Psychopathology Flashcards
Definitions of abnormality - What is deviation from social norms?
- behaviour that is seen as a deviation from social norms is considered to be abnormal as a social deviant
Definitions of abnormality - What is a norm?
- standards of acceptable behaviour; expectations of behaviour
- set by a social group and carried out by one
- behaviour is considered to be abnormal if society or the majority considers it unacceptable and undesirable
- norms vary across cultures, situations, ages and gender.
Definitions of abnormality - example of social norm changes
acceptable to not acceptable
- drinking and driving
- smoking indoors
not acceptable to acceptable
- homosexuality
- having kids out of wedlock
Definitions of abnormality - Evaluation of deviation from social norms.
strength; separates undesirable and desirable behaviours. For example, the definition focuses on deviant behaviours which often cause issues for others or prevent society’s functioning effectively. This is a contrast to stat infrequency which doesn’t take into account that some rare behaviours, like a high IQ are desirable TMB, social norms are important to keep societies in order, and helps individuals function appropriately in society. This definition provides a practical way to identify problematic and damaging behaviours in society.
limitation; the definition is too vague. For example, singing and shouting in the street randomly would be considered abnormal yet doing this at a party or concert would not. TMB, whether the behaviours are considered abnormal or not depends on the context and degree. Social norms also change over time. This is a limitation as it is difficult to objectively establish what behaviours are considered abnormal as they are subjective to the env. Thus limiting deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality.
limitation; it is culturally relative. For example, the DSM is the main tool to diagnose mental illness, this classification system is primarily based on Western norms and yet is applied to all cultures. TMB, whether behaviours are considered abnormal or not depends on the social norms of the culture. This means that criteria for mental health cannot be universally applied, and should be specific to each culture. Thus limiting DFSM as a way of defining abnormality.
limitation; can have dangerous social consequences. Szasz argued that this definition is just a way to exert social control by excluding or labelling non-conformists’ as abnormal. TMB, social norms are not a set of criteria which is universally accepted. This means the way that abnormality is defined can change over time and this could be used to control specific social behaviours which are deemed unacceptable by governments (and other higher powers). Thus limiting deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality.
Definitions of abnormality - What is statistical infrequency?
- mean, median and mode
- Stat value that shows you what is most common and so we can then see what is not common (abnormal, for example; having a baby above 40 is not as common having a baby at 30)
Definitions of abnormality - Evaluation of statistical infrequency?
strength (counter); provides an objective measure of abnormality. for example, based off of a normal distribution curve, you could argue that only behaviours which occur in less than 5% of the population should be considered abnormal. TMB, it makes it possible to establish a clear-cut off point to determine which behaviours should be considered abnormal, which makes diagnosis more reliable. HOWEVER, this may not be the most effective approach to diagnosing mental health because one of the key criteria for diagnosis depends on the impact level of distress a behaviour has on the person. (low IQ may still be functioning well and without distress within their capabilities). TMB, using this definition could lead to unhelpful labelling of people who don’t need ‘treatment’, and further increase the stigmatisation and discrimination of certain traits and behaviours. Thus, although the definition of provides an objective measure of abnormality, it may not be completely suitable as it is important to take each individual as a whole into account when making a diagnosis.
limitation; some abnormal behaviours are desirable, for example, very few people have IQ over 150 but this abnormal labelling is desirable and the opposite - depression is common but undesirable, therefore statistical infrequency struggles to distinguish between desirable and non desirable behaviours . thus limiting the usefulness of statistical infrequency as an explanation for definitions of abnormality.
limitation; different cultures have differences in statistically rare behaviours. For example, in most Western and Eurocentric cultures, hearing voices would be considered rare. However, in many other cultures, this is a quite a common and desirable trait. TMB, it has practical implications for diagnosis and treatment, as it highlights the need for diagnostic tools to be culturally relative rather than universally applied. Thus limiting the effectiveness of statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality if cultural differences are not taken into account.
Definitions of abnormality - What is deviation from ideal mental health?
- behaviours which are seen as abnormal and deviating (not following) with ideal, positive mental heath.
