Culture Flashcards
Two generation programs and education programs are two ways of combating poverty.

Is an unjustified negative attitude towards an individual because of their membership in a group.

Cross Cultural Studies
Involve comparing a culture with one or more other cultures. Provide information about other cultures and the role of culture in development.
Culture specific or universal attributes are studied and compared.
Is based on cultural heritage, nationality characteristics, race, religion, and language.

The tendency to favour ones own group over other groups.
Emphasises values that serve the group by subordinating personal goals to preserve group integrity, interdependence of the members, and harmonious relationships.
Criticisms of both individualism and collectivism
Critics of these two dichotomies argue that the terms are to broad and vague for todays multicultural global world. They argue that human beings need to be both individualistic and collectivist to succeed.
The Feminisation of Poverty
Refers to the fact that far more women than men live in poverty.
The representations of children and adolescents living below the poverty line in industrialised countries is especially concerning.
A special concern is the large divide between ethnic minority groups and whites. Poverty is usually divided down these lines.
Of special concern also is families of single mothers who are in poverty.
Lower support, involvement, and nurturance is often seen as the single mother in poverty is more often in a greater level of distress than her middle and high SES counterparts.
Socioeconomic Status (SES)
Refers to a grouping of people with similar occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.
Varying levels of power, prestige, and influence.
Carries certain inequalities in terms of occupation, educational attainment, economic resources, different levels of power to influence a communities institutions.
A proxy for human, material, and social capital within and beyond the family.

Rites of Passage
Are ceremony or rituals that mark an individuals transition from one status to another, such as the entry into adulthood.
What are the impacts of poverty?
Many impacts of povery.

Is the behaviour, patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a particular group of people that are passed on from generation to generation.
A broad concept that includes many components and can be analysed in many ways.
Cultural differences often result in a lack of understanding or acceptance of new ideas. Clashes from people of different backgrounds is common, however despite differences amongst groups, cultural values endure.
Involves giving priority to personal goals rather than to group goals; emphasises values that serve the self, such as feeling good, personal distinction, and achievement, and independence.
The Internet
Is the core of computer-mediated communication. The internet combines thousands of interconnected computer networks worldwide to provide users with instant access to an incredible array of information - both positive and negative.
Concerns for the mostly unregulated amount of information available to adolescents.
Concerns about the health impacts of heavy use.