Factor Analytic theory( Raymond Catell) Flashcards
Raymond Catell was born in?
stafordshire england
Cartell began his graduate studies in doctorate psychology under the tutelage of?
Charles Spearman
Catell has inability to main a comfortable life due to his?
chronic digestive disorder
Catell worked a fulltime as psychologist in columbia university under who?
edward thorndike
Catell published how many articles and books?
400 articles 35 books
catell died on at the age of?
feb 2 1998 at the age of 92
is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation?
It is a complex and differentiated structure of traits?
is a mental structure and an interference that is made from observed behavior to account for the regularly or consistency of a person behavior?
2 types of traits?
surface traits and source traits
these are the clusters of manifest or overt behaviors that often occur together?
- similar to the notion syndrome and is less stable
surface traits
source traits are identified only by means of?
factor analysis
They claimed to be the real structural influences underlying personality?
Source traits
sourced traits are combination of 2 factors, what are they?
constitutional factors and environmental factors
traits that is influenced by heredity and genetics?
constitutional factors
traits that is influenced by the environment?
environmental factors
What are the traits in terms of modality?
dynamic traits, ability traits, temperamental traits
these are the traits that predispose or cause the individual to pursue a certain goa?
dynamic traits
traits that is concerned with effectiveness with which the individual reaches the goal or the capacity of the individual to reach a certain goal?
ability traits
these are also the constitutional aspect of one behavior such as speed, energy, or emotional activity?
temperamental traits
what are the major sources of dat?
L-data/ Life record
Q-data/ self rating questionnaires
t-data/ objective test
these are the actual record of the persons behavior such as school records, court records?
L-data or life records
these are the persons own statements about his or her behavior?
self rating questionnaires or the Q-data
these are the elicited through objective test through hypothetical situations on which the persons behavior may be objectively recorded?
T- data or objective test
what is the specification equation?
R- s1T1+ S2T2+…+SNTN
Trait is highly relevant to a given response?
High S
trait is totally irrelevant?
Zero S
if a particular trait is highly relevant to a situation the S will?
S will be large
if the trait is totally irrelevant to situation the S will be?
if the trait inhibits the response the S is
what composes the dynamic traits?
attitudes, ergs, sentiments
these are the manifest dynamic variable?
-it is also defined as an interest of a certain intensity in some course of action with respect to some object?
-they are observed expression of underlying dynamic structure from which ergs and sentiments are inferred?
-these are constitutional dynamic source traits?
- they are innately determined but modifiable implements of behavior?
defined as innate psychophysical disposition which permits its possessor to acquire reactivity?
4 major parts of ERGS?
Perceptual response
emotional response
instrumental acts
goal satisfaction
What are the 10 ERGs
hunger, sex, gregariousness, parental protectiveness, curiosity, escape, pugnacity, acquisitiveness, self assertions, narcissistic sex
they are environment mold dynamic source traits?
- parallel to ergs, is the result of experiential or sociocultural factors?
defined as the major acquired dynamic traits structures which causes their possessors to pay attention to certain object?
this illustrates that the dynamic traits are interrelated in a pattern of subsidiation?
dynamic lattice
are subsidiary to sentiments?
are subsidiary to ergs?
what are the basic driving forces of personality?
attitudes, sentiments, ergs
self is actually a?
- is linked to the expression of most or all the of the ergs and other sentiments?
- is called the master sentiment?
if the term in the equation is predominantly positive the attitude tends to be?
if the term in the equation is predominantly negative the attitudes will tend to be?
fixed attitude containing negative terms?
the conflict that remains after a decision has been made?
Indurated conflict
the conflict involved in deciding what action to take ?
active conflict
these are also patterns within a personality that come and go to a much greater extent compared to traits?
States, roles, sets
states are investigated through?
factor analysis
differences between traits are determined by?
correlation between test scores
what do you call the factor analytic study/quiz for 4-6 years old?
Pres-school personality quiz
what do you call the factor analytic study/quiz for 6-8 yrs old?
early school personality quiz
what do you call the factor analytic study/quiz for 8-12 yrs old?
child’s personality questionnaire
what do you call the factor analytic study/quiz for 12-15 yrs old?
highschool personality questionnaires
what do you call the factor analytic study/quiz for 16 years old and up?
16 personality factors
this is a method that catell developed for studying the influence of heredity and environment on source trait?
It is a tendency for environment influences to oppose systematically the expression of genetic variation?
Law of coercion to the biosocial mean
what are the 5 types of structures learning theory?
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
integration learning
ergic goal modification
personality learning
is important in attaching emotional responses to environmental cues?
classical conditioning
is important in establishing ergic goals?
operant conditioning
plays a role in building up the dynamic lattice?
operant conditioning
during this learning process the individual learns to maximize total satisfaction by expressing some ergs whiles supressing?
integration learning
during this learning process the ergic goal are modified and it is analogous to freuds sublimation?
ergic goal modification
this is a term that Catell coined to refer to changes due to environmental influence?
is the so called personality of the group?
10 dimensions that comprise a group syntality?
size, cultural pressure, enlightened affluence, thoughtful industriousness, vigorous, self willed order, bourgeois Philistinism, Buddhism mongolism, cultural integration and morale
This is the subset of syntality dimension that is analogous to traits of individual
synergy dimension
According to this model any psychological event has 5 signatures?
econetic model
what are the 5 signatures in econetic model?
person, stimulus, act, ambient situation, observer
study of behavioral ecology?
this matrix represents the syntality of a culture plus a personal relevance matrix
cultural syntality matrix
indicates how much individuals are influenced by the syntality dimensions of the group?
personal relevance matrix
what is catells theory that is based on sophisticated and strong statistical evidence?
Factor Analytic theory