Definitions of abnormality - What is Jahoda’s (1958) characteristics of ideal mental health? (deviation from ideal mental health)
self-attitude; high self esteem and strong sense of identity
personal growth & self-actualisation; the extent to which a person develops to their full capabilities
integration; being able to cope with stressful situations
autonomy; being independent & self regulating
having an accurate perception of reality
master of the environment; ability to love, function at work & interpersonal relationships, adjust to new situations & solve problems
Definitions of abnormality - Evaluation of deviation from ideal mental health.
strength; deviation of ideal mental health is a positive definition. Jahoda’s criteria is a positive description of ideal mental health (what it should look like). TMB, provides a better outlook on mental health as it shows us how to be healthy. this is a strength as it offers practical pointers on how to achieve a positive mental health and it can hep remove some of the stigma associated with mental health. Thus supporting DFIMH as a definition of abnormality.
limitation; not realistic, for example Jahoda’s criteria of having high self-esteem is going to be achieved by most people at some times, but not all of the time. The criteria suggests that you must meet all 6 requirements at all times to be deemed mentally healthy. TMB, as this is an unrealistic target as mental health differs day to day and can depends on various factors, meaning that it is very unlikely for a person to meet all 6 requirements at all times. This will have a negative impact if the criteria is sued for diagnosis as most people will end up being labelled as abnormal & deviating.
limitation; it treats mental health in the same way as physical health. Jahoda’s criteria can help us diagnosis poor mental health in the same way that doctors use symptoms to diagnose poor physical health. TMB, mental health is much more complex than physical health and often have multiple causes which aren’t always identifiable. Thus limiting the effectiveness of Jahoda’s criteria and DFIMH as a definition of abnormality.
limitation; lacks cultural relativism, Jahoda’s criteria is not applicable to all cultures. For example, the criteria of autonomy (being self regulated and independent) may not be as common in some cultures. For example, villages in India tend to rely on the community a lot more than a Western culture would, as they share responsibilities in bringing up a child. TMB, this definition is not as applicable to non-Western cultures. This means that if we apply this definitions universally, then there will be a lot more behaviour labelled as abnormal, when they are not. Thus limiting DFIMH as a definition of abnormality.
Definitions of abnormality - What is failure to function adequately and give example.
- abnormality can be judged in terms of not being able to cope with everyday living
- functioning refers to just going about say to day life (eg. eating regularly, washing clothes and getting up for work)
- not functioning adequately causes distress for the individual and potentially others
- DSM includes assessment of ability to function called WHODAS. Considers six areas; understanding and communicating, getting around, self-care, getting along with people, life activities and participation in society
- individuals rate each item from 1-5, given score out of 180. Includes quantitative measure of functioning.
Definitions of abnormality - Evaluation of failure to function adequately.
limitation; the definition is subjective. For example, the criteria of observer discomfort suggests that for behaviour to be considered abnormal, it requires someone else to judge it as such or feel uncomfortable with it. TMB, some people may report being in distress but may not meet the medical threshold for diagnosis and therefore not receive the help that they need. Conversely, some who may have been diagnosed may feel as though there is nothing wrong with them so will not engage with treatment. limiting effectiveness.
limitation; it doesn’t apply to all dysfunctional behaviours. for example, a really high IQ (over 150) may be deemed as abnormal but actually benefit the individual but yet may be suffering mentally but is masked by the ‘benefits’ of the IQ. TMB, applying this definition means that only some people with dysfunctional and unhealthy behaviours may not get the help they need as they appear to be functioning adequately. Thus limiting usefulness.
limitation; doesn’t take into account cultural differences. For example, Jahoda’s criteria of self-actualisation differs from culture to culture as ‘people reaching their full capabilities’ means different things to different people. For example, in China, a study found that people reach self-actualisation through benefitting the community where as in a more Western culture, self-actualisation is achieved through personal goals. TMB, this definition is not as applicable to non-Western cultures. This means that if we apply these definitions of what it is to function adequately universally, then there will be a lot more behaviour labelled as abnormal, when they are not. Thus limiting FFA as a definition of abnormality.
MENTAL DISORDERS; What is a phobia?
Diagnostic manual, DSM & ICD
- phobias are instances of irrational fears that produce a conscious avoidance of the feared object or situation
- Agoraphobia (fear of being trapped in public place where escape is difficult)
- Social phobia (anxiety related to social situations, i.e group of people)
- Specific phobias (fear about specific objects i.e spider/snake. Or situations i.e heights)
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name emotional characteristics for a phobia.
