What is the holistic, interdisciplinary framework for understanding the human experience?
Psychological development
It considers the influence of biological, psychological, and social factors.
What is the purpose of the psychological development framework?
To establish a more effective model in the consideration of mental health and wellbeing
It can also be applied to many disciplines.
What does the theory of mind refer to?
An individual’s ability to attribute and understand mental states, beliefs, experiences, and emotions of oneself and others
Developed during infancy and early childhood.
What skills are involved in the development of theory of mind?
- Recognising the emotions of others
- Assigning words to certain emotions
- Participating in imaginary play
- Understanding consequences of emotional expressions
What is attachment in the context of psychological development?
The formation of long-lasting emotional bonds between two individuals
Involves the bond between an infant and their primary caregiver.
Who are the three major theorists associated with attachment theory?
- John Bowlby
- Mary Ainsworth
- Harry Harlow
What is the significance of healthy attachment for children?
It ensures normative emotional development and allows infants to explore their environment safely
Healthy attachment leads to strong relationships.
What are the two key components for forming healthy attachment according to Bowlby?
- Consistently meeting the needs of the infant
- Enjoyable and playful interaction between caregiver and child
What characterizes secure attachment?
Infant’s needs are consistently met by primary caregiver/s
Allows the infant to feel calmed by the caregiver’s presence.
What are the likely outcomes of secure attachment?
- Healthy emotional development
- Sense of trust in others
- Feeling valued by others
- Security in expressing emotions
- Skills to deal with social challenges
What is the nature of insecure attachment?
Inconsistent meeting of the infant’s needs or ignoring them
May lead to infants not seeking or being overly desperate for comfort.
What are the potential outcomes of insecure attachment?
- Craving or rejecting affection
- Increased feelings of anxiety
- Inappropriate expression of emotions
What are the stages of cognitive development according to Piaget?
- Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years)
- Preoperational stage (2 to 7 years)
- Concrete operational stage (7 to 12 years)
- Formal operational stage (after 12 years)
How can the stages of cognitive development be remembered?
Using the acrostic ‘Small Pigs Can Fly’
S - Sensorimotor, P - Preoperational, C - Concrete operational, F - Formal operational.