gonadarche in girls.
Non shared environmental experiences
Are an shared adolescents unique experiences, both within the family and outside the family; these are not shared with the sibling. Eg: parents often interact differently with each sibling. siblings interact different with each parent. Different peer groups and different friends etc.
Is brain-neuroendocrine process occurring primarily in early adolescence that provides stimulation for the rapid physical changes that take place during this period of development.
An important aspect of health compromising and health enhancing behaviours.
The eating habits of many adolescents are health-compromising and an increasing number of adolescents have an eating disorder.
The family unit and family meal times seems to be related to positive health eating habits.
Passive genotype-environment correlations
Occur because biological parents, who are genetically related to the child, provide a rearing environment for the child. Parents may be academics and enjoy reading, therefore they may provide the books for their children to read.
Precocious Puberty
Is the term used to describe the very early onset and rapid progression of puberty.
Onset occupes before 8 in girls and 9 in boys.
This early onset is usually treated with medication to stop the secretion of the gonadotropic hormones as it can lead to age inappropriate behaviour, short stature, and early sexual maturation.
Follows adrenarche by about two years; is the period most people think of as puberty. Involves the maturation of:
Primary sexual characteristics, ovaries in females and testes in males.
Secondary sexual characteristics; pubic hair, breast and genital development
The hallmark of gonadarche is reactivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG). The initial activation of the HPG axis was during the fatal and neonatal period.
Are thread like structures that contain the remarkable substance deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA.
Growth Spurt
Information on Growth Spurt

Serve as the building blocks of cells as well as the regulators that direct the bodies processes.
Gene x Environment (G x E) Interaction
The interaction of a specific measured variation in DNA and a specific measured aspect of our environment.
The science of G x E is very young, and errors have been found, however it is an emerging area of interest for the decades to come.
The Epigenetic View
Emphasises that development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between between heredity and the environment.
Epigenetic mechanisms involve the actual molecular modification of the DNA strand as a result of environmental inputs in ways that alter gene functioning.
Gene plasticity. Coupling with the environment to cause certain behaviours.

Adoption Study
Investigators seek to discover whether the behaviour and psychological characteristics of adopted children are more like those of their adoptive parents, who have provided a home environment or more like those of the biological parents who have contributed their heredity.