- excessive and unreasonable fear and anxiety
- feelings cued by the presence of anticipation of the object or situation (these are out of proportion to the actual danger)
- will be terrified when there is nothing to be scared about
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name behavioural characteristics for a phobia.
- avoidance of the stimulus and panic when the feared object is encountered
-freeze or faint (fight or flight) - avoidance interferes significantly with everyday life (routine, occupation, relationships etc.)
- eg. person not going back to work as they once saw a spider there (this distinguishes phobias from normal everyday fears that do not interfere with everyday life).
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name cognitive characteristics for a phobia.
- irrational nature of persons thinking and resistance to rational arguments
- becoming fixated on the object of fear and irrational thinking towards the object or situation
- person recognises fear is excessive/unreasonable
- (helps distinguish between schiz & phobias as schiz patients do not recognise behaviour)
MENTAL DISORDERS; What is depression?
- depression is a classified mood disorder
- DSM-V distinguishes between major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder which is long term & reoccurring
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name emotional characteristics for depression.
- formal diagnosis requires at least 5 symptoms
- sadness, loss of interest and pleasure in normal activities
- feelings of emptiness, worthlessness, hopelessness & low self-esteem
- despair and lack of control
- anger directed towards others/turned inwards on the self
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name behavioural characteristics for depression.
- reduction in energy and constantly feeling tired
- disturbed sleep pattern and changes in appetite
- increasingly agitated and restless
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name cognitive characteristics for depression.
- diminished ability to concentrate
- negative thoughts, negative self-concept, negative view of the world and expect things to turn out badly
- negative thoughts are irrational
- believing you will do bad at a test so reduce effort and fail the test (self-fulfilling)
- also classified as an anxiety disorder
- beginning in young adulthood and has two main components; obsessions and compulsions
- repetitive behaviours
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name emotional characteristics for OCD.
- obsessions and compulsions are a source of considerable anxiety and distress
- sufferers are aware their behaviours are excessive - this causes embarrassment and shame
- common obsessions concern germs which give rise to feelings of disgust
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name behavioural characteristics for OCD.
- compulsive behaviours performed to reduce anxiety created by obsessions
- there repetitive & unconcealed (eg. hand washing) and can be mental acts (eg. praying)
- people feel they must perform these acts or something dreadful may happen (creates anxiety)
- some may only get compulsions with no obsessions
- behaviours are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralise/prevent & are clearly excessive
MENTAL DISORDERS; Name cognitive characteristics for OCD.
- obsessions are recurrent, intrusive thoughts/impulses that are perceived as inappropriate or forbidden
- frightening/embarrassing so then individual doesn’t want to share them with others
- common obsessions; ideas (germs are everywhere), doubts (worrying something important has been overlooked), impulses (shouting swear words), or images (fleeting sexual images).
- uncontrollable and so creates anxiety, recognise that these are a product of their own mind
- at some point recognises that they are excessive/unreasonable
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to explaining phobias - the two process model
MOWRER (1947)
- two process model to explain how phobias are learned
- first stage is classical conditioning and then operant conditioning
- both are needed to explain why phobias begin and then continue
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to explaining phobias - Little Albert
- demonstrated emotional responses can be learned through classical conditioning
- 11 month old baby - Little Albert
white rat (NS) = no response
loud noise (UCS) = fear response (UCR) crying
loud noise (UCS) + rat (NS) = fear response (UCR) crying
white rat (CS) = fear response (CR) crying
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to explaining phobias - Classical conditioning, initiation
- phobias are acquired through association (Little Albert)
- Little Alberts phobia generalised to other furry things (ie. Santa Claus beard, a fur coat & non-white rabbit)
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to explaining phobias - Operant conditioning
- the likelihood of a behaviour being repeated is increased if the outcome is rewarding
- in phobias the case of avoiding/escaping the phobic stimulus reduces fear and is thus reinforcing
- this is negative reinforcing (escaping from unpleasant situation).
PHOBIAS; Behacoural approach to explaining phobias - Social Learning
- SLT is NOT part of the two process model but is a neo-behaviourist explanation
Example; seeing a parent respond to a spider with extreme fear may lead to the child acquiring a similar behaviour as behaviour appears rewarding i.e fearful person gets attention.
