Person Centered Theory (Carl Rogers) Flashcards
He was raised in a close, warm, and religious family environment?
Carl Rogers
Carl rogers was born on?
January 8 1902
Rogers studied in? majoring?
wisconsin, agriculture
A famous liberal religious institution which changed Carl Rogers Philosophy in life?
Union theological seminary
What rogers learned which started him on the road of developing his own approach?
Otto Ranks theory and therapy techniques
Rogers died because of? at the age of?
heart attack 85
What are the publications of rogers?
Counselling and psychotherapy
Client Centered therapy
newer concept in practice
This is the tendency for all matter both organic and inorganic to evolve from simpler to complex forms?
Formative tendency
example of formative tendency
snowflakes evolving from vapor, complex organism from single cells, complex galaxies of stars
this is the tendency within all human beings and other animals and plants to move towards completion or fulfilment of potentials?
Actualizing tendency
2 Basic assumptions?
Formative tendency and actualizing tendency
This is the locus of all experience?
what do u call the totality of experience?
Phenomenal field
is the symbolic representation of experience?
awareness is also called?
symbolization or consciousness
what are the levels of consciousness?
Ignore or denied
accurately symbolized
is the perception of unsymbolized experience?
t/f phenomenal field emerges within the organism?
is defined as the organized consistent conceptual gestalt composed of perception of the characteristic of the I or me and the perceptions of the relationships of i or me to others?
constellation of impressions about yourself?
self is developed where?
phenomenal field
this is what the person would like to be?
ideal self
this is the state when the symbolized experiences that constitute the self faithfully mirror the real experiences of the organisms?
when congruent person is said to be?
adjusted, mature, and fully functioning
this refers to the tendency to actualize the whole organism/whole person- conscious, unconscious, cognitive and physiological?
Actualizing tendency
this refers to the tendency to actualize the self perceived in awareness?
self-actualizing tendency
there is only one drive called?
self-actualizing drive
there is only one goal in life?
to become self actualized?
is comprised of all aspects of one being and ones experiences that are perceived in awareness by an individual?
self concept
this is the need to be loved, liked and accepted by others?
positive regard
this is the experience of valuing one’s own self?
positive self regard
they perceive other people love and accept them only if they meet their expectations and approval?
Conditions of worth
what do u call this example: a boy has a self picture of being good and being loved by his parents but he also enjoys tormenting his littles sister for which he is punished?
conditional positive regard
is falsifying of reality either by saying it does not exist or by perceiving it in a distorted way?
this happens when denied feelings are projected into the environment/ other people?
the warm accepting attitude from the counsellor encourages client to explore unconscious feelings and to bring them into awareness?
client centered therapy
psychopathology is developed through?
conditional positive regard
conditions of worth
this is a clinical technique where the client is given 100 cards containing statements about himself/herself
Q-sort technique
the client is asked to to choose the statements which best describes himself/herself creating the?
self sort
the client is asked another set of cards that describe the person he/she wants to be describing the ?
ideal sort
what is carl rogers theory?
person-centered theory