3B Flashcards
What is normality?
🔑Normality can be defined as the state of having thoughts, feelings, and behaviours considered common and acceptable.
The opposite - 🔑 Abnormality
is the state of deviating from the norm, usually in an undesirable way.
different approaches to defining or describing normality
What is Neurotypicality?
describes individuals whose neurological development and cognitive functioning align with what is considered typical or expected in society.
Neurotypical individuals often demonstrate:
Strong communication and social skills
The ability to function in distracting environments without sensory overload
The capacity to focus for extended periods
Adaptability to changes in routine
Neurodiversity refers to natural differences in brain function and development.
Neurotypicality is the opposite of neurodiversity.
Adaptive behavior means adjusting effectively to the environment.
It is linked to normality, as expected functioning is seen as normal.
Maladaptive behavior is the inability to adjust effectively.
It is linked to abnormal functioning.
Psychological development is often monitored along three domains:
emotions, behaviours, and cognitions.