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to explaining phobias - Evaluation
strength; there is research support for the social learning theory explanation. Bandura & Rosenthal (1966) a model acted as if he was in pain every time a buzzer sounded. Later on those ppts who had observed this showed an emotional reaction to the buzzer, demonstrating an acquired fear response. TMB, modelling the behaviour of others can lead to the acquisition of phobias. Thus strengthening the behavioural approach to explaining phobias.
limitation; it is an incomplete explanation. Reattach, has found that not everyone bitten by a dog develops a phobia. Di Nardo (1988) said this can be explained by the diathesis stress model. This proposes that we inherit a genetic vulnerability for developing mental disorders, however a disorder will only manifest itself when triggered by a stressor (real life situation). TMB, a dog bite would only lead to a phobia if there was a genetic vulnerability for it, which the behaviourist approach does not take into account when explaining phobias. Thus limiting the behaviourist approach as an explanation for phobias.
limitation; it ignores cognitive factors. For example, the cognitive approach proposes that phobias may develop as a consequence of irrational thinking. For example, a person in a lift may think ‘I could be trapped in here and suffocate’. This causes anxiety and triggers a phobia. TMB, this suggests that the cognitive approach may be a better explanation for phobias compared to the behaviourist approach as it is more valuable as it leads to the treatment of CBTp.
limitation; cannot explain all phobias due to biological preparedness. Seligman (1970), argued that humans/animals are genetically programmed to make an association between a threatening stimuli and fear. These are known as ancient fears, things that would’ve been dangerous for our ancestors (snakes, heights etc.) TMB, it explains why people are much less likely to develop fears of modern objects like cars which are more of a threat than spiders, as these were not a threat in our evolutionary past. This highlights that the behaviourist approach cannot explain all phobias through learning, thus limiting it as an explanation of phobias
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - systematic desensitisation
- developed a technique where phobias were introduced to the phobic stimulus gradually
- aims to extinguish undesirable behaviour by replacing it with a more desirable one i.e relaxation
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - counterconditioning
- patient is taught new association which counters previous association
- taught through classical conditioning - associate stimulus through a different response i.e fear with relaxation
- anxiety reduced (desensitised)
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - relaxation
- patient taught relaxation techniques (deep breathe) (being mindful of here and now) (focusing on particular object) (progressive muscle relaxation)
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - Desensitisation hierarchy
- therapist and patient create a hierarchy from least to most fearful stimulus.
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - How does SD work?
1) taught muscle relaxation
2) construct hierarchy together (series of imagined scenes each one increasing anxiety a bit more than previous one)
3) works way through hierarchy whilst maintaining relaxation (can repeat one if needed)
4) moves onto each stage if no anxiety is achieved
5) patient masters feared situation
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - Flooding
- person with phobia is immersed in experience in one long session experiencing their phobia in it’s worst
- session continues until anxiety has gone away
- can be conducted in vivo (actual exposure)
- adrenaline is released in fight or flight
- adrenaline levels naturally decrease, new stimulus response link can be learned - feared stimulus now associated with non anxious response
- patient taught how to completely relax muscles
- masters feared situation - accomplished more long session
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - Evaluation of behavioural approach to treating phobias (systematic desensitisation (SD)).
strength; is effective treatment for phobias. McGrath (1990), found that 75% of people with phobias responded positively to SD using in vivo techniques. TMB, it shows that SD is an effective way to treat phobias due to a high success rate, helping people return to normal functioning, improving there overall quality of life. Thus strengthening the use of behavioural techniques (SD) to treat phobias.
strength (can be used for both SD & flooding); relatively faster and cheaper and require less effort on the patients part than other psychotherapy. For example, CBT requires a lot of thinking into your deeper mind to find mental problems, yet behavioural therapies do not so it is useful for those who lack insight into their motivations & emotions, such as those with learning difficulties. TMB, it makes it more accessible for everyone from different backgrounds and needs, it also provides an alternative option from other psychotherapies which are less accessible and more expensive. Thus strengthening the use of behavioural therapies to treat phobias.
limitation; HOWEVER, SD is not an appropriate way to treat all phobias. Ohman (1975), suggested that SD may not be as effective in treating phobias that have an underlying evolutionary component (eg. fear of a dangerous survival) than in treating phobias which have been acquired due to a personal experience. TMB, not all phobias are formed due to a traumatic event and therefore are not compliant with SD . These phobias highlight a limitation of SD which ineffective in treating evolutionary phobias.
limitation (can be used for both SD & flooding); A limitation of SD is the issue of symptom substitution. For example, Freud treated a little boy named Hans who had a phobia of horses as a representation for the envy of his father. TMB, SD alone is not fully suitable to treat certain phobias. This is because it focuses on changing the behaviour only, not the underlying cause of the phobia. This could result in the phobia resurfacing later or manifesting itself in a different way. Thus limiting the effectiveness of behavioural treatments of phobias.
