PTMMD Unit 1 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of Type 1 system thinking?
- Non-analytical
- Fast thinking / forward reasoning
– Information is recognized -> quick to reason - Automatic, involuntary
- Pattern recognition
- Inductive reasoning
What are the characteristics of Type 2 system thinking?
- Analytical
- Slow thinking / backward reasoning
– Information is perceived -> analyzed for reason - Conscious, effortfull
- Logical
– If -> Then - Deductive reasoning
What is the definition of Reliability?
The extent to which a test or measurement is free from error. It is the repeatability of the measurement between clinicians, between groups of patients, over time.
A test is considered reliable if it produces precise, accurate, and reproducible information
What are the 2 types of reliability?
- Inter-rater Reliability: Determines whether the same single examiner can repeat the test consistently
- Intra-rater Reliability: Determines whether two or more examiners can repeat a test consistently
In the intraclass correlation coefficient Benchmark values (table 4-24 in 198). What is the description of the value is less than (<) 0.75?
Poor to moderate agreement
In the intraclass correlation coefficient Benchmark values (table 4-24 in 198). What is the description of the value is greater than (>) 0.75?
Good agreement
In the intraclass correlation coefficient Benchmark values (table 4-24 in 198). What is the description of the value is greater than (<) 0.90?
Reasonable agreement for clinical measurements
What are the 2 statistical coefficients most commonly used to characterize the reliability of the test and measures?
- Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
- Kappa (k) statistic
What is the Intraclass correlation coefficient?
A reliability coefficient calculated with variance estimates obtained through analysis of variance
(Use table 4-24 in pg 198)
The advantage of the ICC over correlation coefficients is that it does no require the same number of raters per subject, and two or more raters or ratings can use it
Is the Kappa (k) statistic?
Its an index of inter-rater agreement- it represents the extent to which the study’s data are correct representations of the variables measured. With nominal data, the k statistic is applied after the percentage agreement between testers has been determined.
The k statistic was developed to account for the possibility that raters guess some variables due to uncertainty. Like most correlation statistics, the kappa can range from -1 to +1
With Kappa (k) Coefficient, what would be the strength of agreement with a Kappa statistic of <0.00?
With Kappa (k) Coefficient, what would be the strength of agreement with a Kappa statistic of
With Kappa (k) Coefficient, what would be the strength of agreement with a Kappa statistic of
With Kappa (k) Coefficient, what would be the strength of agreement with a Kappa statistic of
With Kappa (k) Coefficient, what would be the strength of agreement with a Kappa statistic of
With Kappa (k) Coefficient, what would be the strength of agreement with a Kappa statistic of
Almost perfect
What is Standard Error of Measurement?
SEM estimates how repeated measures of an individual on the same instrument tend to be distributed around their “true” score, and it indicates how much change there might be when the test is repeated.
The SEM can be used to differentiate between real change and random measurement error.
The smaller the SEM, the more precise the measurement capacity of the instrument
What is Validity?
The degree to which the test measures what is purports to be measuring and how well it correctly classifies individuals with or without a particular disease
What is Construct Validity?
Convergent Vs. Divergent validity?
This type of validity represents the level of agreement between a measurement and the idea it purports to measure. To establish adequate construct validity, the measurement should provide similar results to other measurements intended to measure the same variable.
- Convergent validity: is the agreement between two different measurements of the same variable.
- Divergent validity: is the extent to which two measurements of theoretically separate ideas are unrelated.
What is Content Validity?
This type of validity is the extent to which a measurement reflects the idea (content) it purports to measure.
Measurements with high contents validity demonstrate a more accurate representation of the variable being measured
What is Criterion-related Validity?
Concurrent vs. Predicted Validity
This type of validity estimates the extent to which the test can substitute for another test, which may be the gold standard test or a test of a related variable.
This is commonly assessed as concurrent validity and predicted validity.
- Concurrent Validity: Is the measure of association between two measurements taken simultaneously
- Predicted Validity: Is an estimate of the ability of a measurement to forecast a future measurement of outcome.
What is Face Validity?
This type of validity approximates that a measurement reflects the variable that the measurement is intended to estimate.
What is Sensitivity?
- What is Positive Predictive Value (PPV)?
Sensitivity represents the proportion of patients with a disorder who test positive. (A test that can correctly identify every person who has a disorder has a sensitivity of 1.0)
- SnNout, when a symptom or sign’s sensitivity is high, a Negative response RULES OUT the target disorder.
- The positive predictive value is the proportion of patients with positive test results who are correctly diagnosed.
What is Specificity?
- What is Negative Predictive Value (NPV)?
Specificity is the proportion of the study population without the disorder that test negative. (A test that can correctly identify every person who does not have the target disorder has a specificity of 1.0)
- SpPin, when specificity is extremely high, a Positive test RULES IN the target disorder
- The negative predictive value is the proportion of patients with negative test results who are correctly diagnosed.