A1- Psychological definitions Flashcards
A1-Health and ill health
WHO 1947, defined health as a ‘state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’.
A1-Health and ill health
Ill Health
Is any deviationa state of complete physical, menatal and social wellbeing and not merely the presence of disease or infirmity.
A1- Health and ill health
Engle 1977. diagnosis and tratments of health should take into account biological facotrs (genes), psychological behaviour/ behavioural characteristics (stress) and social environment (family).
A1- Health and ill health
Biomedical defintion
Diagnosis and treatments of helath problems focuses primarily on physical or biological factors.
A1- Health and ill health
Health as a continuum
Health varies between 2 ectremes. you can either be very healthy or very unhealthy or somewhere in between.
A1 Behavioural and physiological addiction
Physiological addiction
Incolves compulsively taking a substance in which you can build up tolerance and experience withdrawl symptoms when you reduce or abstain.
Behavioural and physiological addiction
Behvaioural addiction
involves compulsivelt doing an action in which you can build up tolerance and experience withdrawl symptoms when you reduce or abstain.
Behavioural and physiological addiction
Dependence (Salience)
Griffiths 6 components of addiction
The addict becomes so dependent on the substance/behaviour that it becomes the most important thing in their life
Behavioural and physiological addiction
Griffiths 6 components of addiction
More of the substance / behaviour is needed to experience the same ‘‘buzz’’ as the firts/last time.
Behavioural and physiological addiction
Griffiths 6 components of addiction
Unpleasent symptoms experienced when the addict reduces or abstains the substance/behavioir. This can either either be physiological (headaches) or psychological (low mood).
Behavioural and physiological addiction
Griffiths 6 components of addiction
Reverting back to the addiction after a period of reducation/ abstinence.
Behavioural and physiological addiction
Mood Alteration
Griffiths 6 components of addiction
The addicts mood tends to chnage dramatically when they are taking the substance/ engaging in behaviour.
Behavioural and physiological addiction
Griffiths 6 components of addiction
Interpersonal conflict is when the addict is clashing with the people around them die to their addiction. Intrapersonal is when the addict is clashing with themsleves due to their addiction.
Stress is an emotioal response to athreat. These threats are called stressors. They may be physical or Psychological.
Stressors are threats that create stress.
* Physicsl stressors- There are many things in the environment hat create stres such as temprature, noise and overcrowding.
* Psychlogical stressors- Major events in our lives (marriage, divorce), evryday niggles and annoyances (being stuck in a traffic jam).
The Stress Response
- Physical stress- How the body reacts physically to a stressor (increased heart rates, sweating).
- Psychlogical stress- The emtion you experience when a stressor occurs.
Stress and percived ability to cope
This describes how just becuase a stressor happens to you, this does not mean you will experience psychlogical stress, thus just depends on how you think about it and your ability to cope with it.