PHOBIAS; Behavioural approach to treating phobias - Evaluation of behavioural approach to treating phobias (flooding).
strength; effective treatment for phobias. Chug (2007), found that both SD and flooding were effective in treating phobias, but reported that flooding was the more effective one out of the two. TMB, it shows that flooding is a good technique to treat phobias, helping people return to normal functioning, giving them a better quality of life. Thus strengthening the use of behavioural techniques (flooding) as a way to treat phobias.
strength (can be used for both SD & flooding); relatively faster and cheaper and require less effort on the patients part than other psychotherapy. For example, CBT requires a lot of thinking into your deeper mind to find mental problems, yet behavioural therapies do not so it is useful for those who lack insight into their motivations & emotions, such as those with learning difficulties. TMB, it makes it more accessible for everyone from different backgrounds and needs, it also provides an alternative option from other psychotherapies which are less accessible and more expensive. Thus strengthening the use of behavioural therapies to treat phobias.
limitation; flooding is not suitable for everyone. For example, it can be a highly traumatic procedure, patients are made aware of this before hand and may quit during it. This reduces the ultimate effectiveness of flooding for some individuals. TMB, it could lead to further trauma by reinforcing the phobia, instead of curing it. This means that it cannot be used to treat everyone, limiting it’s consistency and therefore it’s effectiveness. Thus limiting the use of behavioural techniques (flooding) as a way to treat phobias.
limitation (can be used for both SD & flooding); A limitation of SD is the issue of symptom substitution. For example, Freud treated a little boy named Hans who had a phobia of horses as a representation for the envy of his father. TMB, SD alone is not fully suitable to treat certain phobias. This is because it focuses on changing the behaviour only, not the underlying cause of the phobia. This could result in the phobia resurfacing later or manifesting itself in a different way. Thus limiting the effectiveness of behavioural treatments of phobias.
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to explaining depression - Ellis’s ABC model (1962)
Ellis ABC model - key to disorders is irrational beliefs
A- activating event; situation that triggers the irrational thought (most significant event causes depression)
B- belief’s; how the event is interpreted by the individual
C- consequences; what you/ how you feel about the event (emotional and behavioural characteristics)
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to explaining depression - musturbatory thinking, B+W thinking, utopianism, catastrophising
musturbatory; the belief that certain assumptions must be true in order to be happy (‘I must be liked by everyone’)
black and white thinking; if things are not completely good then they are completely bad - there is no grey area
utopianism; the belief that life is always meant to be fair
catastrophising; going to the worst case scenario
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to explaining depression - Beck, negative traid explanation
BECK - faulty info processing which causes neg biases
cognitive bias; process of distorting/misinterpreting info
over generalisations; drawing conclusions based on one neg experience
B&W thinking; focuses on neg aspects of the issue rather than the pos
negative self schemas; schemas about ourselves all interpreted in a neg way (childhood events may lead to these)
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to explaining depression - Becks negative triad (diagram)
view of the world
view of the self
view of future
(all interlinked with one another, like a cycle - drawn in a triangle)
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to explaining depression - Evaluation.
strength; has research support. Hammen & Kruntz, found depressed ptps made more errors in logic when asked to interpret written material than non-depressed ptps. TMB, it shows that irrational and negative thoughts affect thought processes causing a clear disruption in logic, thus strengthening the use of the cognitive approach to explain depression.
strength; has practical applications in therapy. Cuijpers (2013), stated that the cognitive approach has been used for the development of CBT, which is found to be the best treatment for depression when used in conjunction with drug therapies. TMB, it shows the effectiveness of the cognitive approach in helping treat patients suffering with depression. Thus increasing the usefulness of the cognitive approach to explain depression.
limitation; there is better explanations for depression such as the biological approach. For example, Zhang did research that supports the role of low levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin in depression and found a gene related which is 10x more common in people with depression. TMB, it shows that there is biological link in depression which the cognitive approach cannot account for. Therefore, highlighting the need to take more than one approach into consideration in order to fully explain depression. Thus limiting the cognitive approach to explain depression.
limitation; not all irrational thoughts are irrational, they may just seem irrational. Alloy & Abramson (1979), found depressed people gave more accurate estimates of the likelihood of disaster than ‘normal’ controls and called this the sadder but wiser effect. This highlights that perhaps not all the irrational thoughts are irrational, instead they are just realistic instead of seeing through rose-tinted glasses. Thus limiting the cognitive approaches value in explaining depression.
