Psychometric tests Flashcards
what is a psychometric test??
a way in which one can gather a standardised sample of behaviour in a standardised environment and assess behaviour objectively
what are the limitations of psychometric tests
small sample of behaviour
at a particular point in time
removed from individuals’ usual environment - particularly important for people with autism/ anxiety etc
ignores influence of person on environment
e.g high social intelligence, shape environment in a productive
what different types of dedicated psychometric test are there
self-report questionnaire: personality, clinical symptoms, life quality (requires metacognition, self-awareness, and honesty)
ability tests: IQ, numeracy, social skills
open-ended interviews: qualitative research where the interviewee sets the agenda and decides what is important
structured interviews: used heavily in clinical research (DSM-V and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)
how is standardisation ensured in psychometric tests
uniformity of procedure in administering and scoring test
testing conditions must be the same to make valid comparison
exact materials, time limits, oral instructions, preliminary demonstrations, ways of handling queries from examinees etc
Administer to a large, representative sample of the type of persons for whom it is designed
why does one size not fit all
subjective differences in nerves, sensory symptoms and social anxiety
response to reward: relative value
motivation in general: volunteers for trials often passionate about issue if personal, while others just need credit/money
expectancy effects: Prosoagnosia: believe they will fail on facial recognition so are less inclined to try to work problems out
what is validity
the extent to which a test measures what it is meant to
different validities depending on the specific purposes of the test and varying wiht the method of assessing validity
analysing test content
relating scores on the test to scores on a criterion of interest
investigating the particualr psychological characteristics of constructs being measured by the test
what is content validity
face validity: looks like it measures what it is supposed to - for wide use
expertise in selecting items
stimulus materials or situations comprising the test must call for a range of resposnes that respresent the entire domain or universe of skills, understanding or other behaviours that the test is supposed to measure
what is criterion related validity
relating scores on the test to performance on criterion measures
usually restricted to validation procedures in which test scores of a group of examinees are compared with ratings, classifications, other test scores
what is concurrent validitiy
when new and established tests are administered at the same time to check correlation
what is predictive validity
measured whenever the criterion measure is not available until some time after the test is administered
correlation between the test/predictor and a measure of performance/criterion with which test scores predict criterion scores
important in aptitude and intelligence test
correlation rarely over .6
limits interpretation
what is incremental validity
the degree to which a new test can predict the criterion over and above existing measures
useful in judging whether a test should be deployed
what is construct validity
process of gathering evidence from many experiments and observations on how the test is functioning
can predict direction and strength of correlation - comapare with actual results
convoluted correlatiosn indicate that our measure may not be specific
how can we establish construct validity
Check internal consistency of the test (see internal reliability).
Lab and field studies of scores from groups thought to differ on construct.
Check correlations with other tests of construct and those thought to be related. Factor analyse these inter-correlations.
Ask participants how they did the test.
Check test doesn’t correlate with other constructs (discriminant validity).
E.g test for autistic traits: big differences between ASD and control groups - check for discriminant validity
May not be because of autistic traits but associated traits such as anxiety, or depression.
what is reliability
to be useful, tests and other measuring instruments must be fairly consistent, or reliable, in what they measure.
a test is its relative freedom from unsystematic errors of measurement.
reliable if it produces consistent measurement under varying conditions that can produce measurement errors.
Difficulty is determining variability of measurement from variability of what is measured (effects of mood, concentration, learning effects etc).
People are not consistent - huge variations which according to a strict textbook interpretation makes tests unreliable
what different types of errors are there
Unsystematic errors:
Affect test scores in a random, unpredictable manner from situation to situation
Lower test reliability e.g fMRI
Systematic errors
Constant, may inflate or deflate test scores
Do so in a fixed wat so do not affect the reliability of thest
Does affect accuracy of test
Error variance
Conditions irrelevant to the purpose of the test
Error variance for one purpose may be classified as true variance for another