Psychosis - Schizophrenia Flashcards
What are symptoms of first rank?
Symptoms which are indicative of schizophrenia in the absence of other pathology or organic impairment
Are first rank symptoms pathognomonic?
No, because they can be present in other psychoses
What are the main 4 first rank symptoms?
Hallucinations, delusions, thought interference, passivity
What type of delusions are usually seen in schizophrenia?
Primary delusions
What are some questions worth asking about auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia?
“Do you hear voices when there is no-one else around?” (- this is because hallucinations in schizo seem to come from outside the head like a normal voice) and “are the hallucinations your own thoughts?”
Describe the hallucinations which occur in schizophrenia?
Auditory: 2nd or 3rd person or commentating
What are some symptoms that are unlikely to occur in schizophrenia and so might be helpful in excluding it as a diagnosis?
Altered consciousness, disorientation and disturbances of memory as well as visual hallucinations
The first time someone presents with an episode that meets the ICD-10 criteria for schizophrenia, this is diagnosed as what? Why?
Acute psychotic episode - because a diagnosis of schizophrenia is fairly life-altering
What is the ICD criteria for schizophrenia?
At least one thing from criteria 1, or 2 things from criteria 2 present for most of the time for at least 1 month
Essentially, what are the criteria (1) in the ICD-10 diagnosis of schizophrenia?
Delusions, auditory hallucinations and thought interference
Essentially, what are the criteria (2) in the ICD-10 diagnosis of schizophrenia?
Hallucinations in any modality when occurring every day for a month, disorganised speech, catatonic behaviour, negative symptoms
What are some examples of catatonic behaviour in ICD-10 criteria?
Excitement, posturing/waxy flexibility, negativism, mutism, stupor
What is catatonia?
A state of psycho-motor immobility
What is posturing/waxy flexibility?
Being nearly completely unresponsive to stimuli and immobile for long periods of time
What are some examples of negative symptoms in ICD-10 criteria?
Marked apathy, paucity of speech, blunting/incongruity of emotional responses
What is the most common subtype of schizophrenia?
Describe paranoid schizophrenia?
The typical picture of schizophrenia, first rank symptoms predominate
Describe hebephrenic schizophrenia?
Younger onset, emotionally immature, disorganised, do silly things