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to treating depression - (CBT) Cognitive behavioural therapy
CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy)
- ELLIS developed CBT - originally known as rational therapy
- then RET (rational emotional therapy)
- then REBT (rational emotional behavioural therapy), focused on challenging the irrational thoughts and replacing them with effective rational beliefs.
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to treating depression - (CBT) challenging irrational thoughts, ABC models
ABC model extended to ABCDEF model
D; disrupting irrational thoughts and beliefs
E; effects of disrupting and effective attitude to life
F; new feelings and emotions are prodcued
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to treating depression - (CBT) 3 disputing techniques to challenge irrational thoughts
1) logical disputing; self-defeating beliefs do not follow logically from the info available (eg. does thinking this way make sense?)
2) empirical disputing; self-defeating may not be consistent with reality (eg. where is this proof that this is accurate?)
3) pragmatic disputing; emphasises the lack of usefulness of self-defeating beliefs (eg. how is the belief likely to help me?)
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to treating depression - (CBT) homework
- clients given homework between sessions
(eg. doing something they were afraid of doing before) - vital in testing irrational beliefs against reality - new rational beliefs into practice
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to treating depression - (CBT) behavioural activation
- encouraging depressed people to become more active and engage in pleasurable activities
- being active leads to rewards that act as an antidote to depression
- therapist and client can identify potentially pleasurable activities and anticipate/deal with any cognitive obstacles (eg. I won’t be able to achieve that)
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to treating depression - (CBT) unconditional positive regard
ELLIS (1994)
- found integral factor of successful therapy was to convince the client of their value as a human being
- if client feels worthless, they will be less willing to change their beliefs and behaviour
- if therapist provides respect and appreciation regardless of what the client says and does (UPR) this will facilitate a change in beliefs and attitudes.
DEPRESSION; Cognitive approach to treating depression - (CBT) Evaluation.
strength (counter); research support. Ellia (1957), claimed that REBT had a 90% success rate, taking an average of 27 sessions to complete. TMB, it shows that REBT & CBT are effective in treating patients for depression, meaning they are able to have a better life and no longer suffer from depression. Thus strengthening the use of the cognitive approach (CBT) to treat depression. HOWEVER, Cuijpers (2013), did a review of 75 studies that used CBT. He found that it was superior to no treatment and was not always effective. Ellis suggested that this could be because some clients don’t put their revised beliefs into action. TMB, highlights that CBT does not work in the same way for all clients and it’s not guaranteed to cure them. Thus limiting the use of CBT to treat depression.
strength; research support for behavioural activation. Babyak (2000), studied a group with depression - they were separated into 3 conditions; four month course of aerobic exercise, drug treatment and then the combination of the two. He found that those in the exercise group had significantly lower relapse rates than those in the medication group. TMB, it shows that a change in activity such as physical activity can be beneficial in treating depression. This highlights that CBT is an effective therapy for those who suffer with depression. Thus strengthening the use of the cognitive approach (CBT) to treat depression.
limitation; individual differences can limit its effectiveness. Elkin (1985), found that CBT appears to be less effective for people who have high levels of irrational thoughts that are rigid and resistant to change. TMB, it shows that CBT does not work on all clients in the same way. The client must be somewhat tailored to the therapy in order to for it to be effective. This therefore limits the generalisability of the therapy due to individual differences. Thus limiting the usefulness of the cognitive approach to treating phobias.
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - What is it?
- anxiety disorder
- obsessions and compulsions
- symptoms; repetitive intrusive thoughts, anxiety, reducing behaviours
- 2% of population have OCD
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - What are obsessions and compulsions?
obsessions; a persistent thought/impulse that is experienced repeatedly, feels intrusive and causes anxiety (often negative thoughts about other people, eg. ‘my mum is about to die’)
compulsions; a repetitive and rigid behaviour that a person feels driven to perform in order to prevent or reduce anxiety (continues to grow, becomes more frequent and more time consuming)
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - What brain areas are involved in OCD?
- orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), COFC & the thalamus
thalamus; cleaning, checking and other safety behaviours
OFC; involved in decision making and worrying about other behaviour
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - How does OFC and the thalamus affect OCD?
- in OCD - OFC and thalamus believed to be overactive
- overactive thalamus = increased motivation to be clean or check for safety, leads to overactive OFC
- overactive OFC = would result in increased anxiety and increased planning to avoid anxiety
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - The worry circuit, abnormal
- calculate nucleus
- thalamus
- OFC (all interlinked, in a cycle, connecting areas with arrows).
1) CN identified worries and generates worry signals
2) if damaged it fails to out minor worry signals (calculate nucleus)
3) transfers major & minor worry signals from CN to OFC, the circuit becomes overactive
4) individual obsesses over minor worries and act in a way that is disproportionate to the worry (compulsions)
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - Neurotransmitters in OCD.
neurotransmitters; brain chemicals that enable communication between different parts of the brain. transmitted as electrical impulses using neurons, through synaptic transmission
- neuron where info comes from = presynaptic neuron
- neuron where info is received from= postsynaptic neuron
excitatory = increases brain activity
inhibitory = decreased brain activity
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - serotonin (mood neurotransmitters), inhibitory
- contributes to well-being and happiness - helps sleep cycle and digestive system regulation, affected by exercise and light exposure
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - dopamine (pleasure neurotransmitter), excitatory
- feelings of pleasure and addiction, movement and motivation - people repeat behaviour that lead to dopamine release
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - serotonin and dopamine in people with OCD.
dopamine; too much is transmitted which increases levels of activity and leads to compulsive behaviour
serotonin; not enough binds to the dendrites postsynaptic receptor site, therefore the dopamine excess is not balanced out or controlled, therefore anxiety is increased
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - genetic explanations to OCD.
- predisposes some individuals to the illness
- OCD is polygenic (more than one gene)
- TAYLOR (2013) - meta-analysis - over 200 genes in developing OCD (candidate genes)
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - Key study for OCD - Nestadt (2010)
- meta-analysis of twin studies in relation to OCD
- MZ OCD concordance = 68%
- DZ OCD concordance = 51%
- OCD can be genetically explained
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - Diathesis stress model
- suggests that people have a genetically vulnerability to OCD (diathesis) but an environmental stressor (stress) is required to trigger this (eg. stressful event such as a bereavement)
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - The COMT gene
- regulates the production of neurotransmitters dopamine (excitatory drive and motivation) that has been implicated in OCD.
- COMT gene results in higher levels of dopamine, this variation is more common in patients with OCD
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - The SERT gene
- effects the transport of the neurotransmitter, serotonin (inhibitory - stable mood & calms the brain)
- a variation of the gene creates lower levels of serotonin in the brain and this implicated in OCD
- can also link to depression/PTSD
OCD; Biological approach to explaining OCD - Evaluation.
strength; supported by family research. Lewis (1936) examined patients with OCD and found that 37% of the patients had parents with OCD & 21% had siblings who suffered. TMB, provides support for a genetic explanation for OCD and suggests that genetics causes a predisposition to the development of OCD although it does not rule out other factors playing a role (environmental). Thus supporting the biological approach to explaining OCD.
strength(counter); further support for bio explanation comes from twin studies. Nestadt (2010), conducted a review of previous twin studies and found that 68% of identical (MZ) twins and 31% of non-identical twins (DZ) experience OCD. This therefore suggests that there is a strong genetic component to OCD. HOWEVER, no twin study has ever found a 100% concordance rate in identical twins (MZ), which means that biological factors are not the only factor contributing to OCD and there must be environmental factors playing a part. Thus limiting the use of genetic explanations alone to explaining OCD.
strength; research support for neural explanations of OCD. For example, individuals who had a germ obsession were asked to hold dirty clothes and their brain activity was measured using PET scans, they found heightened activity in the OFC. TMB, supports the idea that when the calculate nucleus is damaged it is unable to suppress the thought of the dirty clothes so these signals go back to the OFC causing obsessive compulsions and thoughts. Thus supporting biological explanations of OCD.
limitation; argued to be reductionist. OCD is a complex disorder which is comprised of biological, behavioural and cognitive components. The biological explanation only focuses on physiological processes. TMB, by just focusing on this one component it is over simplifying a very complex disorder which takes more than one explanation to understand the full disorder, thus limiting our knowledge of OCD. Thus limiting the usefulness of the biological approach to explaining OCD.
