Psychology and Skin Flashcards
What are the five main areas for potential impact of a skin disease?
Physical comfort and functioning Acceptability of self and others Emotional well-being/self-esteem Social/Behavioural functioning Confidence in the nature and management of the condition (self-mastery)
What are the most important factors in how a disease will affect someone’s state of mind?
Their experience, thoughts, feelings and behaviour
Where are some high risk sites for skin diseases?
Aesthetic areas (e.g face), large areas
What influence someone’s coping ability?
Risk and resilience factors
What are some pre-morbid psychiatric disorders that could impact how someone will cope?
Anxiety, depression
How can you screen patients for distress?
Measure pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, O2 sats, temperature, tenderness/pain (blood glucose), triages by level of distress (low-high)
What falls under the psychosomatic medicine framework?
Assessment of psychological factors affecting individual vulnerability, course and outcome of any disease
Holistic consideration of patient care in clinical practice
Integration of psychological therapies in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of medical disease
What are some categories of psychosomatic skin diseases?
Primary skin disease precipitated or exacerbated by emotional factors
Secondary psychiatric illness arising from or exacerbated by primary skin disease
Primary psychiatric disorder which is manifesting via skin lesions
When should you adopt a psychosomatic approach?
When signs of emotional distress
When medical route alone is not effective
Psychiatric disorder but do not wish to see psychiatrist
When symptoms not compatible with signs
When clinical and pathological features don’t correlate
What aspect of the skin does stigma relate to?
The visual aspect
What are some different coping mechanisms?
Acceptance, denial, active coping, planning, positive reinterpretation and growth, practical/emotional social support, venting emotions, restraint coping, suppression of competing activities, mental/behavioural disengagement, humour, religion, alcohol/drug use
What other conditions is the quality of life impact of skin disease comparable to?
IHD, diabetes, depression, cancer
What are some management options?
Basic psychodermatological care
Engage patient, generate rapport, active listening
Non-judgemental, genuineness, treat seriously, empathise
Generate trust, hope and respect
Explore patient’s perspective of their illness (ICE)
What are some psychological variables that affect vulnerability to illness?
Presence of abuse at some point in life
Live events and grief reactions
Perception of an environment as exceeding personal resources
Interpersonal relationships providing a buffering role for stress
Psychological assets and well-being
What does the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) measure?
Emotional and behavioural reactions to skin disease: 2-5 = slight 6-10 = some 11-20 = substantial 21-30 = severe
What are wider aspects that can be impacted by a skin disease in a patient’s life?
Emotional distress, burden of care, effect of household, social life and holidays, financial aspect, physical well-being, job/study and leisure activities, sleep, food/drink, restriction of liked activities, need for support, people’s attitude, effect on sex life, dissatisfaction with medical care, role of religious faith