Psychology Perspectives Flashcards
Who founded structuralism?
Wilhem Wundt
What is the focus of structuralism?
The structure of human consciousness and the basic parts of it
Method of structuralism
Experiments on so journeys that cause you to reflect on your thoughts and mental experiences before reporting them
Structuralism theory
The human consciousness can be studied and psychology is a separate scientific disciple
Functionalism founder
William James
Focus of functionalism
The functions that mental processes serve to enable people to adapt to different environments
What is the method of functionalism
Direct observations of people in their natural environment
Theory of functionalism
Consciousness is a never ending constantly changing stream of thoughts
Who founded psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Focus of psychoanalysis
The importance of the unconsciousness mind and how it influences thoughts and behaviours
Psychoanalysis method
A variety of qualitative measured are used to encourage the client to develop insights into their behaviours and meanings of symptoms (ink blots)
Psychoanalysis theory
That there are inner forces (ego, super ego) outside your awareness that are directing your behaviour
Founder of behaviourism
John Watson
Focus of behaviourism
The influence of the environment on an individual’s behaviour are not internal mechanisms which occur inside the organism
Method of behaviourism
Experimental methods are used to study observable behaviour that can be objectively measured
Behaviourism theory
That what we do is determined by the past environments and current environments
Founder of humanism
Carl Rogers
Focus of humanism
The uniqueness of each person and their positive qualities (humans are inherently good)
Method of humanism
Rejection of scientific methods but rather interviews, diaries and letters
Theory of humanism
That people are born good and that mental and social problems deviate from this goodness
That biological factors such as genetics and hormones affect the way we think, feel and behave
All behaviour is learnt and can be directly observed
Rewards and punishments
Internal mental processes are just as inlets not as observable behaviours.
How we acquire, process, remember and use information about ourselves
Social Cultural
Factors such as sex, age and race effect the way we think feel and behave.
The role of social and cultural influences on behaviours and mental processes.