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - what is drug therapy?
- medication is reducing/targeting the anxiety aspect of OCD
- either increases or decreases levels of neurotransmitters (mainly serotonin)
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - drug therapy, SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) - anti depressant
- increases serotonin levels in the brain by preventing it’s reabsorption
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - drug therapy, SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) - anti depressant - How do they work?
- neurotransmitters are released into the synapse from the presynaptic neuron and bind to the receptors if the postsynaptic neuron
- by preventing the reabsorption of serotonin, SSRI’s increase it’s levels in the synapse and thus continues to stimulate the postsynaptic neuron
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - drug therapy, SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) - anti depressant - Types of SSRI’s and side effects
Prozac (USA) & Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Citalopram (UK)
- 2-4 weeks before side effects are felt
- side effects; agitated, shaky, anxious, nausea, indigestion, diarrhoea/constipation, weight loss, blurred vision & dry mouth
- often combined with CBT - makes CBT more effective as the client is better able to engage with the work
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - drug therapy, Benzodiazepines (BZ’s) - How do they work?
- BZ’s are a range of anti-anxiety drugs (inc. Valium & Xanax)
- enhance the neurotransmitter, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
- GABA essentially ‘slows the brain down’ ‘chills out the brain’
1) BZ’s bind to GABA receptor
2) this enhances the action of GABA
3) the GABA opens up chloride ion channels
4) this lets lots of Cl- ions through, making the neuron less responsive
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - drug therapy, Benzodiazepines (BZ’s) - What are the side effects?
- drowsiness, light headiness, confusion, unsteadiness, slurred speech, muscle weakness, nausea, blurred vision
- people who take them for a long period of time can become dependent on them, causing severe withdrawal symptoms if they come off of them suddenly
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - drug therapy, Tricyclic - How does it work?
- blocks the transporter mechanism that reabsorbs both serotonin and noradrenaline into the presynaptic cell after it has fired
- as a result, more of these neurotransmitters are left in the synapse, prolonging their activity and easing transmission to the next neurotransmitters
- greater risk of side effects so are used as a second line treatment for patients when SSRI’s are not effective; reduced alertness, more suicidal thoughts, poor mouth hygiene
OCD; Biological approach to treating OCD - drug therapy, Evaluation.
strength (counter); research support for it’s effectiveness. Soomro (2008), conducted a review of research examining the effectiveness of SSRI’s and found that they were significantly more effective than placebos in the treatment of OCD. TMB, it highlights that there is a biological component of OCD and thus it being treated, symptoms of OCD are reduced, helping the individual suffering by returning to normal functioning of life. HOWEVER, studies often don’t test the long term effectiveness of frug therapy. Koran (2007), found most studies only focus on short term effectiveness, over a period of 3-4 months. This makes it difficult to fully asses the effectiveness of SSRI’S in treating OCD.
strength; drug treatments are a cost effective way of treating OCD. Drug therapy, such as SSRI’s and BZ’s are relatively cost effective in comparison to psychological treatments such as CBT. Consequently, many doctors prefer the use of drugs to psychological treatment, as their cost effectiveness is beneficial for health service providers. TMB, drug treatments can be accessed by more people, helping them return to normal functioning and in addition, boosting the economy. They are likely to be more successful for patients when lacking motivation to complete intense psychological treatments, helping them manage their symptoms of OCD better. Thus increasing the usefulness of drug therapy (biological approach to treatment) to treat OCD.
limitation; drugs such as SSRI’s and BZ’s can have negative side effects. Although evidence suggests that they are effective in treating OCD, some patients have experienced side effects such as hallucinations and raised blood pressure. BZ’s are highly addictive and can cause increased aggression and long-term memory impairments. As a result BZ’s are only recommended for short-term treatment (only up to 4 weeks). Consequently, side effects diminish the effectiveness of drug treatments as patients will often have to stop taking the medication if they experience the neg side effects. Thus limiting the effectiveness of drug treatments as a way of treating OCD.