attachment Flashcards
what is the ao1 for strange situation
5 categories to judge attachment: proximity seeking, secure base behaviour, stranger/separation anxiety, response to reunion
baby encouraged to explore by caregiver, stranger enters approach baby, caregiver leaves, caregiver returns, stranger leaves, caregiver leaves baby alone, stranger returns, caregiver returns
secure attachment (60-75%) seek proximity, happy to explore moderate anxiety, accept comfort on reunion
insecure avoidant (20-25%) explores with no proximity/anxiety, accepts comfort on reunion
insecure resistant (3%) seeks greater proximity shows anxiety resists comfort on reunion
what is the ao3 for strange situation
- good inter reater reliability - Bick et al - 94% agreement in team when identifying types. use of controlled conditions, standardised instruction, easy behavioural categories
- x culture bound - japanese baby show anxiety as not used to caregiver leaving - limits usefulness
what is ao1 for stages of attachment
- asocial (first few weeks) - behave similar to people and inanimate objects
-indiscriminate (2-7 mths) favour people over objects - specific (7 months) show anxiety, bond with primary figure
multiple (by a year) 29% 2nd attachemnt within month of primary
Schaffer + emmerson - 60 glasgow working class. Ask mum bout everyday separation and unfamiliar faces = Specific attachment formed with most interactive to baby’s signals
what is the ao3 for stages of attachment
- real world app - child care decisions - asocial and indiscrimate comfort by any adult but not in specific
- x poor asocial stage evidence - babies = immobile hard to report - falsely appear asocial?
- external validity - observeration done by parent so baby not anxious or distracted - x risk of social desirability bis
what is ao1 for role of the father
3% cases father is primary attachment 75% 2nd attachment by 18mths
role = play and stimulation
Grossman - quality attachment with dad not as important as mum for adolescent attachment
Field- filmed 4mth babies primary dad spend more time smiling and imitating babies that 2ndary
what is the ao3 for role of the father
-x conflicting reserach - grossman dads play distinctive role McCallum children without dad don’t develop different - research may not be in conflict, children just adapt
- x observer bias- typical stereotype is dads are more playful which influenced observations
- real world app- parental advice reduce parental anxiety - encourage stay at home dads - economical implications
what is ao1 for Lorenz
1/2 goose egg with mum in natural enviro 1/2 with lorenz in incubator
saw lorens as 1st moving object followed him as if mother and as adults did mating displays to him
identified critical periodat
what is ao3 for lorenz
- research support- Regolin chicks followed 2st moving- animals innate mechanism imprint on first moving thing —– x Guiton et al - chicks initially tried imprint marigold gloves but via experience learnt to mate with other chicks. Imprint on mating behaviour isn’t permanent
- x not generalisable - mammalian mothers show emotional attachment to young more than birds.
what is ao1 for harlow’s monkey
16 monkeys had access to mlik from wired monkey and cloth monkey
scary situation found have innate drive to seek contact comfort from parents
attachment formed through emotional need for security rather than food
what is the ao3 for harlow monkeys
- real world value- show social workers risk factors in child neglect and abuse so know how to intervene. profound implication in childcare and impact of early experience on later development
- x ethical issues - lasting emotional harm in monkeys as struggled to form relationship with peers - experiment justifiable as understood attachment process and how to offer better infant care
what is ao1 for institutionalisation
Rutter et al- 165 Romanian orphans to see how good care makes up for poor early experiences
adopted before 6 mths IQ=102 after IQ=77, clingy attention seeking
Zeenah et al strange situation to assess attachemnt in 95 Romanian orphans 19% institutionalised group securely attached 44% characteristics of disinhibited attachment (equally affectionate to strangers and those know well)
what is ao3 for institutionalisation
- real world app- improved child care in institutions. homes now have 1/2 key workers playing central role for each child to avoid disinhibited attachment
- lack of data on adult development - don;t know LT effect as only have development date until ealry 20s
what is ao1 for cultural variations in attachment
Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg- meta analysis 32 studies using strange situation conducted in 8 studies
individualist cultures - similar rate of insecure resistant to Ainsworth original(less than 14% ) collectivist above 25%
what is the ao3 for cultural variations
- use of indigenous research- researchers same culture background as ppt so aids communication and prevents misunderstanding of instructions
- x confounding variables - study different country use different demographic and different enviro variable (e.g size of room)
what is the ao1 for caregiver interactions
reciprocity- respond and elicit, babies active ppts mothers respond 2/3 of time
Interactional synchrony - same action simultaneously Meltzoff and Moore - filmed response to 1/3 facial expressions and found they imitated. Isabelle et al high level of synchrony= better quality attachment