issues and debates Flashcards
what are the 5 key words regarding gender bias
universality alpha bias
beta bias
define universality
this means that the conclusion drawn from research can be generalised and applied to all people. This is undermined when studies are biased e.g. only include males p’s.
define alpha bias
theories which exaggerate differences between men and women, such differences are represented as fixed and inevitable
define beta bias
theories which underestimate the difference between men and women.
define andorocentirism
A theory demonstrates this is male behaviour is deemed to be normal and female behaviour as abnormal
define essentalism
a theory is this if it suggests that there are gender differences and that these gender differences are fixed in nature
what has reduced gender bias in psychology
the equal opportunity legalisation and feminist psychologist have reduced institutional gender bias and drawing attention to sources of bias. A criteria was developed to reduce bias
give some examples of gender bias in psychology grossman field kohlberg giligan
GROSSMAN looked at attachment between mum and dads. The study found a significant difference between attachment with mum and dad. ALPHA BIAS
FIELD filmed babies interreacting with primary caregivers fathers and secondary caregiver fathers and found that primary father could be just as nurturing as mothers UNDERMINES ESSENTIALISM
KOHLBERG- theory of moral reasoning, he developed these stages through interviews with teenage boys, and generalised it to both male and female. He later carried out this moral reasoning on females and found that women reach levels of lower moral reasoning than men. ANDOROCENTRISM
GILLIGAN criticised Kohlberg’s theory and suggested that male morality is based on abstract principles whereas female morality is based on ethic of care. ALPHA BIAS
define holism
looking at the whole person rather than one specific factor
define reductionism
the belief that behaviour is best explained when broken down into small parts
state and define the different types of reductionism
biological reductionism which explains behaviour in terms of genes/hormones
environmental reductionsm explaining behaviour through stimuli repsonse which have been built through experience
evaluate holism
there are aspects of social behaviour that can only be meaningfully understood within a group concept
however these explanations arent scientific and can become vague as they become more complex
evaluate reductionism
often forms the basis of scientific research,
in order to operationalise we much first break behaviour down into target behaviour
however the approach has been accused of over simplifying complex phenomena leading to loss of validity
define freewill
idea that humans can make choices which arent determined by biological or external cues
define determanism
the idea that humans are not free to make their own choices but that behaviour is determined by genes or environment