Psychopathology Flashcards
ABC Model
Ellis’ explanation for how irrational thoughts affect behaviour
A- activating event
B- beliefs
C- consequences
Cognitive error where you exaggerate a minor setback and turn it into a major disaster
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - involves challenging and replacing irrational thoughts
Genes variation resulting in higher levels of dopamine and is common in OCD patients
Counter conditioning
Learning a new response to the object/situation
Deviation from mental health
not meeting criteria which suggest you are mentally healthy
Deviation from social norms
Behaviour that deviates from social norms is one that is ver different from how we would expect people to behave
Failure to function adequately
When a persons behaviour means they are unable to cope with the demands of everyday life
Behavioural treatment for a phobia which involves imagined exposure to the phobic object/situation without being able to escape
Negative Triad
Three types of negative thinking (self, the world and the future) that Beck suggested occur automatically in people who are depressed
An idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind.
Neurotransmitter which regulates mood - lower levels are associated with OCD
Social norm
The rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society
Statistical infrequency
A behaviour that is statistically infrequent does not happen very often
Systematic desensitisation
A behaviour therapy designed to gradually reduce a phobia through the principle of classical conditioning
Criteria for Failure to function
- Suffering
- Maladaptivness
- Unconventional behaviour
- Loss of control
- Irrationality
- Observer discomfort
- Violation of social norms
+ Failure to function - focuses on what can be observed
- Failure to function - criteria for lack of comfort
who decided what makes someone comfortable or not (subjectivity)
Criteria for ideal mental health
Self attitudes Self actualisation Autonomy Perception of reality Mastery of environment
+ Deviation from mental health - positive approach
follows what is desirable rather than what isn’t
- Deviation from mental health - hard to meet criteria
According to Maslow, self actualisation only occurs in exceptional people
Deviation from social norms is…
following a social guideline to what is considered acceptable
- Social norms - how can society decide what is acceptable
Homosexuality was deem unacceptable until the early 70s
Behaviours - Phobia
Emotions - Phobias
Cognitive Thought - Phobia
Behaviour - Depression
Weight loss/gain
Emotion - depression
Thoughts - Depression
Poor concentration
Behaviour - OCD
Emotion - OCD
Thoughts -OCD
Intrusive and irrational thoughts