psychopathology Flashcards
What are the 4 different types of definitions of abnormality?
Failure to function adequately
Deviates from ideal mental health
Drastically infrequency
Deviation from social norms
Describe and evaluate failure to function adequately
1S and 1W
When someone’s is unable to maintain basic standards of nutrition and hygiene
When you no longer control to standard interpersonal rules
When a person experiences severe personal distress
When your behaviour becomes irrational or dangerous to themselves or others
S observable characteristics
W cultural differences
Describe and evaluate deviates from ideal mental health
What makes people normal? MARIE JOHODA..good mental health is No symptoms of stress We are rational Realistic view of the world Have good self esteem and lack guilt Independent of others We can successfully work, love and enjoy leisure
S positive empathises- positive achievements rather than failure and distress
W changes over time, perception change, cultural variation and subjective criteria
Describe and evaluate deviation from social norms
We make a collective judgement as a society about what is right. When a person behaves in a way that is different from how we except people to behave
S helps people by giving society the right to intervene in abnormal peoples lives and help them
W subjective social normals aren’t real but are based on the opinions of ruling elite, time/change/cultural/individualism
Describe and evaluate statistical infrequency
Any behaviour which is statistically uncommon. Any behaviour that falls outside mean/median/mode
S based on real data
W same rare behaviour are desirable (intelligence)
W cultural factor
What are the emotional characteristics of OCD
Powerful anxiety
Low mood
Irrational guilt
What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD
Compulsions they feel compelled to repeat
Reduced anxiety when compulsion are performed
Avoidance, they attempt to reduce anxiety by keeping away from situations
What are cognitive explanation of OCD
Plagued with obsessive thoughts
Hyper vigilant
Aware they’re being irrational
What are the emotional characteristics of depression
Feeling worthless
Extreme anger
Low self esteem
What are the behavioural characteristics of depression
Lethargic Withdrawal from work/education/society Insomnia/hyper insomnia Aggressive Effect on eating habits
What are the cognitive characteristics of depression
Process info differently
Poor conc levels
Hard making decisions
Bias to recalling happy events
What are the emotional characteristics oh phobias
What are the behavioural characteristics of phobias
Endurance when the suffer remains in the presence of the phobic stimuli
What are the cognitive characteristics of phobias
Selective attention to phone stimuli
Irrational beliefs
Cognitive distortions
How do you explain phobias?
The 2 process model
Classic and operant conditioning
The phobia is developed thought classic conditioning
They learnt to maintain it through operant conditioning
The sufferer feels anxiety and panic when they see the phobic stimuli. In response they avoid and/or try to escape
Once they are away from the stimuli (rewarding) the suffer has learnt that running away will make them feel better. They’ll repeat this behaviour