Introduction Flashcards
Late adulthood
The developmental period that lasts from approximately 60 or 70 years of age until death. A period of adjustment to decreeing strength and health and to retirement and reduced income.
Interventionist View
States that adolescence is a sociohistorical creation. - Particularly relevant in this view are the sociocultural circumstances at the beginning of the 20th century. - Legislation was enacted that made youth more dependable and the move into the economic sphere more manageable. - Decrease in apprenticeships. - Task specialisation. - Mechanisation. - The Industrial Revolution and the Division of Labour. - The separation of work and home and the age grading of schools. - The bi-product of a move to compulsory secondary education. - The Interventionist “Age of Adolescence” between the 1890’s and the 1920’s. The legislation of Youth: - The move of youth out of employment and into schooling to hear them up for the economic system. - A system to transmit youth intellectual skills.
Nature Vs Nurture:
Does development occur as result of our biology (our genetics) or the environment? Consider someone who is aggressive - is it a result of genetics or the environment in which the person lives? It seems that both nature and nurture influence our development but to different degrees. Biology will influence when a person begins puberty, the environment might influence how they think and feel about the changes. - Where does the balance lie?
Resilience refers to adapting positively and achieving successful outcomes in the face of significant and adverse outcomes.
Is the pattern of change that begins at conception and continues through the life span. Most development involves growth, although it also includes decay as in death and dying.
What was the view of Adolescence in the Middle Ages?
Adolescents were viewed as miniature adults that were subject to harsh discipline.
Prenatal period
Is the time from conception to birth - approximately 9 months. It is a time of tremendous growth - from a single cell to an organism complete with Brain and Behavioural capabilities.
Is a specific assertion and prediction that can be tested.
Early adulthood
Usually begins in the late teens or early twenties. Lasts through the 30’s. Personal and economic independence is established, career development intensifies.
Continuity Vs. Discontinuity:
The extent to which our development involves gradual, culminative change (Continuity) compared to distinct stages (discontinuity). Some researchers argue that development is a gradual process such as the months of learning that takes place before a child speaks his first words. Others argue that we develop in distinct stages, and that some developmental changes are quiet rapid.
Gender Bias
A preconceived notion about the abilities of females and males that prevents individuals from pursuing their own interests and achieving their potential.
Is the development period that extends from birth to 18 or 24 months of age. Infancy is a time of extreme dependency on adults. Many psychological activities - for example, language, symbolic thought, sensorimotor coordination, social learning, and parent relationships - begin in this period.
The generation born after 1980. - The first to come of age and enter adulthood in the new millennium - Ethnic diversity. - Connection to technology. - Confident, self expressive, liberal, up-beat, and open to change. - There are both positives and negatives to the technological revolution. - Information retrieval rather than information formation. - The lack of reading and literacy etc. - Retention of historical and other facts. - However no evidence to suggest that there is a decrease in IQ or thinking, or cognitive function. - Though what about the culture issue? - Concerns have been raised about this cohorts focus on shortsighted thinking and quick solutions to life problems.
What was Aristotle’s view on Adolescence?
The most important aspect of adolescence is the ability to choose, and that self determination is a hallmark of maturity. - Aristotle also recognised adolescents egocentrism - “They think they know everything and are quite sure about it”.
Middle adulthood
Begins approximately 35 to 45 years of age. Ends at some point between 55 and 65 years. A period of transmitting values to the next generation, deeper reflection about the meaning of life, enhanced concern about the decline in physical functioning.
Descriptive Research
Aims to observe and record behaviour.
No causational conclusions.
Cohort Effects
Refers to influences attributed to a persons year of birth, era, or generation, but not to actual chronological age.
Is a generalisation that reflects our impressions and beliefs about a broad category of people. All stereotypes carry an image of what the typical member of a specific group is like.
Ethnic Gloss
Is using an ethnic label such as African American or Latino in a superficial way that portrays an ethnic group as being more homogeneous than it really is.
Is a group of people who were born at a similar point in history and as a result have a similar experience.
The Five C’s of Positive Youth Development:
Competence - Which involves having a positive reception of ones actions in domain specific areas; social, academic, physical, career, and so on. - Confidence - Which consists of an overall positive sense of self-worth and self-efficacy (a sense that one can master a situation and produce a positive outcome). - Connection - Which is characterised by positive relationships with others, including family, peers, teachers, and individuals in the community. - Character - Which comprises respect for societal rules, an understanding of right and wring, and integrity. - Caring / Compassion - Which encompasses showing emotional concern for others, especially those in destress.
Correlational Research
The strength of the linear relationship between two variables. Regression.
Late adolescence
Refers approximately to the latter half of the second decade of life. Career interests, dating, and identity exploration are often more pronounced in late adolescence than in early adolescence.
Storm-and-Stress View
Is Halls concept that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings. - Oscillation of thoughts and feelings between humility and conceit, good intentions and temptation, happiness and sadness.