Psychology Flashcards
study of the mind, behavior, and factors that influence behavior
Formative years
research in imagery, focus and relaxation; beginning of exercise psychology
Biopsychosocial approach
psychologists explored the mind, body, and environmental connection
Expansive years
expanding to cognitive approaches - self efficacy, perceived competence, motivation, self confidence; focus on research and interventions
psychological framework
theoretical concept that is foundational to the application of the idea or intervention
Types of psychological frameworks
Belief attitude theories, Competence based theories, Control based theories, Stage based theories, Hybrid, models
Belief Attitude Theory
Mental process and intentional actions to prepare for a behavior
Theory of planned behavior
Theory of planned behavior
an individuals action is affected by: their positive or negative thoughts about exercise, social pressure, how much control they think they have
Competence Based Theories
when we feel we have the ability to do something, we are more likely to do it
Social cognitive theory
Social Cognitive Theory
looks at internal and external stimuli as influences in our behavior (antecendent variables)
Antecedent Variables
Past performance, vicarious experience, social persuasion, physiological arousal
Control Based Theories
people have an interal desire to influence their individual actions
Self determination theory
Self determination theory
applies the desire to have power over our actions to a psyhcological concept called autonomy
Amotivation, Extrinsic motivation, Intrinsic motivation
Stage based theories/models
our physical activity is prone to transitions through times of dedication
Transteoretical Model
Transtheoretical Model
identifies one’s readiness to change
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenence
Attribution Theory
examines how individuals explain behavior or assign a cause to a behavior
internal factors and external factors (outside of the person)
something (perceived or actual) that prevents us from achieving PA, exercise, etc
can be seen as the start of exercise after a period of inactivity
can be seen as one’s long term exercise behavior within or outside of a formal program
Psychological skills training
uses strategies and interventions to increase PA using the mind
imagery and mindfulness
a person envisions situation specific representations in the mind that leads to a desired outcome
the quality of being conscious within the present moment, a mental state focused on the here and now