psychopathology Flashcards
what is ao1 for localisation of function
holistic theory- all parts of brain involved in thoughts and actions
localisation- soecific areas linked with physical and psychological function
cerebral cortex- motor area= frontal lobe voluntary movement somatosensory area= parietal lobe, process sensory info from skin Visual area= occipital lobe RVF send to left visual cortex auditory area= temporal, analyse speech based info
Broca: speech production, damage= lack fluency, struggle prepositions and conjunctions
Wernicke: language understanding, damage= produce neologisms , fluent and meaningless speech
what is the ao3 for localisation theory
- support from neurosurgery - Dougherty et al- 30% OCD had successful response to cingulotomy 14% partial response - isolate cingulate gyrus can focus on serious mental disorders
- brain scan evidence- Petersen et al- listening task Wernicke active Tulving - episodic and semantic memories different part of prefrontal cortex
- x language localisation model questioned - Dick+ Trembley - few researchers believe only in Broca + Wernicke as FMRI show regions in right hemisphere and thalamus. Language organised holistically??
what are is ao1 and ao3 for definitions of abnormality
statistical infrequency - number not normal is abnormal. IQ 70 rare and infrequent= abnormal :( not always bad so inaccurate :( further stress unnecessary label
deviation social norm- act different to wider society - :) more validity that statistic as based on social norm :( cultural relativism
failure to function- cant cope agoraphobia- cant do crowded :)recognise patient view- help understand whether need help :( others may view as not coping but due to personal freedom
ideal mental health - Jahoda 8 criteria no distress self actualisation :) positive approach no label :( unrealistic criteria falsely state abnormality?
what is ao1 for cog approach to explain depression (beck negative triad)
depression caused by negative self schema maintained through negative triad: :( of future world and self due to faulty info processing and cog bias
e.g. depressed may overgeneralise make sweeping conclusions from 1 incident
what is ao3 for cog approach to explain depression (Beck negative triad)
- supporting research - Boury et al found depressed more liekly to mis interpret info negatively and feel hopless bout future - supports triad and bias- Clark + Beck found depressed experienced cog vulnerabilities
- x reductionist - doesnt extreme the anger or delusions of depression so may be bio explanation reseachers found low serotonin level in depressed and SSRI treat by increase serotonin
what is the ao1 for cog to treat depression
CBT- therapist and client identify :( thoughts using triad and challenge irrational thoughts by discussing for and against evidence for thoughts. Scientist does hwk to validify negative thinking
REBT- therapist disputes irrational belief by empirical (want evidence for thought) or logical argument (question logic). Behavioural action is aim as want to get back into everyday hobbies
what is ao3 for cog way to treat depression
- supporting evidence- March et al- after 36 weeks 81% CBT group, 81% antidepressants and 86% of CBT and antidepressants improved
- x CBT over emphasise role of cognition as primary cause. Doesn’t acknowledge circumstances
-x requires motivation - may not engage or attend so high attrition. high relapse rate- Ali et al 42% relapse 6 mths 53% year STM solution
- x CBT over emphasise role of cognition as primary cause. Doesn’t acknowledge circumstances
what is ao1 for genetic explanation (bio approach to explain OCD)
OCD polygenic- Taylor- 230 genes COMT regulate dopamine OCD=high dopamine SERT affects serotonin transport OCD= low serotonin active in brain
what is ao3 for genetic explanations (bio approach to explain OCD)
- supporting evidence - nestadt- 68% identical twin share OCD 31% non identical. 1st degree relative more likely to develop due to genetic link
- x environmental factors - Cromer OCD correlated numerous traumas so may be other explanation for OCD development not just genetics
what is ao1 for neural explanations (bio approach to explain OCD)
serotonin role in OCD, regulates mood, low=low mood characteristic of OCD SERT gene
high dopamine OCD symptoms (e.g compulsions) PET scans OCD, activity heightened in orbital frontal cortex shown OCD stimulus (dirty pen)- increases conversioni of sensory info to actions causing compulsions
what is ao3 for neural explanations (bio approach to explain OCD)
- supporting evidence - antidepressants work on serotonin to reduce OCD symptoms - also linked with conditions with serotonin link (e.g. parkinsons) neural factors play a role
- x lack of cause and effect- bio model suggest OCD caused by brain dysfunction but this just correlation but might be due to trauma impacting function. - lacks strong evidence for causal factor for neural explanation
what is ao1 for bio approach to treat OCD
SSRI prevent reabsorption and breakdown of serotonin so continues to stimulate postsynaptic neuron e.g. Prozac increases serotonin in synapse daily used for 3-4 mths
Tricyclics - serotonin and noradrenaline- worse side effects so only used when SSRI fail
Benzodiazepines treat anxiety by quieting influence on brain and stress- Valium enhance GABA performance
what is the ao3 for bio approach to treat OCD
-effective- Soomro SSRI more effective than placebo across 17 trials. reduce symptoms by 70%
-cost effective, non disruptive unlike CBT- favoured by doctors/ psychiatrists
-x serious side effects- SSRI= blurred vision, low sex drive tricylics= 1/10 erection issue- cause high attrition
what is the ao1 for behavioural approach to explain phobia
phobia by cc or oc or slt
Mowrer- 2 process model- phobia learnt through cc maintained through OC
CC- associate NS with smth triggers fear (UCR). after association CS causes CR
OC- phobia negatively reinforced by remove unpleasant consequence - e.g. fear of lift so take stairs (avoidance)
what is the ao3 for behavioural approach to explain phobia
- research support - Watson and Raynor - little albert- show cc involve in acquiring phobia
- real life application- led to flooding (prevent avoiding phobia stops neg reinforcement ) and SD (unlearn fear via cc principle) successful therapy
- x not explain all phobia- Bounton some have evolutionary factor (e.g snake) some are innate not learnt. predisposition known as bio preparedness casts doubt on Mowrer model
what is the ao1 for bio approach to treat phobia (flooding)
-behvaioural therapy
-immediate exposure as can’t avoid it
- exposing fear constantly , force to learn harmless so fear subsides as gets exhausting - EXTINCTION
requires informed consent
what is the ao3 for bio approach to treat phobia (flooding)
- clinically effective - Ougrin - just as effective as SD but quicker to achieve positive results so more favourable- one session so cost effective
- x symptom substitution - behaviour successfully removed but counter conditioning cause another to appear in place of it- initial cause remains, may resurface
- x traumatic - Schumacher, ppts more stressed than SD- cause initial high anxiety causing high attrition as too stressful to cope
what is ao1 for bio approach to treat phobia (SD)
- counter conditioning- phobia learnt so phobic stimulus (CS) produce fear (CR), CS paired with relaxation due to theory of reciprocal inhibition- cant experience 2 emotional states at same time
- create anxiety hierarchy phobic situations least to most terrifying - work through using relaxation techniques until completely relaxed = successful SD
what is ao3 for bio approach to treat phobia (SD)
- better than flooding- no engagement on cog level more ethical. doesn’t cause distress so lower attrition- lack of cog element makes good for disabilities or severe anxiety
- x doesn’t always work - notnot all develop through experience (CC) some are evolutionary as give survival benefit- limited treating ones with innate basis
- x symptom substitution - CC may cause another behaviour to occur instead of one removed- Initial cause remains