Psychology of the individual (Gordon Allport) Flashcards
Gordon Allport was born on?
nov 11 1897, indiana usa
what was Allport dissertation was entitled?
An experimental study of the train of Personality
Allport became the president of?
American Psychological Association
Who was the first personality theorist who extensively studied psychologically healthy individuals?
Gordon Allport
What did rewards did Allport received?
American psychological foundation, gold rewards
American psychological association award for distinguished scientific contribution
is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environments?
this notion entails the operation of both body and mind, fused together?
personality is made of determining tendencies?
implies some code of behavior in terms of which individuals and their acts are appraised/ evaluated?
these are dispositions hat are closely linked to biological or physiological determinants?
these are neuropsychic structure having the capacity to render many stimuli functionally equivalent forms of adaptive and expressive behavior?
these are neuropsychic structure peculiar to the individual and forms adaptive and stylistic behavior?
personal disposition
personal disposition is also called ?
morphogenic traits
are also determining tendencies but are less general.
are combination of 2 or more habits?
is also a predisposition that can be unique may initiate and guide behavior and a product of genetic factors and learning?
are idealized constructions of the observer?
what are 3 types of dispositions?
cardinal disposition
central disposition
secondary disposition
these are very general dispositions that almost every act of the person who possesses on seem traceable to its influence?
cardinal disposition
they dominate the personality influencing almost everything a person does ?
cardinal diposition
these dispositions are highly characteristic of the individual
central disposition
these dispositions are more limited in occurrence and less crucial to a description of the personality?
secondary dispositions
region of the personality where we find the root of the consistency that marks attitude, intentions and evaluations?
proprium comprises ego functions such as?
self esteem, self identity, self extension, rational thinking, self image
during 0-3 years old the following aspect of self is developed during this phase?
sense of self
continuing self identity
self esteem
during 4-9 years old the following aspect of self is developed during this phase?
extension of the self
during 6-12 years old the following aspect of self is developed during this phase?
during adolescent years old the following aspect of self is developed during this phase?
propriate strivings
entails increasing reliance on personal and or internal standards of behavior?
this involves internalization of parental and cultural rules?
must conscience
this is governed not by fear of punishment but by the positive structure of the propriate strivings?
should conscience
when the maturity strikes on adult what conscience?
generic conscience
this principle states that a given activity may become an end in itself ?
functional autonomy
most controversial concept by allport?
functional autonomy
levels of functional autonomy?
preservative functional autonomy
propriate functional autonomy
level of functional autonomy that includes addictions, repetitious acts and routines?
preservative functional autonomy
level of functional autonomy that refers to acquired interest, values, sentiments, intentions?
Propriate Functional autonomy
healthy people need activities to absorb the energy left over after their opportunistic needs have been gratified?
principle of organizing the energy level
motives that lead to feelings of competence tend to become self sustaining?
principle of mastery and competence
those motives most consistent with or expressive of the self becomes autonomous?
principle of propriate patterning
are creatures of heredity, primitive drives and reflex existence?
transformation of the infants takes place along multiple lines:
functional autonomy
extension of self
what approach does allport have in learning?
eclectic approach
mature personality possesses an?
extension of self
this is the research of the qualities of the individual?
idiographic is changed to term?
this is the research for universal qualities among humans?
nomothetic terms is borrowed from?
what was the theory of gordon allport?
psychology of the individual