Craniomandibular and Cervicothoracic Special Test Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Craniovertebral Forward and Backward Bending PIVM?
This test to evaluate the passive forward and backward bending of the cranium (occiput) in relation to C1 and C2 (Testing for OA); To incriminate a side, use finger to subcranially sidebend
What is the procedure of Craniovertebral Forward and Backward Bending PIVM?
Both hands isolate craniovertebral backward and forward bending while avoiding full cervical spinal movements. Overpressure is applied to assess the EF and the level of reactivity
Normal amount is approximately 10 to 30° of each (forward and backward), Passive movement restrictions are commonly found with patients with CGH, forward head postures and mid-cervical instability
What is the purpose of Flexion-Rotation Test (Craniovertebral Rotation PIVM in Full Cervical Forward Bending)?
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the passive craniovertebral rotation primarily of the C1-C2 segments with the lower cervical spine locked with ligamentous tension. (Testing for AA)
What is the procedure for Flexion-Rotation Test (Craniovertebral Rotation PIVM in Full Cervical Forward Bending)?
Therapist hold Pt. head and puts their neck in full flexed position with the head supported by the head of the therapist’s abdomen. Therapist then gently rotates head to end range in one direction then repeats in the other direction. Left vs. Right is compared.
- Looking for 45° of rotation on each side (nose points to axilla)
- Test is deemed (+) if there a 10° reduction on either side.
What is the purpose of the Craniovertebral Rotation PIVM Test in Full Cervical Lateral Flexion?
This test evaluates the passive craniovertebral rotation primarily of the C1-C2 segments with the lower cervical spine locked with ligamentous and joint capsular tension
What is the procedure for the Craniovertebral Rotation PIVM Test in Full Cervical Lateral Flexion?
The therapist brings the Pts. head and neck into a fully laterally flexed position and then gently rotates the head to the opposite direction of the lateral flexion to the end range in one direction then the other.
- Limitations in movement with this test are believed to be the result of stiffness of the C1-2 spinal segments
What is the purpose of Cervical Downglide (Downslope) PIVM?
To evaluate the passive downglide of cervical segments C2-C3 through C7-T1
What is the procedure for Cervical Downglide (Downslope) PIVM?
The Pts. head rest on the therapist abdomen, the MCP joint of the index finger on both hands is used to contact the articular pillars of C2 the fourth and fifth fingers are supporting the occiput. Pick a side then apply a force that is directed towards their hip area.
- When the C2 articular pillar is contacted, the segment is described as a downglide test of C2-C3 facet joints.
- This starts at C2 and proceeds caudally,
What is the purpose of Cervical Upglide (Upslope) PIVM?
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the passive upglide of cervical segments C2-C3 through T1-T2
What is the procedure of Cervical Upglide (Upslope) PIVM?
The volar pad of the index finger is hooked posteriorly around the articular process and into the laminal, rotation to either side is induced by pulling the articular pillar anteriorly cranially 45° and across
- This starts at C2 and proceeds caudally,
What is the purpose of Central Posteroanterior PAIVM?
To evaluate the passive accessory motion of cervical segments C2-C3 through T1-T2
What is the procedure of Central Posteroanterior PAIVM?
A posterior to anterior force is applied at the targeted vertebrae (Spinous Process) to assess for pain provocation, mobility and EF. The force is slowly increased with each repetition up to four to five repetitions
- The angle of force can be varied to find the plane of motion that has the most resistance to movement or is most painful. The forces can be varied to turn this assessment into a mobilization for treatment affects
What is the purpose of Unilateral Posteroanterior PAIVM?
To evaluate the passive accessory motion of cervical segments C2-C3 through T1-T2
What is the procedure of Unilateral Posteroanterior PAIVM?
A posterior to anterior force is applied at the targeted vertebrae (Transverse Process) to assess for pain provocation, mobility and EF. The force is slowly increased with each repetition up to four to five repetitions
- The angle of force can be varied to find the plane of motion that has the most resistance to movement or is most painful. The forces can be varied to turn this assessment into a mobilization for treatment affects
What is the procedure for TMJ Distraction?
The PTs thumb is placed into the Pts. mouth on the molars. The thumb is used to apply an inferior scooping force against the molars along the ramus of the mandible to distract the joint. The PTs other hand is palpating the TMJ joint (Externally)
What is the procedure for TMJ Lateral Glide?
If the PT is on the patients left side, the PT will place their left thumb into the medial aspect of the patients right molars. The thumb is used to apply a lateral force toward the patients right side and the pad of the third digit is used to palpate the TMJ externally.
What is the procedure for TMJ Medial Glide?
If the PT is standing on the Patients left side, the PT will place their left thumb between the maxillary and mandible incisors, the pads of the 2nd and 3rd digit are in contact with the lateral pole of the Right TMJ. The 3rd digit applies a medial force toward the patient’s left side.
What is the purpose of the Craniocervical Flexion Test (CCFT)?
To assess precision and control to determine if the patient can use the deep neck flexor muscles and hold the contraction
What is the procedure for Craniocervical Flexion Test (CCFT)?
Place airbag/BP cuff behind the suboccipital region of the neck and inflate to 20 mmHG.
- Explain the test and describe to the patient the movement they are doing is “gently nodding you head as though you were saying yes”
- (Stage 1) Ask the patient to slowly nod to 22mmHG and then 24, 26, 28, and 30mmHG.
- (Stage 2) Instruct the patient to slowly nod to 22mmHG and hold the position for 10 second, if successful increase 2 increments up to 30 mmHG. Once max pressure is determined, use this pressure level to measure endurance capacity
(10 reps 10 sec-holds)
What is normal and what are the compensations with Craniocervical Flexion Test (CCFT)?
- Normal performance is the achievement of pressure of at least 26mmHG with the pressure held steady for 10 sec with 10 reps. Ideal performance is 28-30 mmHG.
- Subjects with Neck P! demonstrated reduced activation of deep neck flexor muscles across all stages of the CCFT with increased activation of superficial muscles (Scalenes and SCM)
What is the purpose of the Deep Neck Flexor Endurance Test?
This is to strengthen the deep anterior cervical flexor muscles, also considered a progression from CCFT.
- This is testing the Longus Colli, Longus Capitis and Rectus Capitis Anterior and Lateralis
What is the procedure of the Deep Neck Flexor Endurance Test? What is considered normal?
With patient supine, they will raise their head and hold ~2.5cm off the table and the test stops when the individual can no longer hold head up or maintain craniovertebral flexion.
- Normal performance with individuals without neck pain is being able to complete test for at least 38 seconds, but subjects with neck pain tested at 24 seconds
What muscles are being tested in the Deep Neck Extensor Endurance Test?
Multifidi and Semispinalis Cervicis muscles
What is the procedure for Deep Neck Extensor Endurance Test?
Patient is prone with a laser attached at the head and aimed at the floor (table has to be 60cm away from ground). The patient performs a low cervical extension with the craniocervical region maintained in a neural with the face parallel to the floor and is asked to hold the position for 120 seconds
- The test is complete once the laser comes off the center of the target, patients with neck pain will do ~29sec, patients will no pain ~49 sec